题解 | #某店铺的各商品毛利率及店铺整体毛利率#
SELECT IFNULL(product_id, '店铺汇总') as product_id, concat(ROUND(100 * (1 - SUM(in_price*cnt) / SUM(price*cnt)), 1),'%') as profit_rate FROM ( SELECT product_id, price, cnt, in_price FROM tb_order_detail JOIN tb_product_info USING(product_id) JOIN tb_order_overall USING(order_id) WHERE shop_id = 901 and DATE(event_time) >= "2021-10-01" ) as t_product_in_each_order GROUP BY product_id WITH ROLLUP HAVING 1 - SUM(in_price*cnt) / SUM(price*cnt) > 0.249 OR product_id IS NULL ORDER BY product_id
#加OR product_id IS NULL 是为了防止having>0.249的筛选条件把店铺毛利小于0.24筛选掉。 如果店铺的毛利为0.14,商品只有8001为0.29大于0.249,其余商品都小于0.249,店铺的总体毛利率会被拉低。
删掉OR product_id IS NULL 结果如下:
法二:更简单。 一个union
select "店铺汇总" product_id, concat(round((1-sum(tpi.in_price * cnt)/sum(tod.price * cnt))*100,1),'%') as profit_rate from tb_order_detail tod left join tb_order_overall too on tod.order_id = too.order_id left join tb_product_info tpi on tod.product_id = tpi.product_id where shop_id = 901 and DATE_FORMAT(event_time,'%Y-%m') between '2021-10' and DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m') group by shop_id union select * from ( select tod.product_id as product_id, concat(round((1-sum(tpi.in_price * cnt)/sum(tod.price * cnt))*100,1),'%') as profit_rate from tb_order_detail tod left join tb_order_overall too on tod.order_id = too.order_id left join tb_product_info tpi on tod.product_id = tpi.product_id where shop_id = 901 and DATE_FORMAT(event_time,'%Y-%m') between '2021-10' and DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m') #这里不能用profit_rate > 0.249,都没计算出来结果。 都没聚合呢。 group by shop_id,tod.product_id having round(1-sum(tpi.in_price * cnt)/sum(tod.price * cnt),3) > 0.249 #这里也不用profit_rate,因为加了%没法比大小 order by tod.product_id ) t
2021年10月以来 --date(event_time)>'20211001'