阿里笔试0804 跪求!求问各位大佬 这为啥是0ac
第一题做到这里0ac 心态崩了 怎么也该有个10%吧 二分没有心情写了 孩子没了
n, m = map(int, input().split()) person = list(map(int, input().split())) house = [] for i in range(m): house.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) person = sorted(person,reverse = True) house = sorted(house, key = lambda x:x[0], reverse = True) ans = [] visited = [] for i in range(n): conf = float('-inf') idx = -1 for j in range(m): if person[i]>=house[j][1] and house[j][0]>=conf and j not in visited: conf = house[j][0] idx = j break if idx!=-1: visited.append(idx) ans.append(conf) if ans == []: print(0) else: print(sum(ans))