题解 | #工作日各时段叫车量、等待接单时间和调度时间#
#这个题总体来说还是容易,但这里的叫车量指的是某顾客的一条叫车记录在打车订单表tb_get_car_order有订单生成(有司机接了订单) 才叫一个打车,如果没有司机接单的就不叫打车,不统计没有司机接单的数据。
select c.period,sum(case when c.order_id is not null then 1 else 0 end) as get_car_num, format(sum( case when c.order_time is not null then (unix_timestamp(c.order_time)-unix_timestamp(c.event_time))/60 else 0 end)/sum(case when c.order_id is not null then 1 else 0 end),1) as avg_wait_time, format(sum( case when c.start_time is not null and c.finish_time is not null then (unix_timestamp(c.start_time) - unix_timestamp(c.order_time))/60 else 0 end)/sum(case when c.start_time is not null and c.finish_time is not null then 1 else 0 end),1) as avg_dispatch_time from ( select a.event_time, b.order_id, case when hour(a.event_time) >= 7 and hour(a.event_time) < 9 then '早高峰' when hour(a.event_time) >= 9 and hour(a.event_time) < 17 then '工作时间' when hour(a.event_time) >= 17 and hour(a.event_time) < 20 then '晚高峰' else '休息时间' end as period, b.order_time,b.start_time,b.finish_time from tb_get_car_record a left join tb_get_car_order b on a.order_id = b.order_id and WEEKDAY(a.event_time) <= 4 ) c group by c.period order by get_car_num