// 牛顿法求 num 的平方根 // 令f(x) = x^2 - num , 求 f(x) 的零点 // initial_num (x0) last_num: x(1) #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<cmath> double getroot(const double & num){ if(num==0||num==1)return num; double error = 1e-17; double initial_num = num/2.0; double last_num = (num/initial_num+initial_num)/2.0; while ( fabs(last_num - initial_num) > error) { initial_num = last_num; last_num = (num/initial_num+initial_num)/2.0; } return last_num; } int main(){ double enter_num; cin>>enter_num; cout<< "the root is :"<<getroot(enter_num)<<endl; return 0; }
2、求x 2 − ln x = 0的根
#include<iostream> using namespace std; constexpr double esp = 1e-6; int main() { double initial_num = 2; double last_num = initial_num - (initial_num * initial_num + log(initial_num)) / (2.0 * initial_num + (1 / initial_num)); while (abs(initial_num-last_num)>=esp) { initial_num = last_num; last_num = initial_num - (initial_num * initial_num + log(initial_num)) / (2.0 * initial_num + (1 / initial_num)); } cout << last_num << endl; return 0; }
class Point { public: Point() = default; Point(double x_in, double y_in) :x(x_in), y(y_in) {}; //拷贝构造函数 Point(const Point& p) :x(p.x), y(p.y) {}; Point& operator=(const Point& p) { //赋值运算符 x = p.x; y = p.y; return *this; } Point operator+(const Point& p) { return { x + p.x, y + p.y }; } Point operator-(const Point& p) const { return { x - p.x, y - p.y }; } double operator*(const Point& p) const { return x * p.x + y * p.y; } Point operator*(double k)const { return { x * k, y * k }; } friend Point operator*(double k, const Point& p) { return { p.x * k, p.y * k }; } bool operator==(const Point& p)const { return p.x == x && p.y == y; } bool operator!=(const Point& p)const { return !(p.x == x && p.y == y); } double modulus()const { return sqrt(x * x + y * y); } double DistanceTo(const Point& other)const { double dx = x - other.x; double dy = y - other.y; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Point& p) { out << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")"; return out; } public: double x; double y; };
//Define line segment. class Line { public: Line() = default; Line(Point p1_in, Point p2_in) : p1(p1_in), p2(p2_in), direction(p2_in - p1_in) { }; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Line& line) { out << "Line: " << line.p1 << " ---> " << line.p2; return out; } public: Point p1; Point p2; Point direction; };
class Segment { public: Segment() = default; Segment(Point start_in, Point end_in) : start(start_in), end(end_in), direction(end - start) { } Segment(const Segment& s) : start(s.start), end(s.end), direction(end - start) {} Segment& operator=(const Segment& s) { start = s.start; end = s.end; return *this; } //Segment operator+(const Segment& rhs) const { // return { start + rhs.start, end + rhs.end }; //} Segment operator-(const Segment& rhs)const { return { start - rhs.start, end - rhs.end }; } double length()const { return direction.modulus(); } Point unit_direction()const { int len = length(); if (len != 0) { return { len / direction.x , len / direction.y }; } else throw std::runtime_error("Cannot calculate unit direction for a segment with zero length."); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Segment& s) { out << "Segment: " << s.start << " ---> " << s.end; return out; } public: Point start; Point end; Point direction; };
