2018-09-22 20:36
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2018-09-17 10:31
四川大学 Java 0 点赞 评论 收藏
2018-09-04 18:42
四川大学 Java 0 点赞 评论 收藏
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投递菜鸟集团等公司10个岗位 >
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蓝神(⊙o⊙):class State:
def __init__(self, x, y, sum):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.sum = sum
def __str__(self):
return 'x=%d y=%d sum=%d'%(self.x, self.y, self.sum)
class Solution(object):
min = float('inf')
def forward(self, a_list, b_list, prev_state):
s1_min, s2_min, s3_min = float("inf"), float("inf"), float("inf")
a_len = len(a_list)
b_len = len(b_list)
s1, s2, s3 = None, None, None
for state in prev_state:
if state == None: continue
if [state.x, state.y] == [a_len-1, b_len-1] and state.sum<self.min:
self.min = state.sum
if (state.x+2 < a_len) and (state.sum + a_list[state.x + 1] * a_list[state.x + 2] < s1_min):
s1 = State(state.x + 2, state.y, state.sum + a_list[state.x + 1] * a_list[state.x + 2])
s1_min = s1.sum
if (state.x+1 < a_len) and (state.y+1 < b_len) and (state.sum + a_list[state.x + 1] * b_list[state.y + 1] < s2_min):
s2 = State(state.x + 1, state.y + 1, state.sum + a_list[state.x + 1] * b_list[state.y + 1])
s2_min = s2.sum
if (state.y+2 < b_len) and (state.sum + b_list[state.y + 1] * b_list[state.y + 2] < s3_min):
s3 = State(state.x, state.y + 2, state.sum + b_list[state.y + 1] * b_list[state.y + 2])
s3_min = s3.sum
return [s1,s2,s3]
def min_sum(self, a_list, b_list):
prev_state = [State(-1,-1,0),State(-1,-1,0),State(-1,-1,0)]
min = float('inf')
while prev_state != [None, None, None]:
prev_state = self.forward(a_list=a, b_list=b, prev_state=prev_state)
return self.min
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = [1,4,1,1]
b = [2,3,4,2]
print( Solution().min_sum(a, b) )
投递阿里巴巴等公司10个岗位 >
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