- ResourceMark继承StackObj,表示它是分配在栈上的, 它内部持有 ResourceMarkImpl实现类的引用.在构造函数中,会初始化ResourceMarkImpl类的构造方法传入当前线程的ResouceArea对象。
class ResourceMark: public StackObj { const ResourceMarkImpl _impl; // 构造方法 ResourceMark(ResourceArea* area, Thread* thread) : _impl(area), _thread(thread), _previous_resource_mark(nullptr) { if (_thread != nullptr) { assert(_thread == Thread::current(), "not the current thread"); _previous_resource_mark = _thread->current_resource_mark(); _thread->set_current_resource_mark(this); } } public: ResourceMark() : ResourceMark(Thread::current()) {} explicit ResourceMark(Thread* thread) : ResourceMark(thread->resource_area(), thread) {} explicit ResourceMark(ResourceArea* area) : ResourceMark(area, DEBUG_ONLY(Thread::current_or_null()) NOT_DEBUG(nullptr)) {} void reset_to_mark() { _impl.reset_to_mark(); } };
- 构造函数传入当前线程的ResourceArea对象,保存到_area变量。 并调用SavedState构造函数初始化_saved_state变量。 然后再函数体重调用ResourceArea的activate_state校验当前资源状态,并且将_nesting变量加1。
class ResourceMarkImpl { ResourceArea* _area; ResourceArea::SavedState _saved_state; // ResourceArea的快照 public: explicit ResourceMarkImpl(ResourceArea* area) : _area(area), _saved_state(area) { _area->activate_state(_saved_state); } explicit ResourceMarkImpl(Thread* thread) : ResourceMarkImpl(thread->resource_area()) {} };
class SavedState { friend class ResourceArea; Chunk* _chunk; char* _hwm; char* _max; size_t _size_in_bytes; public: SavedState(ResourceArea* area) : _chunk(area->_chunk), _hwm(area->_hwm), _max(area->_max), _size_in_bytes(area->_size_in_bytes) {} };
在ResouceMark对象是在栈上分配,所以它在生命周期结束后,也会调用 ResourceMarkImpl的析构函数,从而调用reset_to_mark执行重置ResouceArea到分配内存空间之前的快照状态,然后调用deactivate_state将_nesting将1.
~ResourceMarkImpl() {
} void reset_to_mark() const {
reset_to_mark调用reset_to_mark函数,最终通过调用ResourceArea的 rollback_to函数并传入之前保存的内存资源快照_saved_state。
- 首先判断UseMallocOnly是否只是用Malloc分配,如果是,则调用free_malloced_objects释放上一次分配的资源,这个默认是false,所以直接跳过。
- 如果快照状态中当前的Chunk的_next指针不为空指针,执行set_size_in_bytes重置到Area中总的Chunk的字节数,然后调用当前的next_chop函数
void rollback_to(const SavedState& state) { assert(_nesting > state._nesting, "rollback to inactive mark"); assert((_nesting - state._nesting) == 1, "rollback across another mark"); if (UseMallocOnly) { free_malloced_objects(state._chunk, state._hwm, state._max, _hwm); } if (state._chunk->next() != nullptr) { assert(size_in_bytes() > state._size_in_bytes, "size: " SIZE_FORMAT ", saved size: " SIZE_FORMAT, size_in_bytes(), state._size_in_bytes); set_size_in_bytes(state._size_in_bytes); state._chunk->next_chop(); } else { assert(size_in_bytes() == state._size_in_bytes, "Sanity check"); } _chunk = state._chunk; // Roll back to saved chunk. _hwm = state._hwm; _max = state._max; // Clear out this chunk (to detect allocation bugs) if (ZapResourceArea) { memset(state._hwm, badResourceValue, state._max - state._hwm); } }
void Chunk::next_chop() { _next->chop(); _next = NULL; } void Chunk::chop() { Chunk *k = this; while( k ) { Chunk *tmp = k->next(); // 清除当前的Chunk的内存 if (ZapResourceArea) memset(k->bottom(), badResourceValue, k->length()); delete k; // Free chunk (was malloc'd) k = tmp; } }
- ResourceArea是继承Arena的资源管理器,ResourceMark是使用它去做内存资源分配。
