#非技术面试记录# 照例写一篇面经攒人品4轮loop真的磨人呀~ 分了两天面完,1轮中午,3轮全英。每个LP都制定了一条案例第1轮(bar raiser轮,中文)1. 举一个从0到1学习某个领域,做成项目的例子。2. 举你超出职责范围的案例。3. 在紧急情况下,被challenge的情况下,你仍然做成某事的案例。4. 时间紧急的情况下,冒险完成某件事情的案例。第2轮(同团队的外国人,英文)1. A time that you receive negative review from customer. 2. A time that you fail a commitment how did you deal with it? (我问是否可以改成I achieved something that even if there’s possibility fail to commit)3. A time to use a lot data to do something. 第3轮(同团队的外国人,英文)1. A time that I need to gather full information for an important decision. 2. A time that my colleague disagree with me, how do I react and what’s the outcome.第4轮(同团队的外国人,英文)1. A time that I get feedback from client and utilize it in an innovative way to solve a problem.2. A time that think out of the box and overachieve the target. 3. A time that I didn’t manage the timeline/resource in an effective way, how did I deal with it?复盘和体验出下篇或者评论区见~ #亚马逊# #亚马逊loop#