3 50 10 10 20 20 5 (A(BC))
3 50 10 10 20 20 5 ((AB)C)
#n接收矩阵个数 n = int(input()) #juzhen接收矩阵行列数据,里面的每一个元素是一个有2个元素的列表,表示每一个矩阵的行列数 juzhen = [] #循环接收输入的每一个矩阵的行列数据 for i in range(n): l = list(map(int,input().split())) juzhen.append(l) #s接收计算的法则 s = input() #res存储计算量的结果 res = 0 #tmp用于模拟栈 tmp = [] #从头开始往后遍历计算法则字符串 #遇到字母就将对应的矩阵入栈 #遇到)就将最后两个入栈的矩阵出栈用于计算 #计算完成后将得到的新矩阵入栈 for i in range(len(s)): #如果遇到字母 if s[i].isalpha(): #计算是哪个字母 j = ord(s[i])-65 #将对应字母所表示的矩阵行列数据放进栈中 tmp.append(juzhen[j]) #如果遇到),说明该进行计算了 elif s[i] == ')': #将栈的最后放进去的两个数据,也就是栈尾的两个数据用于计算 #两个矩阵的计算量存放在res中 res += tmp[-2][0]*tmp[-2][1]*tmp[-1][1] #两个矩阵计算完成后得到一个新的矩阵 #将新的矩阵替换之前的两个矩阵 #也就是说,用于计算的两个矩阵数据要出栈 #新的矩阵要入栈 tmp[-2] = [tmp[-2][0],tmp[-1][1]] tmp.pop(-1) print(res)
while True: try: s=int(input()) a=[] for i in range(s): a.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) b=input() c=[] j=0 count=0 for i in b: if i.isalpha(): c.append(a[j]) j+=1 elif i==')' and len(c)>=2: a2=c.pop() a1=c.pop() count += a1[0]*a1[1]*a2[1] c.append([a1[0],a2[1]]) print(count) except: break
if __name__ == '__main__': while True: try: n = input() order = [] res = 0 arr = [[0 for i in xrange(2)] for i in xrange(n)] for i in xrange(n): a_b = raw_input() a = int(a_b.split(' ')[0]) b = int(a_b.split(' ')[1]) arr[i][0] = a arr[i][1] = b s = raw_input() for i in s: if i.isalpha(): order.append(arr[ord(i)-65]) elif i==')' and len(order) >=2: a=order.pop() b = order.pop() # print b res+=b[0]*b[1]*a[1] order.append([b[0],a[1]]) print res except: break
from collections import deque while True: try: n = int(input()) ms = [] for i in range(n): ms.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) stack, count = deque(), 0 for c in input(): if c.isalpha(): stack.append(ms.pop(0)) elif c == ")": if len(stack) < 2: continue b, a = stack.pop(), stack.pop() count += a[0]*a[1]*b[1] stack.append([a[0], b[1]]) print(count) except: break
import re letterlist=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'] while 1: try: a=int(input()) dimmat=[] for each in range(a): dimmat.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) rule=input() reg=re.compile('\\(\w{2}\\)') prosum=0 while len(rule)>2: curr=reg.findall(rule) for item in curr: currstr=item currL1=item[1] ind=letterlist.index(currL1) val1=dimmat[ind][0] val2=dimmat[ind][1] val3=dimmat[ind+1][1] prosum=prosum+val1*val2*val3 newmatdim=[val1,val3] dimmat[ind]=newmatdim del dimmat[ind+1] del letterlist[ind+1] rule=rule.replace(currstr,currL1) print(prosum) except: break有没有朋友帮我看看这个哪里错了?在本地都可以通过 谢谢了🙏
from functools import reduce def cal(a,b): """ 计算两个行列式,并更新计算数 并将更新后的行列式更新到记录,供返回后使用 """ global count global record global max_idx ar1 = record[a] ar2 = record[b] count += (ar1[0]*ar1[1]*ar2[1]) max_idx += 1 #需要单个字符的标记 idx = chr(ord("A")+max_idx) record[idx] = (ar1[0],ar2[1]) return idx return idx def cal_count(s): #返回行列式的索引 if "(" not in s: idx = reduce(cal, s) return idx else: left = s.index("(") right = s.rindex(")") tem = cal_count(s[left+1:right]) return cal_count(s[:left]+tem+s[right+1:]) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: try: count = 0 n = int(input().strip()) record = {} max_idx = 0 for i in range(n): max_idx += 1 record[chr(ord('A')+i)] = tuple(map(int, input().strip().split(" "))) cal_count(input().strip()) print(count) except: break有一个用例左右括号根本不一样吧
def get_sum(s, m, r): if s[0] == '(' and s[3] == ')': # 推出条件 (AZ) return r + m[0][0] * m[0][1] * m[1][1] # [[1,2],[2,3]] 1*2*3 for index, item in enumerate(s): if s[index] == '(' and s[index + 3] == ')': # 题目隐含条件,一对最近的括号中有且仅有两个字母 eg: (A(BC)) mi = index // 2 # 找到'('对应矩阵的matrix index s1 = s[:index] + 'Z' + s[index + 4:] # (A(BC)) => (AZ) m1 = m[:mi] + [[m[mi][0], m[mi + 1][1]]] # [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]] => [[1,2],[2,4]] r1 = r + m[mi][0] * m[mi][1] * m[mi + 1][1] # r + 2*3*4 return get_sum(s1, m1, r1) while True: try: n = int(input()) m = [[int(_) for _ in input().split()] for _ in range(n)] # 生成记录矩阵 [[1,2],[2,3]] s = input() # 计算法则 (A(BC)) print(get_sum(s, m, 0)) except: break
