团队介绍:Founded in 2012, Lazada Group is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. It is accelerating progress in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through commerce and technology. With the largest logistics and payments networks in the region, Lazada is a part of its consumers' daily lives in the region and aims to serve 300 million shoppers by 2030. Since 2016, Lazada has been the Southeast Asia flagship platform of Alibaba Group, powered by its world-class technology infrastructure.岗位描述:1、负责一站式海外广告投放平台核心系统研发;2、通过数据分析,挖掘流量采买的机会点,提升流量效率;3、负责社交裂变等用户增长玩法的系统的设计与研发;4、能够独立承担团队内的项目,进行需求分析与代码实现,保质保量进行项目交付;5、针对新的业务场景,能够主动进行技术预研以及方案设计;6、能够与关联团队有效沟通,推动项目进度。职位要求:1. 精通一门主流开发语言, Java优先,具有全栈工程师意愿及能力;2. 具备扎实的计算机科学功底和编程能力,熟悉常见算法和数据结构,具有良好的编程习惯;3. 熟悉常用中间件,能够设计复杂业务、高并发、大数据量的系统;4. 夯实的数据基础,敏锐的数据意识,及敏捷的分析求解能力;5. 具有用户增长、营销、流量等相关行业经验者优先。具体可以看JD :https://talent.alibaba.com/off-campus-position/1014902?trace=qrcode_share