s="aabbcddc" d = dict() n = len(s) for i in range(n): d[s[i]] = i l = [] i = 0 while i < n: t = d[s[i]] j = i+1 while j < t: if d[s[j]] > t: t = d[s[j]] j += 1 l.append(t-i+1) i = t i += 1 print(",".join(map(str,l)))
y = [0,0,1,1] s = [0.1, 0.4, 0.35, 0.8] k = len(y) p = [] n = [] for i in range(k): if y[i] == 0: n.append(s[i]) else: p.append(s[i]) cum = 0 for i in range(len(p)): for j in range(len(n)): if p[i] > n[j]: cum += 1 elif p[i] == n[j]: cum += 0.5 print(cum/(len(p)*len(n)))
import collections d = {0: [[1, 4], [2, 3], [3, 1]], 1: [[0, 4], [2, 1], [3, 2]], 2: [[0, 3], [1, 1], [3, 5]], 3: [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 5]]} n = 4 s1 = 0 min_d = float('inf') for i in range(n): src = i q = collections.deque([[i,0,[]]]) while q: tmp, dep, path = q.popleft() if tmp == src and len(path)==n: s1 = 1 if dep < min_d: min_d = dep else: if tmp in d: for nb in d[tmp]: if nb[0] not in path: if len(path) == n-1 and nb[0] == src: q.append([nb[0],dep+nb[1],path+[nb[0]]]) elif len(path) < n-1 and nb[0] != src: q.append([nb[0],dep+nb[1],path+[nb[0]]]) if s1 == 0: print(-1) else: print(min_d)