def matrix_mul_times(_sizes, _seq): var_stack = [] number_stack = [] number_times = 0 def _update(): local_times = 0 while len(var_stack) >= 2 and ord('A') <= ord(var_stack[-1][0]) and ord('A') <= ord(var_stack[-2][0]): current_var = var_stack.pop() last_var = var_stack.pop() current_matrix_size = number_stack.pop() last_matrix_size = number_stack.pop() number_stack.append((last_matrix_size[0], current_matrix_size[1])) if last_matrix_size[1] != current_matrix_size[0]: raise ValueError('Cannot multiply {} * {} and {} * {}'.format( last_matrix_size[0], last_matrix_size[1], current_matrix_size[0], current_matrix_size[1])) local_times += last_matrix_size[0] * last_matrix_size[1] * current_matrix_size[1] var_stack.append(last_var + current_var) return local_times for _c in _seq: if ord('A') <= ord(_c): current_matrix_size = _sizes[ord(_c) - ord('A')] number_stack.append(current_matrix_size) var_stack.append(_c) if _c == '(': var_stack.append(_c) if _c == ')': if var_stack: if var_stack[-1] == '(': var_stack.pop() elif ord('A') <= ord(var_stack[-1][0]): number_times += _update() last_var = var_stack.pop() if var_stack: # where an incorrect input triggered an exception _left_par = var_stack.pop() if _left_par != '(': var_stack.append(_left_par) var_stack.append(last_var) number_times += _update() return number_times
import re while True: try: n = int(input()) jz = [[int(i) for i in input().split()] for j in range(n)] sx = input() m = {} stack = [] new = [] count = 0 s = re.findall(r'\w', sx) for k, value in enumerate(s): m[value] = jz[k] for l in sx: if l == ')': if len(stack) < 3: continue new.append(stack.pop()) new.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() count += m[new[0]][1] * m[new[1]][0] * m[new[1]][1] n = new[1] + new[0] rc = [m[new[1]][0], m[new[0]][1]] m[n] = rc stack.append(n) new.clear() continue stack.append(l) print(count) except: break
# 测试用例右括号会多一个,如(A(B(C(D(E(F(GH)))))))) # python 栈 解法分享 while True: try: # (A(BC)) N = int(input()) lstMat = [] for _ in range(N): # 输入N个矩阵 lstMat.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) law = list(input()) # 计算规则 ['(', 'A', '(', 'B', 'C', ')', ')'] for i in law: if i.isalpha(): # 把law中的ABC字符替换为实际的ABC列表 law[law.index(i)] = lstMat.pop(0) lst = [] # 栈 cal = [] # 用于计算的临时列表 times = 0 # 总的计算次数 for i in law: if i == ')': # 遇到右括号时,进行计算 if not '(' in lst: # 如果栈中无左括号(这一步if主要是因为测试用例中多了一个**右括号,要不就不用加了) continue # 此时 lst = ['(', 'A', '(', 'B', 'C'] # 出栈操作,直到遇见左括号 ( while True: x = lst.pop() # 出栈 if x == '(': break else: cal.insert(0, x) # 给计算列表添加元素,考虑到计算顺序和出栈顺序(计算顺序的逆序),需要insert(0) # print(cal) 中间的几个打印是在调试时找问题用的~ # 遇到左括号结束循环,此时 lst = ['(', 'A'], cal = [A, B] # 计算弹出内容需要计算的次数 times += cal[0][0] * cal[0][1] * cal[1][1] # 矩阵1的行数 * 矩阵1的列数 * 矩阵2的列数 # print(times) # 相乘得到新的矩阵 Matrix = [cal[0][0], cal[1][1]] # print(Matrix) # 把新矩阵入栈 lst.append(Matrix) # 清空计算列表 cal = [] else: lst.append(i) # 入栈 print(times) except: break
#看来看去python的答案都一样的,自己写一波 #遇到')'弹栈 def cal_val(A,B): if A[1]==B[0]: return A[0]*B[1]*A[1] else: return -1 def cal(A,B): if A[1]==B[0]: return [A[0],B[1]] else: return -1 while True: try: num=int(input()) array=[] for i in range(num): matrix=list(map(int,input().split())) array.append(matrix) array=array[::-1] express=str(input().strip()) stack=[] cal_value=0 for i in range(len(express)): if express[i].isalpha(): stack.append(array.pop()) elif express[i]==')': if len(stack)>1: A=stack.pop() B=stack.pop() print('A,B:',A,B) cal_value+=cal_val(B,A) stack.append(cal(B,A)) stack=stack[::-1] while len(stack)>1: A=stack.pop() B=stack.pop() cal_value+=cal_val(A,B) stack.append(cal(A,B)) print(cal_value) except: break
