题解 | #连续签到领金币#
# 连续签到 构造 核心:排序编号 与 签到日期的差值是相等的 with table1 as( select uid,date_format(in_time,'%Y%m%d') as in_date, dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by in_time) as rank_number from tb_user_log where in_time >='2021-07-07' and in_time <"2021-11_01" and artical_id = 0 and sign_in = 1 ), table2 as(# 核心:排序编号 与 签到日期的差值是相等的 select *, date_sub(in_date,interval rank_number day) as temp_df, # 连续签到: 通过 uid 和 temp_df(排序编号和签到日期之差) 分组 排序获得连续签到天数 dense_rank()over(partition by uid,date_sub(in_date,interval rank_number day) order by in_date) as con_day from table1 ), table3 as ( select *, case when con_day % 7 = 3 then 3 when con_day % 7 = 0 then 7 else 1 end as coin_everyday from table2 ) select uid,date_format(in_date,'%Y%m') as month,sum(coin_everyday) from table3 group by uid,month order by month,uid # select * # from table3