5G网络建设 Prim Python
第二行输入表示具备光纤直连条件的基站对的数目M,其中0 < M < N * (N - 1) / 2
从第三行开始连域输入M行数据,将式为:X Y Z P,
- 其中X Y表示基能的编号,0<X<=N, 0 < Y<=N 且x不等于y,
- Z表示在X Y之间架设光纤的成本,其中0 < Z < 100,
- P表示是否已存在光纤连接,0表示未连接1表示已连接.
如果给定条件,可以建设成功互联与通的5G网络,则输出最小的建设成本, 如果给定条件,无法建设成功互联与通的5G网络,则输出-1
def help(istr: str) -> str: from collections import deque # parse input istr = istr.split("\n") N = int(istr[0]) M = int(istr[1]) # unable to reach all nodes if M < N - 1: return "-1" graph = {node: dict() for node in range(1, N + 1)} minimal_cost = 0 # init Prim # init connected nodes and graph connected_nodes = [] for i in range(M): edge = list(map(int, istr[2 + i].split())) graph[edge[0]][edge[1]] = edge[2] graph[edge[1]][edge[0]] = edge[2] if edge[3] == 1: for node in [edge[0], edge[1]]: if node not in connected_nodes: connected_nodes.append(node) # detect orphan node def IsOrphanNode(graph: dict): visited = {node: None for node in graph} start = list(graph.keys())[0] visited[start] = 1 visit_q = deque([start]) while visit_q: current_node = visit_q.pop() for neighbor in graph[current_node]: if visited[neighbor] == None: visited[neighbor] = 1 visit_q.appendleft(neighbor) visited_cnt = 0 for _, v in visited.items(): if v == 1: visited_cnt += 1 if visited_cnt < len(graph): return 1 # unable to reach all nodes return 0 if IsOrphanNode(graph): return "-1" # init default connected node if connected_nodes == []: connected_nodes.append( list(graph.keys())[0] ) # select first node as default start # init neighbor nodes neighbor_nodes = [] for node in connected_nodes: for neighbor in graph[node]: if neighbor not in neighbor_nodes and neighbor not in connected_nodes: neighbor_nodes.append(neighbor) # already complete connection if len(connected_nodes) == len(graph): return "0" neighbor_len_list = [] def MinLenNeighbor( graph: dict, nodes_a: list, nodes_b: list, len_list: list ) -> list: """return minimal edge from nodes_b to nodes_a""" for node_i in nodes_a: for node_j in nodes_b: if node_j in graph[node_i]: if (node_j, node_i, graph[node_i][node_j]) not in len_list: len_list.append((node_i, node_j, graph[node_i][node_j])) len_list.sort(key=lambda x: -x[2]) return list(len_list.pop()) # Prim main while len(connected_nodes) < len(graph): _, node_j, weight = MinLenNeighbor( graph, connected_nodes, neighbor_nodes, neighbor_len_list ) if node_j in connected_nodes: continue # nodes in selected edge already exist # add connected node connected_nodes.append(node_j) # remove neighbor node neighbor_nodes.remove(node_j) # update neighbor node for node_k in connected_nodes: for neighbor_k in graph[node_k]: if ( neighbor_k not in neighbor_nodes and neighbor_k not in connected_nodes ): neighbor_nodes.append(neighbor_k) # update minimal_cost minimal_cost += weight return str(minimal_cost) assert ( help( """\ 3 3 1 2 3 0 1 3 1 0 2 3 5 0\ """ ) == "4" ) assert ( help( """\ 3 1 1 2 5 0\ """ ) == "-1" ) assert ( help( """\ 3 3 1 2 3 0 1 3 1 0 2 3 5 1\ """ ) == "1" )#华为od##Prim##图论#