题解 | #店铺901国庆期间的7日动销率和滞销率#
with t as ( select a.product_id, event_time, release_time, shop_id from tb_order_detail a left join tb_order_overall b on a.order_id = b.order_id left join tb_product_info c on a.product_id = c.product_id where status = 1 ) select dt, round(sale_cnt / total_cnt, 3) as sale_rate, round(1 - sale_cnt / total_cnt, 3) as unsale_rate from ( select t1.dt, count(distinct t2.product_id) as sale_cnt, count(distinct t3.product_id) as total_cnt from ( select distinct date(event_time) dt from t ) t1 left join ( select product_id, date(event_time) dt from t where shop_id = 901 ) t2 on datediff(t1.dt, t2.dt) between 0 and 6 left join( select product_id, date(release_time) as release_dt from t where shop_id = 901 ) t3 on t3.release_dt < t1.dt group by t1.dt ) tt where dt between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-03' order by dt