前端手写题之 树 场景题 js
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前端手写题系列文章: 前端手写题之正则表达式 前端手写题之 树 场景题 js 前端手写题之JavaScript 原生方法重写
{ tag: 'DIV', children: [ { tag: 'SPAN', children: [ { tag: 'A', children: [] } ] }, { tag: 'SPAN', children: [ { tag: 'A', children: [] }, { tag: 'A', children: [] } ] } ] }
function dom2Json(domtree) { let obj = {}; obj.name = domtree.tagName; obj.children = []; domtree.childNodes.forEach((child) => obj.children.push(dom2Json(child))); return obj; }
将虚拟 Dom 转化为真实 Dom
{ tag: 'DIV', attrs:{ id:'app' }, children: [ { tag: 'SPAN', children: [ { tag: 'A', children: [] } ] }, { tag: 'SPAN', children: [ { tag: 'A', children: [] }, { tag: 'A', children: [] } ] } ] } 把上诉虚拟Dom转化成下方真实Dom <div id="app"> <span> <a></a> </span> <span> <a></a> <a></a> </span> </div>
// 真正的渲染函数 function _render(vnode) { // 如果是数字类型转化为字符串 if (typeof vnode === "number") { vnode = String(vnode); } // 字符串类型直接就是文本节点 if (typeof vnode === "string") { return document.createTextNode(vnode); } // 普通DOM const dom = document.createElement(vnode.tag); if (vnode.attrs) { // 遍历属性 Object.keys(vnode.attrs).forEach((key) => { const value = vnode.attrs[key]; dom.setAttribute(key, value); }); } // 子数组进行递归操作 vnode.children.forEach((child) => dom.appendChild(_render(child))); return dom; }
const tree = { name: 'root', children: [ { name: '叶子1-1' }, { name: '叶子1-2' }, { name: '叶子2-1', children: [{ name: '叶子3-1', children: [{ name: '叶子4-1', children: [{}] }] }] } ] } function getLevel(tree) { if (tree == null) return 0; const queue = [tree] let dep = 0; while (queue.length) { dep++; const size = queue.length for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const node = queue.shift() if (node.children) { for (const child of node.children) { queue.push(child) } } } } return dep } console.log(getLevel(tree));
const treeData = [ { name: "root", children: [ { name: "src", children: [{ name: "index.html" }] }, { name: "public", children: [] }, ], }, ]; const RecursiveTree = (data) => { const res = [] const dfs = (data) => { data.forEach(ele => { res.push(ele.name) ele.children && dfs(ele.children) }); } dfs(data) return res; } console.log(RecursiveTree(treeData));
const data = [ { id: 1, text: '节点1', parentId: 0, children: [ { id: 2, text: '节点1_1', parentId: 1 } ] } ] //直接放,删除逻辑 function treeToList(data) { let res = []; const dfs = (tree) => { tree.forEach((item) => { if (item.children) { dfs(item.children); delete item.children; } res.push(item); }); }; dfs(data); return res; } //直接放需要的,我写的 function treeToList(data) { const res = [] function dfs(data) { const obj = {} data.forEach(ele => { obj.id = ele.id obj.text = ele.text obj.parentId = ele.parentId ele.children && dfs(ele.children) }); res.push(obj) } dfs(data) return res; } console.log(treeToList(data));
const rootList = [ { id: 1, parent: null, text: "菜单1" }, { id: 11, parent: 1, text: "菜单1-1" }, { id: 12, parent: 1, text: "菜单1-2" }, { id: 2, parent: null, text: "菜单2" }, { id: 21, parent: 2, text: "菜单2-1" }, ]; function getTreeList(rootList, id, list) { for (const item of rootList) { if (item.parent === id) { list.push(item); } } for (const i of list) { i.children = []; getTreeList(rootList, i.id, i.children); if (i.children.length === 0) { delete i.children; } } return list; } const res = getTreeList(rootList, null, []); console.log("res", res);
