题解 | #对试卷得分做min-max归一化#
select d.uid,d.exam_id,format(sum(calcScore)/count(1),0) as avg_new_score from ( select c.uid,c.exam_id,if(c.maxScore=c.minScore,c.score,((c.score - c.minScore)/(c.maxScore - c.minScore)) * 100) as calcScore from ( select a.uid,a.exam_id,a.score, min(a.score) over(partition by a.exam_id rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as minScore, max(a.score) over(partition by a.exam_id rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as maxScore from exam_record a join examination_info b on a.exam_id = b.exam_id and b.difficulty="hard" and a.score is not null ) c ) d group by d.uid,d.exam_id order by d.exam_id ,avg_new_score*1 desc