题解 | #计算每天的有点比和query平均点击数#
#还是先吐槽发布的题意没读懂。 #题意在用户在search_log_tb这表的,event_time时间与之后的时间之前,点击的情况。 #我之前有个想法,就是直接整天全求出来,后来发现要判断每天点击不为空的次数,因此,要求每人每个时间段的次数,然后在一层求有效点击和均点击值 with tiaojian as ( select uid, event_time, lead(event_time,1,(select max(event_time) from search_log_tb))over(partition by uid order by event_time asc) as m from search_log_tb ) select date(t.event_time) as dt, round( avg(case when cnt>0 then 1 else 0 end),3) as click_rate, round( avg(cnt),3) as avg_click_cnt from( select t.uid, t.event_time, count(tb.id) as cnt from tiaojian t left join click_log_tb tb on t.uid=tb.uid and tb.event_time between t.event_time and t.m group by t.event_time,t.uid ) as t group by dt