题解 | #验证IP地址#
# # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # 验证IP地址 # @param IP string字符串 一个IP地址字符串 # @return string字符串 # class Solution: def solve(self , IP: str) -> str: # IPv6 if '.' in IP: list1=IP.split('.') # (1)用0开头不行 count1=0 for i in list1: if i.startswith('0'): return 'Neither' else: count1=count1+1 # (2)4个十进制数,范围均为0-255 count2=0 for i in list1: if i<'0' or i>'255': return 'Neither' else: count2=count2+1 if count2==len(list1) and count1==len(list1): return "IPv4" else: return 'Neither' # IPv6 elif ':' in IP: list2=IP.split(':') # (1)地址不等于八组 if len(list2)!=8: return 'Neither' for i in list2: # (2)有空组 if i=='': return 'Neither' # (3)某个组的长度大于4 if len(i)>4: return 'Neither' # (4)包含不等于(a~f/A~F)的字母 for j in i: if (j>='g' and j<='z') or (j>='G' and j<='Z'): return 'Neither' return "IPv6"