const tree = { name: 'root', children: [ { name: 'c1', children: [ { name: 'c11', children: [] }, { name: 'c12', children: [] } ] }, { name: 'c2', children: [ { name: 'c21', children: [] }, { name: 'c22', children: [] } ] } ] } // 深度优先的方式遍历 打印 name // ['root', 'c1','c11', 'c12', 'c2', 'c21', 'c22'] // 我写的 function solve(root) { const res = [] function dfs(root) { for (const key in root) { if (key === 'name') { res.push(root[key]) } else if (key === 'children') { root[key].forEach(ele => { dfs(ele) }); } } } dfs(root) return res; } console.log(solve(tree));
var tree = { name: '中国', children: [ { name: '北京', children: [ { name: '朝阳群众' }, { name: '海淀区' }, { name: '昌平区' } ] }, { name: '浙江省', children: [ { name: '杭州市', code: '0571', }, { name: '嘉兴市' }, { name: '绍兴市' }, { name: '宁波市' } ] } ] }; function fn(tree, name) { const obj = {} function dfs(tree) { for (const key in tree) { if (tree.name === name) { obj[key] = tree[key] } else { tree.children && tree.children.forEach(ele => { dfs(ele) }); } } } dfs(tree) return obj } function fn(tree, name) { //bfs let Queue = [[tree.name, tree.children]]; while (Queue.length > 0) { //出队当前节点 let cur = Queue.shift(); if (cur[0] === name) return { name: name, code: cur[1] } //将children入队 if (cur.length === 1) continue; for (let node of cur[1]) { let obj = [node.name]; if (node.hasOwnProperty("children")) obj.push(node.children); if (node.hasOwnProperty("code")) obj.push(node.code); Queue.push(obj); } } return -1; } var node = fn(tree, '杭州市'); console.log(node); // { name: '杭州市', code: 0571 }
查找json中的children路径 现有如下json(简化为对象),已知每个节点id唯一,编写findNode(id),返回路径,如findNode(5 输出 1->4->5
json = { id: 1, children: [ { id: 2, children: [{ id: 3, children: [] }] }, { id: 4, children: [ { id: 5, children: [] }, { id: 6, children: [] }, ], }, { id: 7, children: [] }, ], }; let result = [] // 独立完成 function findNode(obj) { const res = [] function dfs(obj, currPath, target) { if (!obj) return; if (obj.id === target) { currPath += obj.id res.push(currPath) return } currPath += obj.id + '->' obj.children && obj.children.forEach(ele => { dfs(ele, currPath, target) }); } dfs(obj, '', 5) return res; } console.log(findNode(json));
let strarr = { 'a-b-c-d':1, 'a-b-c-e':2, 'a-b-f':3, 'a-j':4 } let obj = { a:{ b:{ c:{ d:1, e:2 }, f:3 }, j:4 } } function parse(obj) { let ans = {} for (let att in obj) { let temp = ans; for (let i = 0, len = att.length; i < len; i += 2) { let cur = att[i]; if (i == len - 1) { temp[cur] = obj[att]; } else { if (!temp[cur]) { temp[cur] = {}; } temp = temp[cur]; } } } return ans; }
判断有无符合路径和 -> 打印所有路径
const data3 = [ { id: 1, name: '前端', children: [ { id: 2, name: 'html', children: [ { id: 5, name: 'vue', children: [] }, { id: 6, name: 're', children: [] }, ] }, { id: 3, name: 'html', children: [ { id: 7, name: 'vue', children: [] }, { id: 8, name: 're', children: [] }, ] } ] } ] function findData(data, id = 1) { let queue = [data[0]] let map = new Map() map.set(data[0], [data[0].name]) while (queue.length) { let length = queue.length for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { let node = queue.shift() for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { if (node.children[i].id === id) { return [...map.get(node), node.children[i].name].join('-') } else { queue.push(node.children[i]) map.set(node.children[i], [...map.get(node), node.children[i].name]) } } } console.log(map); } } console.log(findData(data3, 5));//前端-html-vue#算法##前端工程师##秋招##如何反向拿捏领导##后端开发实习生#