题解 | #每个6/7级用户活跃情况#
with t_youxiao_user as( select uid from user_info where level = 6 or level = 7 ), t_activate_time as( select uid, start_time tmp_time from exam_record union select uid, submit_time tmp_time from practice_record ), t_act_month_total as( select uid, count(distinct(date_format(tmp_time, "%Y%m"))) act_month_total from t_youxiao_user left join t_activate_time using(uid) group by uid ), t_act_days_2021 as( select a.uid, count(distinct(date_format(b.tmp_time, "%Y%m%d"))) act_days_2021 from t_youxiao_user a left join t_activate_time b on a.uid = b.uid and year(b.tmp_time)=2021 group by a.uid ), t_act_days_2021_exam as( select a.uid, count(distinct(date_format(b.submit_time, "%Y%m%d"))) act_days_2021_exam from t_youxiao_user a left join exam_record b on a.uid = b.uid and year(b.submit_time)=2021 group by a.uid ), t_act_days_2021_question as( select a.uid, count(distinct(date_format(b.submit_time, "%Y%m%d"))) act_days_2021_question from t_youxiao_user a left join practice_record b on a.uid = b.uid and year(b.submit_time)=2021 group by a.uid ) select uid, act_month_total, act_days_2021, act_days_2021_exam, act_days_2021_question from t_youxiao_user join t_act_month_total using(uid) join t_act_days_2021 using(uid) join t_act_days_2021_exam using(uid) join t_act_days_2021_question using(uid) order by act_month_total desc, act_days_2021 desc;
- 找到有效的用户id(等级等于6或7的用户);
- 找到所有用户的活跃时间;
- 分别计算有效用户的act_month_total,act_days_2021,act_days_2021_exam,act_days_2021_question;
- 最后通过uid将结果关联起来并对结果进行排序输出。