题解 | #每个月Top3的周杰伦歌曲#
select month, ranking, song_name, play_pv from ( select month(fdate) as month, s.song_name, count(p.song_id) as play_pv, row_number() over (PARTITION BY month(fdate) ORDER BY count(p.song_id) DESC, p.song_id) as ranking from play_log p inner join user_info u on p.user_id = u.user_id inner join song_info s on p.song_id = s.song_id where 18 <= u.age and u.age <= 25 and s.singer_name = '周杰伦' group by month(fdate), s.song_id, s.song_name ) as ranked_songs where ranking <= 3 order by month, ranking;