首先需要了解asm基本的操作,asm分为事件API和Tree API,前者使用访问者模式将数据结构和操作分离,这里我们使用访问者API实现会更加方便,同时源码该处代码也使用了访问者API。
/* * must-single-thread */ private def initJClass(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor): Unit = { val bType = classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol) val superClass = bType.info.get.superClass.getOrElse(ObjectRef).internalName val interfaceNames = bType.info.get.interfaces.map(_.internalName) val flags = javaFlags(claszSymbol) val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(claszSymbol, claszSymbol.owner) cnode.visit(backendUtils.classfileVersion.get, flags, thisBType.internalName, thisSignature, superClass, interfaceNames.toArray) if (emitSource) { cnode.visitSource(cunit.source.toString, null /* SourceDebugExtension */) } enclosingMethodAttribute(claszSymbol, internalName, methodBTypeFromSymbol(_).descriptor) match { case Some(EnclosingMethodEntry(className, methodName, methodDescriptor)) => cnode.visitOuterClass(className, methodName, methodDescriptor) case _ => () } val ssa = getAnnotPickle(thisBType.internalName, claszSymbol) cnode.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign) emitAnnotations(cnode, claszSymbol.annotations ++ ssa) if (isCZStaticModule || isCZParcelable) { if (isCZStaticModule) { addModuleInstanceField() } } else { if (!settings.noForwarders) { val lmoc = claszSymbol.companionModule // add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735 if (lmoc != NoSymbol) { // it must be a top level class (name contains no $s) val isCandidateForForwarders = { exitingPickler { !(lmoc.name.toString contains '$') && lmoc.hasModuleFlag && !lmoc.isNestedClass } } if (isCandidateForForwarders) { // 这里是入口,根据注释也能知道,addForwarders就是添加转发的地方。转发就是上面说的代理类。 log(s"Adding static forwarders from '$claszSymbol' to implementations in '$lmoc'") addForwarders(cnode, thisBType.internalName, lmoc.moduleClass) } } } } // the invoker is responsible for adding a class-static constructor. } // end of method initJClass
/* Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict * with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when * a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion object: * method signature is not taken into account. * * must-single-thread */ def addForwarders(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, jclassName: String, moduleClass: Symbol): Unit = { assert(moduleClass.isModuleClass, moduleClass) val linkedClass = moduleClass.companionClass lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = { (linkedClass.info.members collect { case sym if sym.name.isTermName => sym.name }).toSet } // Before erasure * to exclude bridge methods. Excluding them by flag doesn't work, because then // the method from the base class that the bridge overrides is included (scala/bug#10812). // * Using `exitingUncurry` (not `enteringErasure`) because erasure enters bridges in traversal, // not in the InfoTransform, so it actually modifies the type from the previous phase. // Uncurry adds java varargs, which need to be included in the mirror class. val members = exitingUncurry(moduleClass.info.membersBasedOnFlags(BCodeHelpers.ExcludedForwarderFlags, symtab.Flags.METHOD)) for (m <- members) { val excl = m.isDeferred || m.isConstructor || m.hasAccessBoundary || { val o = m.owner; (o eq ObjectClass) || (o eq AnyRefClass) || (o eq AnyClass) } || conflictingNames(m.name) // 当可以添加转发器时才添加 if (!excl) addForwarder(jclass, moduleClass, m) } }
/* Add a forwarder for method m. Used only from addForwarders(). * 这个注释很明确了,为方法m生成转发方法,该方法仅为addForwarders使用。 * must-single-thread */ private def addForwarder(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, moduleClass: Symbol, m: Symbol): Unit = { //静态转发方法的的泛型签名 def staticForwarderGenericSignature: String = { // scala/bug#3452 Static forwarder generation uses the same erased signature as the method if forwards to. // By rights, it should use the signature as-seen-from the module class, and add suitable // primitive and value-class boxing/unboxing. // But for now, just like we did in mixin, we just avoid writing a wrong generic signature // (one that doesn't erase to the actual signature). See run/t3452b for a test case. val memberTpe = enteringErasure(moduleClass.thisType.memberInfo(m)) val erasedMemberType = erasure.erasure(m)(memberTpe) if (erasedMemberType =:= m.info) getGenericSignature(m, moduleClass, memberTpe) else null } val moduleName = internalName(moduleClass) val methodInfo = moduleClass.thisType.memberInfo(m) val paramTypes = methodInfo.paramTypes val paramJavaTypes = BType.newArray(paramTypes.length) mapToArray(paramTypes, paramJavaTypes, 0)(typeToBType) // val paramNames = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _) /* Forwarders must not be marked final, * as the JVM will not allow redefinition of a final static method, * and we don't know what classes might be subclassing the companion class. See scala/bug#4827. */ // TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here. // TODO: ACC_SYNTHETIC ? val flags = GenBCode.PublicStatic | (if (m.isVarargsMethod) asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS else 0) | (if (m.isDeprecated) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0) // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize } val jgensig = staticForwarderGenericSignature val (throws, others) = partitionConserve(m.annotations)(_.symbol == definitions.ThrowsClass) val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(throws) val jReturnType = typeToBType(methodInfo.resultType) val mdesc = MethodBType(paramJavaTypes, jReturnType).descriptor val mirrorMethodName = m.javaSimpleName.toString // jclass是ClassVisitor,用asm做过example的应该都知道,访问类的方法当然需要先得到类的访问器。 val mirrorMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod( flags, mirrorMethodName, mdesc, jgensig, mkArray(thrownExceptions) ) // 添加的代码 - 开始 // 表示本地变量的参数的可见域从这里开始,因为转发方法是静态的,且没有任何其他本地变量,所以我们只需要将静态方法的参数写入本地变量表即可。 // 方法的变量的作用域就是方法开始到方法结束,这也很好理解,所以最后还有一个end val localScopeStart: Label = new Label() // 根据作用域将当前方法的所有参数写入变量表 def emitMethodParameters(localScopeStart: Label, localScopeEnd: Label): Unit = { var i = 0 var next = 0 // 使用方法的信息中的参数来遍历,因为很显然,我们需要写入每个方法的每个参数。 m.info.params.foreach { p => // 重点,参数名,参数类型,签名,参数起始可见域,最终可见域,参数的solt。 // 这里的签名可以为空,有参数类型即可,最关键的是solt,它与参数类型的大小有关还可以复用。可以看到,这里使用了paramJavaTypes(i).size。 // 在Scala中,其实paramJavaTypes(i).size只有三种可能, UNIT => 0,LONG | DOUBLE => 2,_ => 1 mirrorMethod.visitLocalVariable(p.name.encodedName.toString, paramJavaTypes(i).descriptor, null, localScopeStart, localScopeEnd, next) next += paramJavaTypes(i).size i += 1 } } // 添加的代码 - 结束 emitParamNames(mirrorMethod, m.info.params) emitAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others) emitParamAnnotations(mirrorMethod, m.info.params.map(_.annotations)) mirrorMethod.visitCode() mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, classBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClass).descriptor) var index = 0 for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) { mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index) assert(!jparamType.isInstanceOf[MethodBType], jparamType) index += jparamType.size } mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, methodBTypeFromSymbol(m).descriptor, false) mirrorMethod.visitInsn(jReturnType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.IRETURN)) mirrorMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments // 添加的代码 - 开始 // 方法访问结束,标记最终可见域,同时执行我们的emitMethodParameters方法。 val localScopeEnd = new Label() mirrorMethod.visitLabel(localScopeEnd) emitMethodParameters(localScopeStart, localScopeEnd) // 添加的代码 - 结束 mirrorMethod.visitEnd() }
// 使用了tap辅助方法,使得调用起来更顺手,不用定义单独的label // 可能是考虑到该方法不太可能存在重用,所以直接把代码写到最后了。 val codeStart: Label = new Label().tap(mirrorMethod.visitLabel) mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, classBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClass).descriptor) var index = 0 for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) { mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index) assert(!jparamType.isInstanceOf[MethodBType], jparamType) index += jparamType.size } mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, methodBTypeFromSymbol(m).descriptor, false) mirrorMethod.visitInsn(jReturnType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.IRETURN)) val codeEnd = new Label().tap(mirrorMethod.visitLabel) // 使用lazyZip和foldLeft,移除了 for循环和var i,更加符合函数式。 methodInfo.params.lazyZip(paramJavaTypes).foldLeft(0) { case (idx, (p, tp)) => mirrorMethod.visitLocalVariable(p.name.encoded, tp.descriptor, null, codeStart, codeEnd, idx) idx + tp.size }#Java#