l = list(map(lambda x:chr(x),range(ord('A'),ord('Z')+1))) while True: try: N = eval(input()) ls = [] for i in range(N): ls.append(list(map(eval,input().split()))) s = input() num = 0 while len(s) != 2: lst = [] index_ls = -1 index_s = -1 for k in s: if k == '(': index_s += 1 lst.clear() elif k in l: index_s += 1 index_ls += 1 lst.append(k) elif k == ')': break a = ls[index_ls-1][0] b = ls[index_ls][1] num += ls[index_ls-1][0]*ls[index_ls-1][1]*ls[index_ls][1] ls.insert(index_ls-1,[a,b]) ls.remove(ls[index_ls]) ls.remove(ls[index_ls]) s = s[:index_s-2]+lst[-1]+s[index_s+2:] print(num) except: break
def cal_mul(m_list, law): stack = [] jz1 = '' jz2 = '' cal_all = 0 for i in law: if (i != '(') and (i != ')'): stack.append(i) elif len(stack) >= 2 and i == ')': jz2 = stack.pop(-1) jz1 = stack.pop(-1) if (isinstance(jz2, list)) and (isinstance(jz1, list)): cal_all += jz1[1] * jz2[1] * jz1[0] stack.append([jz1[0], jz2[1]]) elif (isinstance(jz2, list)) and (isinstance(jz1, str)): cal_all += m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][1] * jz2[1] * m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][0] stack.append([m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][0], jz2[1]]) elif (isinstance(jz2, str)) and (isinstance(jz1, list)): cal_all += jz1[1] * m_list[ord(jz2) - ord('A')][1] * jz1[0] stack.append([jz1[0], m_list[ord(jz2) - ord('A')][1]]) elif (isinstance(jz2, str)) and (isinstance(jz1, str)): cal_all += m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][1] * m_list[ord(jz2) - ord('A')][1] * m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][0] stack.append([m_list[ord(jz1) - ord('A')][0], m_list[ord(jz2) - ord('A')][1]]) elif len(stack) < 2 and i == ')': return cal_all return cal_all while True: try: n = int(input()) m_list = [] for i in range(n): m_list.append([int(x) for x in input().split()]) law = input() print(cal_mul(m_list, law)) except: break
while True: try: n=int(input()) dic,charA={},65 for _ in range(n): dic[chr(charA)]=list(map(int,input().split()))#将输入的矩阵大小以ABCD...为键存入字典 charA+=1 rule=input() if rule.count('(')!=rule.count(')'):(738)###有个测试集多了一个右括号 rule=rule[:-1] stack,count=[],0 for i in rule: if i!=')': stack.append(i) else:(739)#若匹配到右括号 a=stack.pop() b=stack.pop() dic['d']=[dic[b][0],dic[a][1]]#将新计算的矩阵形状放入字典中 stack.pop()(740)#弹出左括号 if stack:#若栈中没有矩阵,即计算到最后一步,则不添加新的矩阵,否则添加 stack.append('d') count+=dic[b][0]*dic[b][1]*dic[a][1](741)#两个矩阵(m,n),(n,q)的计算量为m*n*q print(count) except: break
# coding:utf-8 import sys def parse(s): r = [] a = [] for i, ch in enumerate(s): if ch.isalpha(): a.append([i, ch]) if ch == ')': while len(a) > 0: ch = a.pop() r.append(ch) return r try: while True: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line == '': break n=int(line) a=[] for i in range(n): line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() line=line.split() line=[int(ch) for ch in line] a.append(line) line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() r=parse(line) n=0 item1=r.pop(0) item2=r.pop(0) if item1[0]>item2[0]: item1,item2=item2,item1 m1=a[ord(item1[1])-ord('A')] m2=a[ord(item2[1])-ord('A')] n+=m1[0]*m1[1]*m2[1] tmp=[item1[0],[m1[0],m2[1]]] while len(r)>0: item=r.pop(0) if item[0]>tmp[0]: m1=tmp[1] m2=a[ord(item[1])-ord('A')] else: m1=a[ord(item[1])-ord('A')] m2=tmp[1] n+=m1[0]*m1[1]*m2[1] tmp=[item1[0],[m1[0],m2[1]]] print(n) except Exception as e: print(e)
while True: try: n=int(input().strip()) num_list=[] for i in range(n): num_list.append(list(map(int,input().strip().split(' ')))) #print(num_list) faze=str(input().strip()) #print(faze) def data(faze,num_list): result=0 for i in range(len(faze)): if faze[i]=='(' and faze[i+3]==')': result=num_list[i//2][0]*num_list[i//2][1]*num_list[i//2+1][1] num_list=num_list[:i//2]+[[num_list[i//2][0],num_list[i//2+1][1]]]+num_list[i//2+1:] #print(num_list[:i//2]) faze=faze[:i]+'v'+faze[i+4:] return result,num_list,faze num=0 for i in range(n-1): result,num_list,faze=data(faze,num_list) num+=result print(num) except: break