题解 | #2021年11月每天新用户的次日留存率#
#小白新思路,好理解,利用窗口函数直接求出结果。 #1.先合并表,因题目说了离开日期为第二天也算隔天登录。 #2.先找到第一次登录时间,因按照天计算,可以形成1天多次登录,第一天多次登录都算第一次登录时间。 #3.利用lead()求出下次登录时间,因要求次日留存率,故需要。 #4.筛出2021年11月份,排名第一次登录的时间,与lead()的结果差=1,就是隔天的人数count(distinct uid). #5.相除就能得到答案。 with tiaojian as ( select uid, date(in_time) as pday from tb_user_log union all select uid, date(out_time) as pday from tb_user_log ) select t.pday, round( count(distinct case when datediff(t.y,t.pday)=1 then uid end)/ count(distinct uid),2) as uv_left_rate from( select uid, pday, lead(pday,1)over(partition by uid order by pday) as y, dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by pday) as m from tiaojian ) as t where t.m=1 and date_format(t.pday,"%Y%m")=202111 group by t.pday order by t.pday