题解 | #满足条件的用户的试卷完成数和题目练习数#
# 外层查询条件:高难度SQL试卷得分平均值大于80且是7级的用户 # 连接子查询1:2021年试卷总完成次数 # 连接子查询2:2021年题目总练习次数 # 保留2021年有试卷完成记录的用户:year(submit_time) = 2021,且count(submit_time) # 排序 # 注意点:统计为空的时候,要变为0 select uid, if (exam_cnt is null, 0, exam_cnt) as exam_cnt, if (question_cnt is null, 0, question_cnt) as question_cnt from ( select uid, count(submit_time) as exam_cnt from exam_record where year (submit_time) = 2021 group by uid ) as ta left join ( select uid, count(submit_time) as question_cnt from practice_record where year (submit_time) = 2021 group by uid ) as tb using (uid) where uid in ( select user_info.uid from exam_record join user_info using (uid) join examination_info using (exam_id) where difficulty = 'hard' and tag = 'SQL' and level = 7 group by user_info.uid having avg(score) > 80 ) order by exam_cnt, question_cnt desc