–使用 create sequence 序列名
–使用的是 序列名.nextval作为主键
create sequence cc;–创建序列cc
select cc.currval from dual–查看序列当前值
select cc.nextval from dual–查看序列的自增后的值。
create sequence aa–创建序列
start with 5 --设置开始位置
increment by 2 --设置步长
select aa.currval from dual
select aa.nextval from dual
create table teacher(
tid number(10) primary key,
tname varchar(100) not null
insert into teacher values(cc.nextval,‘张三’);
insert into teacher values(cc.nextval,‘张三’);
select * from teacher
–drop sequence 序列名
drop sequence aa
create index 索引名 on 表名(字段名)
drop index 索引名
create index index_teacher_tname on teacher(tname)–创建索引
drop index index_teacher_tname–删除索引
select * from teacher where tname=‘张三’
select * from teacher where tid=8
create view 视图名 as select 对外提供的内容 from 真实表名
drop view 视图名
–特点3:可以手动开启只读模式 使用关键字 with read only
create view stu as select sno,sname,sage from bjsxt.student
create view stu2 as select sno,sname,sage from student with read only
drop view stu
select * from student
select * from stu
update stu2 set sname=‘wollo’ where sno=1
grant dba to bjsxt