题解 | #字符串通配符#
# 一开始会错题意了,以为是按一般的正则匹配的功能去做实现,在递归的过程中走了很多弯路,分别去考虑了p*、?*这两种形式,但是写到后面发现有的用例用这种办法根本通不过,回去看题才发现需要把每一个symbol都单独考虑,难度骤减,优化调试了一下,这题给我做太久了 import sys ipt = [] for line in sys.stdin: ipt.append(line.strip()) rgp, string = ipt[0], ipt[1] while '**' in rgp: rgp = rgp.replace('**', '*') # optimizing the input formula, ** is equal to * rpg = [] rpg = [i.lower() if i.isalpha() else i for i in rgp] def check_string(string): for i in string: if not i.isdigit() and not i.isalpha() and i not in '?*.': return False return True # print(check_string('h')) def check_mapping(rpg, string): if ''.join(rpg).count('*') == len(rpg) and len(rpg) > 0: return True elif rpg and not string: return False elif not rpg and string: return False elif not rpg and not string: return True rpg_list, string_list = rpg, list(string) if rpg_list[0] == '?': return check_mapping(rpg_list[1:], string[1:]) elif rpg_list[0] == '*': return check_mapping(rpg_list[1:], string) or check_mapping(rpg_list, string[1:]) # * can replace or not replace a char, everystep I choose these two way, so a * factor can replace no char or multiple chars else: char = rpg_list[0] if char != string[0]: return False else: return check_mapping(rpg_list[1:], string[1:]) res, check_res = check_mapping(rpg, string), check_string(string) if res and check_res: print('true') else: print('false')