网易互娱第二批笔试 20200905(AI研究工程师)
while True: try: n,m = map(int,input().split()) val = list(map(int,input().split())) stk = [[val[i]] for i in range(n)] for i in range(m):#PEOPLE ki=int(input()) res = 0 dic = {'left':0,'right':0}#money for t in range(ki):#OP op = list(input().split())# op0,op1 = op[0],op[1] if len(op) == 2: res+= dic[op0] dic[op0] = 0 continue op2 = int(op[2]) if op1=='take': dic[op0] = stk[ op2-1 ][-1] if len(stk[ op2-1 ])>1: stk[ op2-1 ].pop() continue if op1=='return': stk[ op2-1 ].append(dic[op0]) dic[op0] = 0 continue if dic['left']!=0: res+=dic['left'] if dic['right']!=0: res+=dic['right'] print(res) except: break2,动画绘制(0%)
while True: try: t = int(input()) for _ in range(t): w,h = map(int,input().split()) wh = [] for i in range(h): wh.append(list(input())) p,q = map(int,input().split()) pq = [] for i in range(q): pq.append(list(input())) i,j,a,b = map(int,input().split()) wh0 = [['.']*(w+1)] mat = [['.']*(w+1)] for iii in range(h): mat.append(['.']+wh[iii]) wh0.append(['.']+wh[iii]) res = 0 while i<=h and j<=w: for ii in range(1,h+1): for jj in range(1,w+1): if i<=ii<i+q and j<=jj<j+p:# if mat[ii][jj] == pq[ii-i][jj-j]: continue mat[ii][jj] = pq[ii-i][jj-j] res+=1 elif mat[ii][jj] != wh0[ii][jj]: mat[ii][jj] = wh0[ii][jj] res+=1 i+=a j+=b print(res) except: break3,迷宫探秘(90%)
step = {0:(1,0),1:(-1,0),2:(0,-1),3:(0,1)} while True: try: t = int(input()) for _ in range(t):#ex n = int(input()) x,y = 0,0 dic = {} for st in range(n):#save dx,f = map(int,input().split()) if f==1: x+=step[dx][0] y+=step[dx][1] dic[(x,y)]=1 #bfs res = 0 if x==0 and y==0: print(0) continue queue = [(0,0)] dic[(0,0)]=0 flag = 0 while queue: lens = len(queue) res+=1 for _ in range(lens): a,b = queue.pop(0) for aa,bb in {(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)}: l,r = a+aa,b+bb if l==x and r==y: flag = 1 break elif ((l,r) in dic) and dic[(l,r)] == 1: queue.append((l,r)) dic[(x,y)] = 0 if flag ==1: break if flag ==1: break print(res) except: break