class Polyline { Polyline() = default; Polyline(const std::vector<Point>& pts) :points(pts) { for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) { segs.push_back(Segment(points[i - 1], points[i])); } } Polyline(const std::vector<Segment>& segs_) : segs(segs_) { for (int i = 0; i < segs.size(); ++i) { points.push_back(segs[i].start); } points.push_back(segs[segs.size() - 1].end); } void append(const Segment& seg) { if (!segs.empty() && segs.back().end != seg.start) { throw std::invalid_argument("Disconnected Segment"); } segs.push_back(seg); points.push_back(seg.end); } void append(const Point& p) { const auto seg = Segment(points.back(), p); points.push_back(p); segs.push_back(seg); } Polyline operator+(const Polyline& other) const { Polyline result; result.segs = this->segs; result.points = this->points; for (auto& seg : other.segs) { result.append(seg); } return result; } Segment GetSegmentByIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= segs.size()) { throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range"); } return segs[index]; } std::vector<Point> Points() const { return points; } std::vector<Segment> Segments()const { return segs; } private: vector<Point> points; vector<Segment> segs; };
constexpr double Epsilon = 1e-6; using Vec = Point; //类型别名 // 点积运算 double DotProduct(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2) { return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y + v2.y; }
// 叉乘运算 double CrossProduct(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2) { return v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y; } int Sign(double x) { return x < 0 ? -1 : x>0 ? 1 : 0; }
// 计算点到线段的投影长度 x (p1p*cos(theta)) double ComputeProjectionLength(const Point& p, const Segment& seg) { const auto& p1p = p - seg.start; return DotProduct(p1p, seg.unit_direction()); }
// Compute projection point of point p. Point ComputeProjection(const Point& p, const Segment& segment) { double projection_length = ComputeProjectionLength(p, segment); Point ans; ans.x = segment.start.x + segment.unit_direction().x * projection_length; ans.y = segment.start.y + segment.unit_direction().y * projection_length; return ans; }
point to point:
// Get distance between point p1 and point p2. double GetDistance(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) { return p1.DistanceTo(p2); }
point to line:
// Get distance between point p and a straight line. double GetDistance(const Point & p, const Line& line) { Segment p1p2(line.p1, line.p2); Segment p1p(line.p1, p); /*p1p_.x = p1p.end.x - p1p.start.x; p1p_.y = p1p.end.y - p1p.start.y;*/ return abs(CrossProduct(p1p.direction, p1p2.unit_direction())); }
point to segment:
// Get distance between point p and segment(p1,p2). double GetDistance(const Point& p, const Segment& seg) { Segment p1p(seg.start, p); Segment p2p(seg.end, p); const auto c1 = DotProduct(p1p.direction,seg.direction); const auto c2 = DotProduct(p2p.direction,seg.direction); if (c1 <= 0)return GetDistance(p, seg.start); if (c2 >= 0)return GetDistance(p, seg.end); return abs(CrossProduct(p1p.direction, seg.unit_direction()));// 投影点在线段上 }
segment to segment:
double GetDistance(const Segment& seg1, const Segment& seg2) { const double d1 = GetDistance(seg1.start, seg2); const double d2 = GetDistance(seg1.end, seg2); const double d3 = GetDistance(seg2.start, seg1); const double d4 = GetDistance(seg1.end, seg1); return min(min(d1, d2), min(d3, d4)); }
enum class Side { // When the segment's length is zero, it's useless to determine the side, so we use DEFAULT_NO_SIDE to show. DEFAULT_NO_SIDE = 0, LEFT, RIGHT, // The three below states mean that the point is in line. ON_AFTER, ON_BEFORE, WITHIN };
- 点在线段的左边
- 点在线段的右边
- 点在线段所在的直线上点在线段前面点在线段后面点在线段内部
//判断点和线段的位置关系(5种) // Determine which side of the segment the point is. Side GetSide(const Point& p, const Segment& s) { const auto& p0 = s.start; const auto& p2 = s.end; const auto& a = p - p0; const auto& b = p2 - p0; const auto cross_product = CrossProduct(a, b); if (cross_product != 0) { // Returns LEFT if p0,p,p2 are clockwise position, returns RIGHT means p0,p,p2 are counter-clockwise position. return cross_product < 0 ? Side::LEFT : Side::RIGHT; } const auto dot_product = DotProduct(a, b); if (dot_product < 0) { return Side::ON_BEFORE; } else if (dot_product > 0) { if (b.modulus() < a.modulus()) { return Side::ON_AFTER; } else { return Side::WITHIN; } } else { if (a.modulus() == 0) { return Side::WITHIN; } return Side::DEFAULT_NO_SIDE; } }
