题解 | #10月的新户客单价和获客成本#
with t1 as (select uid, min(date(event_time)) as min_t from tb_order_overall tl group by uid having min_t between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-31' ) , t2 as ( select * from( select t1.uid, order_id, event_time, total_amount, row_number() over(partition by uid order by event_time) as ranks from t1 left join tb_order_overall tl on t1.uid=tl.uid) a where ranks =1 ) select round(avg(total_amount),1) as avg_amount, round(avg(cost),1) as avg_cost from ( select t2.order_id, total_amount, total_p, total_p-total_amount as cost from t2 left join( select t2.order_id, sum(price) as total_p from t2 left join tb_order_detail td on t2.order_id=td.order_id group by t2.order_id ) b on t2.order_id=b.order_id ) c