class ResourceArea: public Arena { friend class VMStructs; public: ResourceArea(MEMFLAGS flags = mtThread) : Arena(flags) DEBUG_ONLY(COMMA _nesting(0)) {} ResourceArea(size_t init_size, MEMFLAGS flags = mtThread) : Arena(flags, init_size) DEBUG_ONLY(COMMA _nesting(0)) {}
class Arena : public CHeapObj<mtNone> { protected: MEMFLAGS _flags; // 追踪内存的标识 Chunk *_first; // 第一个分配的chunk Chunk *_chunk; // 当前 chunk char *_hwm, *_max; // 高水位 and 当前chunk的最大水位
define MEMORY_TYPES_DO(f) f(mtJavaHeap, "Java Heap") // Java 堆 f(mtClass, "Class") // java的class对象 f(mtThread, "Thread") // 线程对象 f(mtThreadStack, "Thread Stack") f(mtCode, "Code") // 生成的字节码 f(mtGC, "GC") f(mtGCCardSet, "GCCardSet") // G1使用的卡表 f(mtCompiler, "Compiler") f(mtJVMCI, "JVMCI") f(mtInternal, "Internal")
Chunk是通过_next指针链接形成单向链表, _len记录当前Chunk的大小
class Chunk: CHeapObj<mtChunk> { private: Chunk* _next; // next指针指向下一个,形成链表 const size_t _len; //当前Chunk的大小 }
- Chunk继承了CHeapObj,它是重载new关键字,所以new Chunk就会再堆区分配对象并设置初始化大小为Chunk::init_size(从下面枚举可知初始大小为: 1k减去Chunk自身占用内存大小)。
- 刚开始_first和_chunk变量是指向同一个chunk对象,_hwn初始化保存没有分配资源的位置. _max初始化为_hwn加当前chunk的大小len。
- set_size_in_bytes设置可分配的字节数大小。
Arena::Arena(MEMFLAGS flag) : _flags(flag), _size_in_bytes(0) { _first = _chunk = new (AllocFailStrategy::EXIT_OOM, Chunk::init_size) Chunk(Chunk::init_size); _hwm = _chunk->bottom(); _max = _chunk->top(); MemTracker::record_new_arena(flag); set_size_in_bytes(Chunk::init_size); } // 内存大小枚举 enum { #ifdef _LP64 slack = 40, // [RGV] Not sure if this is right, but make it a multiple of 8. #else slack = 24, // suspected sizeof(Chunk) + internal malloc headers #endif tiny_size = 256 - slack, // Size of first chunk (tiny) init_size = 1*K - slack, // Size of first chunk (normal aka small) medium_size= 10*K - slack, // Size of medium-sized chunk size = 32*K - slack, // Default size of an Arena chunk (following the first) non_pool_size = init_size + 32 // An initial size which is not one of above };
- 首先是64位内存对齐
- 然后调用internal_amalloc进行分配内存
void* Amalloc(size_t x, AllocFailType alloc_failmode = AllocFailStrategy::EXIT_OOM) { x = ARENA_ALIGN(x); // 64位内初对齐 // 校验内存对齐 assert(is_aligned(_max, ARENA_AMALLOC_ALIGNMENT), "chunk end unaligned?"); return internal_amalloc(x, alloc_failmode); }
- 调用pointer_delta计算当前Chunk是有剩余的空间分配申请的x字节,则直接 _hwm 加上x,返回这次分配的_hwm指针。
- 如果当前Chunk没有足够的剩余空间,则调用grow进行创建新的Chunk的进行分配内存空间。
void* internal_amalloc(size_t x, AllocFailType alloc_failmode = AllocFailStrategy::EXIT_OOM) { assert(is_aligned(x, BytesPerWord), "misaligned size"); if (pointer_delta(_max, _hwm, 1) >= x) { char *old = _hwm; _hwm += x; return old; } else { return grow(x, alloc_failmode); } }
- 分配新的Chunk分配内存空间,空间大小取申请的x的64位对齐和Chunk::size(实际大小是32k-Chunk对象自身占用大小)
void* Arena::grow(size_t x, AllocFailType alloc_failmode) { size_t len = MAX2(ARENA_ALIGN(x), (size_t) Chunk::size); Chunk *k = _chunk; //记录之前的Chunk _chunk = new (alloc_failmode, len) Chunk(len); if (_chunk == NULL) { _chunk = k; // 创建 Chunk失败,则恢复之前的Chunk指针 return NULL; } if (k) k->set_next(_chunk); // 将新的chunk设置_next指针 else _first = _chunk; _hwm = _chunk->bottom(); //保存chunk的最小地址 _max = _chunk->top(); // 保存chunk的最大地址 set_size_in_bytes(size_in_bytes() + len);//设置Arena的所有Chunk的总的字节大小 void* result = _hwm; // 返回Chunk开始分配的内存的void*指针 _hwm += x; // 将_hwm加上x,那么就分配了[_hwn,_hwn+x]内存空间,返回result指针指向_hwn加x之前的地址指针 return result; }