// Determine which side of two segments the point is. // Method 2: through the side of p to one segment to determine, and except left/right side, we also provide other options. Side GetSide(const Point& p, const Segment& s1,const Segment& s2) { //DCHECK(s1.end==s2.start)<<"please ensure the two segments are connected."; if (s1.end != s2.start) { throw std::runtime_error("Error: The two segments are not connected."); } const auto side_1 = GetSide(p,s1); const auto side_2 = GetSide(p,s2); if(side_1==side_2){ return side_1; } if(side_1==Side::WITHIN||side_2==Side::WITHIN){ return Side::WITHIN; } const auto& p0p = p-s1.start; const auto& p1p = p-s2.start; const auto c1 = CrossProduct(s1.direction,p0p); const auto c2 = CrossProduct(s2.direction,p1p); return std::abs(c2) > std::abs(c1) ? side_2 : side_1; }
// Determine whether segment 1 intersects segment 2. bool IsIntersection(const Segment& s1, const Segment& s2){ const double o1 = CrossProduct(s2.start - s1.start, s1.direction); const double o2 = CrossProduct(s2.end - s1.start, s1.direction); const double o3 = CrossProduct(s1.start - s2.start, s2.direction); const double o4 = CrossProduct(s1.end - s2.start, s2.direction); // Segments are considered intersecting if they have different orientations. if(o1 * o2 < 0 && o3 * o4 < 0){ return true; } auto on_segment = [](const Point &p, const Point &q, const Point &r){ return (q.x <= std::max(p.x, r.x) && q.x >= std::min(p.x, r.x) && q.y <= std::max(p.y, r.y) && q.y >= std::min(p.y, r.y)); }; // Additional checks for collinear points. if(o1 == 0 && on_segment(s1.start, s2.start, s1.end)){ return true; } if(o2 == 0 && on_segment(s1.start, s2.end, s1.end)){ return true; } if(o3 == 0 && on_segment(s2.start, s1.start, s2.end)){ return true; } if(o4 == 0 && on_segment(s2.start, s1.end, s2.end)){ return true; } return false; }
//Calculate the intersection between segment 𝑝0𝑝1 and segment 𝑝2𝑝3. Point GetIntersectionPoint(const Segment& s1, const Segment& s2){ if(!IsIntersection(s1, s2)){ std::cout << "No intersection, return a deafult point value:(0,0)!"; return Point(0, 0); } const auto& u = s1.direction; const auto& v = s2.direction; const auto& w = s1.start - s2.end; const auto c1 = CrossProduct(w, v); const auto c2 = CrossProduct(v, u); if(c2 != 0){ const double t = std::abs(c1 / c2); return s1.start + t * u; } // Address collinear and overlapping situation. If so, we return overlaping start or end. const auto side_1 = GetSide(s1.start, s2); const auto side_2 = GetSide(s1.end, s2); const auto side_3 = GetSide(s2.start, s1); const auto side_4 = GetSide(s2.end, s1); if(side_1 == Side::WITHIN){ return s1.start; } if(side_2 == Side::WITHIN){ return s1.end; } if(side_3 == Side::WITHIN){ return s2.start; } if(side_4 == Side::WITHIN){ return s2.end; } throw std::runtime_error("Something is wrong, please check."); }
// Obtain curvature according to p1,p2,p3. // NOTE : curvature has a sign, not just an unsigned value. double GetCurvature(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3){ const auto& p1p2 = p2 - p1; const auto& p2p3 = p3 - p2; const auto& p1p3 = p3 - p1; const auto& a = p1p2.modulus(); const auto& b = p2p3.modulus(); const auto& c = p1p3.modulus(); const auto cross_product = CrossProduct(p1p2, p2p3); return 2 * cross_product / (a * b * c); }
Find closest segment-求polyline上距离给定点最近的线段
