题解 | #自动售货系统#
import java.util.*; /* 1.难度不难,有耐心慢慢代码实现就好 2.读题也是一种能力,有几个坑描述没提到 3.默认的投币会加到存钱盒,以及退币减掉存钱盒里的钱币 4.好像直接实现商品和存钱盒类会更简洁易懂 */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // 注意 hasNext 和 hasNextLine 的区别 while (in.hasNext()) { // 注意 while 处理多个 case String[] ss = in.nextLine().split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { System.out.println(handle(ss[i])); } // System.out.println(handle("r 6-5-4-3-2-1 4-3-2-1")); } } public static String handle(String s) { String[] ss = s.split("\\s+"); // 1、系统初始化 r if ("r".equals(ss[0])) { return rInit(s); } // 2、投币 p if ("p".equals(ss[0])) { return pCoin(s); } // 3、购买商品 b if ("b".equals(ss[0])) { return bBuy(s); } // 4、退币 c if ("c".equals(ss[0])) { return cRefund(s); } // 5、查询 q if ("q".equals(ss[0])) { return qQuery(s); } return "E010:Parameter error"; } static HashMap<String, Integer> merchandise; static HashMap<String, Integer> currency; static HashMap<String, Integer> merchandisePrice = new HashMap<>(); static { merchandisePrice.put("A1", 2); merchandisePrice.put("A2", 3); merchandisePrice.put("A3", 4); merchandisePrice.put("A4", 5); merchandisePrice.put("A5", 8); merchandisePrice.put("A6", 6); } public static String rInit(String s) { //TODO merchandise = new HashMap<>(); currency = new HashMap<>(); String[] ss1 = s.split(" "); String[] ss2 = ss1[1].split("-"); String[] ss3 = ss1[2].split("-"); merchandise.put("A1", Integer.parseInt(ss2[0])); merchandise.put("A2", Integer.parseInt(ss2[1])); merchandise.put("A3", Integer.parseInt(ss2[2])); merchandise.put("A4", Integer.parseInt(ss2[3])); merchandise.put("A5", Integer.parseInt(ss2[4])); merchandise.put("A6", Integer.parseInt(ss2[5])); currency.put("1", Integer.parseInt(ss3[0])); currency.put("2", Integer.parseInt(ss3[1])); currency.put("5", Integer.parseInt(ss3[2])); currency.put("10", Integer.parseInt(ss3[3])); return "S001:Initialization is successful"; } static int balance = 0; public static String pCoin(String s) { //TODO String[] ss = s.split(" "); // 如果投入非1元、2元、5元、10元的钱币面额 if (!"1".equals(ss[1]) && !"2".equals(ss[1]) && !"5".equals(ss[1]) && !"10".equals(ss[1])) { return "E002:Denomination error"; } // 如果存钱盒中1元和2元面额钱币总额小于本次投入的钱币面额 if (Integer.parseInt(ss[1]) != 1 && Integer.parseInt(ss[1]) != 2 && (currency.get("1") + currency.get("2") * 2) < Integer.parseInt(ss[1])) { return "E003:Change is not enough, pay fail"; } // 如果自动售货机中商品全部销售完毕 int count = 0; for (String key : merchandise.keySet()) { count += merchandise.get(key); } if (count == 0) { return "E005:All the goods sold out"; } // 如果投币成功 balance += Integer.parseInt(ss[1]); currency.put(ss[1], currency.get(ss[1]) + 1); return "S002:Pay success,balance=" + balance; } public static String bBuy(String s) { //TODO String[] ss = s.split(" "); // 如果购买的商品不在商品列表中 if (!merchandise.containsKey(ss[1])) { return "E006:Goods does not exist"; } // 如果所购买的商品的数量为0 if (merchandise.get(ss[1]) == 0) { return "E007:The goods sold out"; } // 如果投币余额小于待购买商品价格 if (balance < merchandisePrice.get(ss[1])) { return "E008:Lack of balance"; } // 如果购买成功 balance -= merchandisePrice.get(ss[1]); return "S003:Buy success,balance=" + balance; } public static String cRefund(String s) { //TODO // 如果投币余额等于0的情况下 if (balance == 0) { return "E009:Work failure"; } // 如果投币余额大于0的情况下,按照 退币原则 进行“找零”,输出退币信息; int re1 = 0, re2 = 0, re5 = 0, re10 = 0; if (balance >= 10) { if (currency.get("10") >= balance / 10) { re10 = balance / 10; balance %= 10; } else { re10 = currency.get("10"); balance -= re10 * 10; } currency.put("10", currency.get("10") - re10); } if (balance >= 5) { if (currency.get("5") >= balance / 5) { re5 = balance / 5; balance %= 5; } else { re5 = currency.get("5"); balance -= re5 * 5; } currency.put("5", currency.get("5") - re5); } if (balance >= 2) { if (currency.get("2") >= balance / 2) { re2 = balance / 2; balance %= 2; } else { re2 = currency.get("2"); balance -= re2 * 2; } currency.put("2",currency.get("2") - re2); } if (balance >= 1) { if (currency.get("1") >= balance) { re1 = balance; balance = 0; } else { re1 = currency.get("1"); balance -= re1; } currency.put("1",currency.get("1") - re1); } // balance = 0; return "1 yuan coin number=" + re1 + "\n2 yuan coin number=" + re2 + "\n5 yuan coin number=" + re5 + "\n10 yuan coin number=" + re10; } public static String qQuery(String s) { //TODO String[] ss = s.split(" "); if (ss[1] == "0") { String[] ssMerch = new String[6]; int idx = 0; for(String key : merchandise.keySet()) { ssMerch[idx] = merchandise.get(key) + " " + key + " " + merchandisePrice.get(key); idx++; } Arrays.sort(ssMerch); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < ssMerch.length; i++) { sb.append(ssMerch[i] + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } else if (ss[1] == "1") { return "1 yuan coin number=" + currency.get("1") + "\n2 yuan coin number=" + currency.get("2") + "\n5 yuan coin number=" + currency.get("5") + "\n10 yuan coin number=" + currency.get("10"); } else { return "E010:Parameter error"; } } }