class A; virtual function void print_name(); $display ("this is the class a.\n"); endfunction endclass:A class B extends A; virtual function void print_name(); $display ("this is the class b.\n"); endfunction virtual function void new_display(); $display("this a new method.\n"); endfunction endclass:B program testbench; initial begin begin:class_test1 A classa; B classb; classa = new(); classb = new(); classa.print_name(); classb.print_name(); end begin:class_test2 A classa; B classb; classb = new(); classa = classb; classa.print_name(); classb.print_name(); end begin:class_test3 A classa1,classa2; B classb1,classb2; classa2 = new(); classb1 = new(); classa1 = classb1; classb2 = classb1; classa2.print_name(); classb2.print_name(); classa2 = classa1; $cast(classb2,classa2); classa2.print_name(); classb2.new_display(); classb2.print_name(); // classa2.new_display(); end end endprogram
# this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this a new method. # # this is the class b.
# this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class a. # # this a new method. # # this is the class b. #
如果父类添加virtual method,但是子类不添加,仿真结果如下:
# this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class a. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class b. # # this a new method. # # this is the class b. #
基类添加virtual method 后面的所有继承类都不添加,代码如下:
class A; virtual function void print_name(); $display ("this is the class a.\n"); endfunction endclass:A class B_novir_vir extends A; function void print_name(); $display ("this is the class b.\n"); endfunction function void new_display(); $display("this a new method.\n"); endfunction endclass:B_novir_vir class C_novir_vir extends B_novir_vir; function void print_name(); $display ("this is the class C.\n"); endfunction endclass:C_novir_vir program testbench3; initial begin begin:class_test1 C_novir_vir classc; B_novir_vir classb; classb = new(); classc = new(); classb.print_name(); classc.print_name(); end begin:class_test2 C_novir_vir classc; B_novir_vir classb; classc = new(); classb = classc; classb.print_name(); classc.print_name(); end begin:class_test3 C_novir_vir classc1,classc2; B_novir_vir classb1,classb2; classb2 = new(); classc1 = new(); classb1 = classc1; classb2.print_name(); classc1.print_name(); classb2 = classb1; $cast(classc2,classb2); classb2.print_name(); classc2.new_display(); classc2.print_name(); end end endprogram
# this is the class b. # # this is the class C. # # this is the class C. # # this is the class C. # # this is the class b. # # this is the class C. # # this is the class C. # # this a new method. # # this is the class C.
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