// // Created by CHH3213 on 2024/1/6. // #ifndef MATH_GEOMETRY_SEGMENT_SEARCH_H #define MATH_GEOMETRY_SEGMENT_SEARCH_H #include "utils.h" #include "Geometry.h" #include "Distance.h" #include "Projection.h" // Find the given point's closest segment in polyline using linear search. // Option 1. Segment FindClosestSegmentByLinearSearch(const Point& point, const Polyline& polyline) { const auto points = polyline.Points(); const auto segments = polyline.Segments(); //Compute the square distance between given point and first point in polyline. double min_dist_sq = GetDistance(point, points[0]); int closest_segment_index = 0; for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) { const auto& p1 = points[i - 1]; const auto& p2 = points[i]; const auto& seg = segments[i - 1]; const auto& v = seg.unit_direction(); const auto& w = point - p1; const double c1 = DotProduct(w, v); if (c1 <= 0) { continue; } double dist_sq = 0.0; const double c2 = seg.length(); if (c2 <= c1) { dist_sq = GetDistance(point, p2); } else { dist_sq = GetDistance(point, seg); } if (dist_sq < min_dist_sq) { min_dist_sq = dist_sq; closest_segment_index = i - 1; if (min_dist_sq < Epsilon) { break; } } } return segments[closest_segment_index]; } // Find the given point's closest segment in polyline using linear search. // Option 2: since we have implemented distance function, we can directly use it. //Segment FindClosestSegmentByLinearSearch(const Point& point, const Polyline& polyline){ // const auto& points = polyline.Points(); // const auto& segments = polyline.Segments(); // //Compute the square distance between given point and first point in polyline. // double min_dist_sq = GetDistance(point,points[0]); // int closest_segment_index = 0; // for(int i=0;i<segments.size();++i){ // const auto& seg = segments[i]; // const double dist_sq = GetDistance(point,seg); // if(dist_sq<min_dist_sq){ // min_dist_sq = dist_sq; // closest_segment_index=i; // if(min_dist_sq<Epsilon){ // break; // } // } // } // return segments[closest_segment_index]; //} #endif //MATH_GEOMETRY_SEGMENT_SEARCH_H
求函数f ( x ) = x 2 − 4 x 的极值点
// 无约束优化算法 // // Created by lg on 2024/7/12. // #include<iostream> #include<cmath> constexpr double eps = 1e-6; constexpr double Delta = 1e-4; //原函数 double func(const double& x) { return x * x - 4 * x; } //原函数的一阶导 double func_prime(const double& x) { return (func(x + Delta) - func(x - Delta)) / (2 * Delta); } //原函数的一阶导 double func_prime2(const double& x) { return 2 * x - 4;; } double GradientDescent(const double& x0, const double& LearningRate) { double x = x0; double x_new = x - LearningRate * func_prime(x); while (abs(x_new-x)>eps) { x = x_new; x_new = x - LearningRate * func_prime(x); } return x; } int main() { std::cout << GradientDescent(-2, 0.01) << std::endl; return 0; }
// 梯度下降法求二元函数极值 // // Created by lg on 2024/7/12. // #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include <valarray> using namespace std; #include<vector> constexpr double eps = 1e-8; constexpr double Delta = 1e-4; /* * 使用梯度下降法求解多元函数极值:f(x,y)=4(x-1)^2+(y-2)^4 */ /* 对x的偏导:8(x-1) 对y的偏导:4*(y-2)^3 */ double func(const double& x, const double& y) { return 4 * pow(x-1,2) + pow(y-2,4); } vector<double>func_prime(const double& x, const double& y) { vector<double> prime; prime.push_back(8 * (x - 1)); prime.push_back(4 * pow(y - 2, 3)); return prime; } vector<double>GradientDescent(const vector<double>& x0, const double LearningRate) { vector<double>x = x0; vector<double>x_new(2); x_new[0] = x[0] - func_prime(x[0], x[1])[0]*LearningRate; x_new[1] = x[1] - func_prime(x[0], x[1])[1]*LearningRate; while (abs(x_new[0]-x[0])>eps||abs(x_new[1]-x[1])>eps) { x[0] = x_new[0]; x[1] = x_new[1]; x_new[0] = x[0] - func_prime(x[0], x[1])[0] * LearningRate; x_new[1] = x[1] - func_prime(x[0], x[1])[1] * LearningRate; } return x; } int main() { vector<double>x0 = { 3,4 }; double learningrate = 0.01; vector<double>ans = GradientDescent(x0, learningrate); for (auto num : ans) { cout << num << " "; } cout << endl; }
x_new = x - f(x)/f'(x)
牛顿法是直接求方程的根(零点)的迭代算法,要想求函数的极值点,必须转换成f(x) = 0的形式求解 , 也就是求原函数的一阶导等于0的点,根据牛顿法去求,因此要求原函数的二阶导。
