使用pytorch hook可视化cnn
Registers a forward hook on the module. The hook will be called every time after forward() has computed an output. It should have the following signature: hook(module, input, output) -> None The hook should not modify the input or output. Returns a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling handle.remove() Return type torch.utils.hooks.RemovableHandle
from torchvision import transforms import torchvision.models as models import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import numpy as np path = 'path/to/your/image' device = 'cuda:0' activation = {} loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) # 获取某一层的activation def get_activation(name): def hook(model, input, output): activation[name] = output.detach() return hook # 图像的获取和预处理 def image_loader(image_name): image = Image.open(image_name).convert('RGB').resize((224, 224)) image = loader(image).unsqueeze(0) image = image.float().div(255.) return image.to(device) which_layer_to_visualize = 6 # 选择需要可视化的层 tensor = image_loader(path) v = models.vgg19(pretrained=True) v.cuda() vgg_pretrained_features = v.features handle = vgg_pretrained_features[which_layer_to_visualize].register_forward_hook(get_activation(str(which_layer_to_visualize))) out = vgg_pretrained_features(tensor) handle.remove() act = activation[str(which_layer_to_visualize)].squeeze().cpu() act = (act*255).numpy().astype(np.uint8) # 保存得到的特征图 for i in range(act.shape[0]): plt.imsave('./vgg_19_layer_{}_{}.png'.format(str(which_layer_to_visualize), str(i)), act[i], cmap = plt.cm.jet)