C++ and Java Syntax Differences Cheat Sheet
First, two big things--the main function and how to compile it, followed by lots of little differences.
main function 主函数
// free-floating function int main( int argc, char* argv[]) { printf( "Hello, world" ); }
// every function must be part of a class; the main function for a particular // class file is invoked when java <class> is run (so you can have one // main function per class--useful for writing unit tests for a class) class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println( "Hello, World" ); } }
// compile as g++ foo.cc -o outfile // run with ./outfile
// compile classes in foo.java to <classname>.class javac foo.java // run by invoking static main method in <classname> java <classname>
Comments 注释
Same in both languages (// and /* */ both work) Class declarations 类的声明
Almost the same, but Java does not require a semicolonC++
class Bar {};
class Bar {}
Method declarations 方法的声明
Same, except that in Java, must always be part of a class, and may prefix with public/private/protectedConstructors and destructors 构造函数与析构函数
Constructor has same syntax in both (name of the class), Java has no exact equivalent of the destructorStatic member functions and variables 静态函数和变量
Same as method declarations, but Java provides static initialization blocks to initialize static variables (instead of putting a definition in a source code file):class Foo { static private int x; // static initialization block { x = 5; } }
Scoping static methods and namespaces 静态方法作用域、命名空间
If you have a class and wish to refer to a static method, you use the form Class::method.class MyClass { public: static doStuff(); }; // now it's used like this MyClass::doStuff();
All scoping in Java uses the . again, just like accessing fields of a class, so it's a bit more regular:class MyClass { public static doStuff() { // do stuff } } // now it's used like this MyClass.doStuff();
Object declarations 对象声明
// on the stack myClass x; // or on the heap myClass *x = new myClass;
// always allocated on the heap (also, always need parens for constructor) myClass x = new myClass();
Accessing fields of objects 访问对象域
If you're using a stack-based object, you access its fields with a dot:myClass x; x.my_field; // okBut you use the arrow operator (->) to access fields of a class when working with a pointer:
myClass x = new MyClass; x->my_field; // ok
You always work with references (which are similar to pointers--see the next section), so you always use a dot:myClass x = new MyClass(); x.my_field; // ok
References vs. pointers 引用与指针
// references are immutable, use pointers for more flexibility int bar = 7, qux = 6; int& foo = bar;
// references are mutable and store addresses only to objects; there are // no raw pointers myClass x; x.foo(); // error, x is a null ``pointer'' // note that you always use . to access a field
Inheritance 继承
class Foo : public Bar { ... };
class Foo extends Bar { ... }
Protection levels (abstraction barriers) 保护级别(抽象屏障)
关于抽象的一个形象的隐喻(- - !),把抽象比喻成竖起一道屏障。
public: void foo(); void bar();
public void foo(); public void bar();
Virtual functions 虚函数
virtual int foo(); // or, non-virtually as simply int foo();
// functions are virtual by default; use final to prevent overriding int foo(); // or, final int foo();
Abstract classes 抽象类
// just need to include a pure virtual function class Bar { public: virtual void foo() = 0; };
// syntax allows you to be explicit! abstract class Bar { public abstract void foo(); } // or you might even want to specify an interface interface Bar { public void foo(); } // and later, have a class implement the interface: class Chocolate implements Bar { public void foo() { /* do something */ } }
Memory management 内存管理
NULL vs. null
// initialize pointer to NULL int *x = NULL;
// the compiler will catch the use of uninitialized references, but if you // need to initialize a reference so it's known to be invalid, assign null myClass x = null;
Booleans 布尔值
Java is a bit more verbose( 冗长的): you must write boolean instead of merely bool.
bool foo;
boolean foo;
const int x = 7;
final int x = 7;
Throw Spec 异常检测
int foo() throw (IOException)
int foo() throws IOException
Arrays 数组
int x[10]; // or int *x = new x[10]; // use x, then reclaim memory delete[] x;
int[] x = new int[10]; // use x, memory reclaimed by the garbage collector or returned to the // system at the end of the program's lifetime
Collections and Iteration 集合类与迭代
Iterators are members of classes. The start of a range is <container>.begin(), and the end is <container>.end(). Advance using ++ operator, and access using *.vector myVec; for ( vector<int>::iterator itr = myVec.begin(); itr != myVec.end(); ++itr ) { cout << *itr; }
Iterator is just an interface. The start of the range is <collection>.iterator, and you check to see if you're at the end with itr.hasNext(). You get the next element using itr.next() (a combination of using ++ and * in C++).ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList(); Iterator itr = myArrayList.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { System.out.println( itr.next() ); } // or, in Java 5 ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList(); for( Object o : myArrayList ) { System.out.println( o ); }
源地址: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/java/syntax-differences-java-c++.html