// 牛顿法求一元函数极值 // // Created by lg on 2024/7/12. // #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; constexpr double eps = 1e-9; constexpr double Delta = 1e-4; //原函数 double func(const double& x) { return x * x - 4 * x; } //原函数的一阶导 double func_prime(const double& x) { return (func(x + Delta) - func(x - Delta)) / (2 * Delta); } //原函数的一阶导 double func_prime2(const double& x) { return 2 * x - 4;; } //原函数的二阶导 double func_prime_prime(const double& x) { return (func_prime(x + Delta) - func_prime(x - Delta)) / (2 * Delta); } double Newton(const double &x0) { double x = x0; double x_new = x - func_prime(x) / func_prime_prime(x); while (abs(x_new-x)>eps) { x = x_new; x_new = x - func_prime(x) / func_prime_prime(x); } return x; } int main() { cout << Newton(9) << endl; return 0; }
// 模拟退火法求函数极值(全局最优) // // Created by lg on 2024/7/12. // // // Created by CHH3213 on 2022/9/12. // #include<iostream> #include <valarray> using namespace std; #define DELTA 1e-4 #define EPS 1e-6 /* * 使用模拟退火求函数极值点 */ double func(double x) { /** * 构造函数 * x:自变量 * return:函数值 */ return x * x - 4 * x; } double rnd(double low, double high) { /** * 返回指定范围内的随机浮点数 */ double rd = rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0); return low + rd * (high - low); } double Annealing(double T0, double T_min, double x0, double gamma) { /** * T0:初始温度 * T_min:温度的下限,若温度T达到T_min,则停止搜索 * x0:初始迭代值 * gamma:T_{k+1} = gamma * T_k, 0<gamma<1 * return:极值点 */ double T = T0; double x = x0; double x_ = 2; double delta_y = 1.0; while (abs(delta_y) > EPS) {//如果函数值满足精度,停止搜索 // while(T>T_min){//温度T达到T_min,则停止搜索 double x_ = x + rnd(-1, 1); cout << x_ << endl; delta_y = func(x_) - func(x); if (delta_y <= 0) { x = x_; } else { if (exp(-delta_y / T) > rnd(0, 1)) { x = x_; } } T = gamma * T; cout << x << endl; } return x; } int main() { double T0 = 200, T_min = 1, x0 = 2, gamma = 0.9; cout << "extreme value: " << Annealing(T0, T_min, x0, gamma) << endl; return 0; }
- 凸二次规划问题:G半正定,问题有全局解
- 严格凸二次规划问题:G正定,问题有唯一全局解
- 一般二次规划问题:G不定,问题有稳定点或局部解
// osqp-eigen #include "OsqpEigen/OsqpEigen.h" // eigen #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <iostream> int main() { // allocate QP problem matrices and vectores Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> hessian(2, 2); //P: n*n正定矩阵,必须为稀疏矩阵SparseMatrix Eigen::VectorXd gradient(2); //Q: n*1向量 Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> linearMatrix(2, 2); //A: m*n矩阵,必须为稀疏矩阵SparseMatrix Eigen::VectorXd lowerBound(2); //L: m*1下限向量 Eigen::VectorXd upperBound(2); //U: m*1上限向量 hessian.insert(0, 0) = 2.0; //注意稀疏矩阵的初始化方式,无法使用<<初始化 hessian.insert(1, 1) = 2.0; // std::cout << "hessian:" << std::endl // << hessian << std::endl; gradient << -2, -2; linearMatrix.insert(0, 0) = 1.0; //注意稀疏矩阵的初始化方式,无法使用<<初始化 linearMatrix.insert(1, 1) = 1.0; // std::cout << "linearMatrix:" << std::endl // << linearMatrix << std::endl; lowerBound << 1, 1; upperBound << 1.5, 1.5; // instantiate the solver OsqpEigen::Solver solver; // settings solver.settings()->setVerbosity(false); //将verbosity设置为false通常意味着求解器在运行时不会输出额外的调试信息或进度信息,仅输出最终结果 solver.settings()->setWarmStart(true); //热启动是一种优化策略,它允许求解器从上一次求解的解开始,而不是每次都从初始解开始。 // set the initial data of the QP solver solver.data()->setNumberOfVariables(2); //变量数n solver.data()->setNumberOfConstraints(2); //约束数m if (!solver.data()->setHessianMatrix(hessian)) return 1; if (!solver.data()->setGradient(gradient)) return 1; if (!solver.data()->setLinearConstraintsMatrix(linearMatrix)) return 1; if (!solver.data()->setLowerBound(lowerBound)) return 1; if (!solver.data()->setUpperBound(upperBound)) return 1; // instantiate the solver if (!solver.initSolver()) return 1; Eigen::VectorXd QPSolution; // solve the QP problem if (!solver.solve()) { return 1; } QPSolution = solver.getSolution(); std::cout << "QPSolution" << std::endl << QPSolution << std::endl; //输出为m*1的向量 return 0; }