题解 | #牛客的课程订单分析(五)#
# 比较复杂,用了好几个子查询 # select d.user_id, first_buy_date, second_buy_date, cnt # from # ( # select distinct b.user_id, first_buy_date, cnt # from # ( # select *, # min(date)over(partition by user_id) first_buy_date, # count(user_id)over(partition by user_id) cnt # from order_info # where # date >= '2025-10-15' # and status = 'completed' # and product_name in ('C++','Java','Python') # ) b # ) d # , # ( # select distinct c.user_id, date second_buy_date # from # ( # select user_id,date, # rank()over(partition by user_id order by date) rankdate # from order_info # where # date >= '2025-10-15' # and status = 'completed' # and product_name in ('C++','Java','Python') # ) c # where rankdate = 2 # ) e # where cnt >=2 and d.user_id = e.user_id # order by d.user_id select user_id, min(date) as first_buy_date, min(下一个日期) as second_buy_date, max(次数) as cnt from ( select *, row_number() over(partition by user_id order by date) as 次数, lead(date,1) over(partition by user_id order by date) as 下一个日期 from order_info where date>'2025-10-15' and status='completed' and product_name in ('Python','Java','C++') order by user_id) as t group by user_id having count(*)>=2 order by user_id #优雅解法