题解 | #连续签到领金币#
select distinct uid
, date(in_time) as dt
, dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by date(in_time)) as num1
from tb_user_log
where date(in_time) between '2021-07-07' and '2021-10-31' and artical_id = 0 and sign_in = 1
接着,连续签到问题,要记住一个常用的点:签到日期减去排序数值,如果是连续行为,会得到同样的日期,如果不是,则表明了断签 因此,创建临时表以下: 再用排序可以记录下各个用户的连续签到天数
with c as
select a.uid,a.dt,a.num1
, date_sub(dt,interval num1 day) as dt_test
, dense_rank()over(partition by date_sub(dt,interval num1 day),uid order by a.dt) as continue_days
select distinct uid
, date(in_time) as dt
, dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by date(in_time)) as num1
from tb_user_log
where date(in_time) between '2021-07-07' and '2021-10-31'
and artical_id = 0 and sign_in = 1
最后,找到了连续天数,需要标记每天的领取金币个数,由于第三天与第七天会额外奖励,可以用case when 进行每天实际获得金币个数的统计
select d.uid, date_format(d.dt,'%Y%m') as month, sum(coin_day)as coin
select uid
, case when continue_days % 7 = 3 then 3
when continue_days % 7 = 0 then 7
else 1 end as coin_day
from c
group by d.uid,month
order by month,d.uid
with c as
select a.uid,a.dt,a.num1
, date_sub(dt,interval num1 day) as dt_test
, dense_rank()over(partition by date_sub(dt,interval num1 day),uid order by a.dt) as continue_days
select distinct uid
, date(in_time) as dt
, dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by date(in_time)) as num1
from tb_user_log
where date(in_time) between '2021-07-07' and '2021-10-31'
and artical_id = 0 and sign_in = 1
select d.uid, date_format(d.dt,'%Y%m') as month, sum(coin_day)as coin
select uid
, case when continue_days % 7 = 3 then 3
when continue_days % 7 = 0 then 7
else 1 end as coin_day
from c
group by d.uid,month
order by month,d.uid
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