题解 | 完成员工考核试卷突出的非领导员工
with tiaojian as ( select ed.emp_id, eo.exam_id, emp_level, eo.tag, ed.score, timestampdiff(minute,start_time,submit_time) as pt, avg(score)over(partition by eo.exam_id) as pc, avg(timestampdiff(minute,start_time,submit_time))over(partition by eo.exam_id) as pdiff from exam_record ed inner join emp_info ef on ed.emp_id=ef.emp_id inner join examination_info eo on eo.exam_id=ed.exam_id ) select emp_id, emp_level, tag from tiaojian where pt<pdiff and score>pc and emp_level<7 order by emp_id asc,exam_id asc