题解 | #国庆期间每类视频点赞量和转发量#
- 求每一天的的点赞和转发,生成子表cnt
- 联结表:using()
- 点赞:sum(if_like) as sum_like_cnt,
- 转发:sum(if_retweet) as sum_retweet_cnt
- 条件:近一周where date(start_time) between '2021-09-25' and '2021-10-03'
- 分组:group by tag,date(start_time)
( select tag, date(start_time) as dt, sum(if_like) as sum_like_cnt, sum(if_retweet) as sum_retweet_cnt from tb_user_video_log left join tb_video_info using(video_id) where date(start_time) between '2021-09-25' and '2021-10-03' group by tag,date(start_time) ) cnt
- 求7天的点赞和转发,生成子表cnt_7d
- 点赞:sum(sum_like_cnt) over(wd_dt rows between 6 preceding and current row) as sum_like_cnt_7d,
- 转发: max(sum_retweet_cnt) over(wd_dt rows 6 preceding ) as max_retweet_cnt_7d
( select tag, dt, sum(sum_like_cnt) over(wd_dt rows between 6 preceding and current row) as sum_like_cnt_7d, max(sum_retweet_cnt) over(wd_dt rows 6 preceding ) as max_retweet_cnt_7d from cnt window wd_dt as (partition by tag order by dt) ) cnt_7d
- 合并如下:
select tag, dt, sum_like_cnt_7d, max_retweet_cnt_7d from( select tag, dt, sum(sum_like_cnt) over(wd_dt rows between 6 preceding and current row) as sum_like_cnt_7d, max(sum_retweet_cnt) over(wd_dt rows 6 preceding ) as max_retweet_cnt_7d from( select tag, date(start_time) as dt, sum(if_like) as sum_like_cnt, sum(if_retweet) as sum_retweet_cnt from tb_user_video_log left join tb_video_info using(video_id) where date(start_time) between '2021-09-25' and '2021-10-03' group by tag,date(start_time) ) cnt window wd_dt as (partition by tag order by dt) ) cnt_7d where dt between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-03' order by tag desc,dt
易错点: - 定义开窗的位置,可以直接写,也可以事先定义
- 开窗的使用
rows between 6 preceding and current row 等同于 rows 6 preceding