不是20180707并财经并男性并三十岁及以下然后group by uid后count > 1再取20180708阅读用户的交集吗?
select count(distinct newT.xx)
from ( (select distinct A.uid as xxfrom user_read A join user_info B
on A.uid = B.uid
where A.dt = '20180707' and A.newsarea = '财经'
and B.age <= 30 and B.gender='男'
group by A.uid
having count(newsid) > 1) temp1
join (select distinct A1.uid as xx
from user_read A1 join user_info B1
on A1.uid = B1.uid
where A1.dt = '20180708') temp2 on temp1.xx = temp2.xx) as newT