例如: 下面这棵二叉树是对称的
class Solution { bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode *p_root1, TreeNode *p_root2) { if (p_root1 == nullptr && p_root2 == nullptr) // 对称的两个节点为空 return true; else if (p_root1 == nullptr || p_root2 == nullptr) // 其中一个节点不为空 return false; if (p_root1->val != p_root2->val) // 对称位置的值不相等 return false; // 递归检查对称的位置:p1的左孩子和p2的右孩子,p1的右孩子p2的左孩子 return isSymmetrical(p_root1->left, p_root2->right) && isSymmetrical(p_root1->right, p_root2->left); } public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode *pRoot) { return isSymmetrical(pRoot, pRoot); } };
public class Solution { boolean a=true; boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot==null)return a; cal(pRoot.left,pRoot.right); return a; } void cal(TreeNode b,TreeNode c){ if(b==null&&c==null){return;} if(b!=null&&c==null||b==null&&c!=null){a=false;return;} cal(b.left,c.right); if(b.val!=c.val){a=false;return;} cal(b.right,c.left); return; } }对称树的话除了跟节点随以外只需将其左右子树镜像对称,进行反方向遍历,如若有不等就返回false即可。
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(pRoot == NULL) return true; return helper(pRoot->left,pRoot->right); } bool helper(TreeNode* l ,TreeNode* r){ if(l == NULL && r == NULL) return true; if(l == NULL || r == NULL) return false; return l->val == r->val && helper(l->left,r->right) && helper(l->right , r->left); } };
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { stack<TreeNode*> s1,s2; TreeNode *p1,*p2; p1=p2=pRoot; while((!s1.empty()&&!s2.empty())||(p1!=NULL&&p2!=NULL)){ while(p1!=NULL&&p2!=NULL){ s1.push(p1); s2.push(p2); p1=p1->left; p2=p2->right; } p1=s1.top(); s1.pop(); p2=s2.top(); s2.pop(); if(p1->val!=p2->val) return false; p1=p1->right; p2=p2->left; } if(!s1.empty()||!s2.empty()) return false; if(p1!=NULL||p2!=NULL) return false; return true; } };
/* public class TreeNode { int val = 0; TreeNode left = null; TreeNode right = null; public TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; } } */ public class Solution { boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { return frontOrBack(pRoot,pRoot); } public static boolean frontOrBack(TreeNode pRoot1,TreeNode pRoot2){ if(pRoot1==null && pRoot2==null){ return true; } if(pRoot1==null || pRoot2==null){ return false; } if(pRoot1.val!=pRoot2.val){ return false; } return frontOrBack(pRoot1.right,pRoot2.left) && frontOrBack(pRoot1.left,pRoot2.right); } }
boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { if (pRoot == null) return true; return isSymmetrical(pRoot.left, pRoot.right); } //比较左右子树对应节点是否相同 private boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot1, TreeNode pRoot2) { if (pRoot1 == null && pRoot2 == null) return true; if (pRoot1 == null || pRoot2 == null) return false; if (pRoot1.val != pRoot2.val) return false; return isSymmetrical(pRoot1.left, pRoot2.right) && isSymmetrical(pRoot1.right, pRoot2.left); }
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(pRoot == NULL) return true; return helper(pRoot->left, pRoot->right); } private: bool helper(TreeNode* node1, TreeNode* node2){ if(node1==NULL && node2==NULL) return true; else if(node1!=NULL && node2!=NULL) return (node1->val==node2->val) && helper(node1->left, node2->right) && helper(node1->right, node2->left); else return false; } };
class isSymmetricalTree { public: bool isSymmetricalCore(TreeNode* pRoot,TreeNode* spRoot) //递归方法判断左右节点是否满足对称性 { if(pRoot==nullptr && spRoot==nullptr) return true; if(pRoot!=nullptr && spRoot!=nullptr && pRoot->val==spRoot->val) //树节点值相等 //递归,左右节点全满足对称性 return isSymmetricalCore(pRoot->left,spRoot->right) && isSymmetricalCore(pRoot->right,spRoot->left); else return false; } bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(pRoot==nullptr) return true; TreeNode* spRoot=pRoot; return isSymmetricalCore(pRoot,spRoot); } };
boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot == null) return true; return isSymmetrical(pRoot.left, pRoot.right); } private boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode left, TreeNode right) { if(left == null && right == null) return true; if(left == null || right == null) return false; return left.val == right.val //为镜像的条件:左右节点值相等 && isSymmetrical(left.left, right.right) //2.对称的子树也是镜像 && isSymmetrical(left.right, right.left); }//===================非递归算法,利用DFS和BFS=============================//
boolean isSymmetricalDFS(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot == null) return true; Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<>(); s.push(pRoot.left); s.push(pRoot.right); while(!s.empty()) { TreeNode right = s.pop();//成对取出 TreeNode left = s.pop(); if(left == null && right == null) continue; if(left == null || right == null) return false; if(left.val != right.val) return false; //成对插入 s.push(left.left); s.push(right.right); s.push(left.right); s.push(right.left); } return true; }/*
boolean isSymmetricalBFS(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot == null) return true; Queue<TreeNode> s = new LinkedList<>(); s.offer(pRoot.left); s.offer(pRoot.right); while(!s.isEmpty()) { TreeNode left= s.poll();//成对取出 TreeNode right= s.poll(); if(left == null && right == null) continue; if(left == null || right == null) return false; if(left.val != right.val) return false; //成对插入 s.offer(left.left); s.offer(right.right); s.offer(left.right); s.offer(right.left); } return true; }
#Python 版 #思路: 同时进行中左右 和中右左的遍历,并在遍历的时候比较节点 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None class Solution: def isSymmetrical(self, pRoot): if pRoot is None: return True return self.isSymmetricalCore(pRoot,pRoot) def isSymmetricalCore(self, pRoot, pRoot1): if pRoot is None and pRoot1 is None: return True if pRoot is None or pRoot1 is None: return False if pRoot.val != pRoot1.val : return False return self.isSymmetricalCore(pRoot.left,pRoot1.right) and self.isSymmetricalCore(pRoot.right,pRoot1.left)
public class Solution { boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot){ if(pRoot==null) return true; return isMirror(pRoot.left,pRoot.right); } public boolean isMirror(TreeNode left,TreeNode right){ if(left==null&&right==null) return true; if((left==null&&right!=null) ||(right==null&&left!=null) ||(left.val!=right.val) ||!(isMirror(left.left,right.right)) ||!(isMirror(right.left,left.right)) ) return false; return true; } }
class Solution: '''法1:递归但不构造虚拟结点,改成多参数递归即可''' def isSym(self, p_left, p_right): if not p_left and not p_right: return True if not p_left&nbs***bsp;not p_right: return False if p_left.val != p_right.val: return False return self.isSym(p_left.left, p_right.right) and self.isSym(p_left.right, p_right.left) def isSymmetrical(self , pRoot: TreeNode) -> bool: return True if not pRoot else self.isSym(pRoot.left, pRoot.right)方法2:构造对称轴虚拟结点,用原函数递归
class Solution: def isSymmetrical(self , pRoot: TreeNode) -> bool: '''法2:构造对称轴结点递归''' if not pRoot: return True if not pRoot.left and not pRoot.right: return True if not pRoot.left or not pRoot.right: return False if pRoot.left.val != pRoot.right.val: return False virtual_node_1, virtual_node_2 = TreeNode(0), TreeNode(0) virtual_node_1.left, virtual_node_1.right = pRoot.left.left, pRoot.right.right virtual_node_2.left, virtual_node_2.right = pRoot.left.right, pRoot.right.left return self.isSymmetrical(virtual_node_1) and self.isSymmetrical(virtual_node_2)方法3:用队列
class Solution: def isSymmetrical(self , pRoot: TreeNode) -> bool:) '''法1:队列''' if not pRoot: return True if not pRoot.left and not pRoot.right: return True if not pRoot.left&nbs***bsp;not pRoot.right: return False queue_l, queue_r = [pRoot.left], [pRoot.right] while queue_l != [] and queue_r != []: if queue_l[0].val != queue_r[0].val: return False l_pop, r_pop = queue_l.pop(0), queue_r.pop(0) if l_pop.left: if not r_pop.right: return False queue_l.append(l_pop.left) queue_r.append(r_pop.right) if l_pop.right: if not r_pop.left: return False queue_l.append(l_pop.right) queue_r.append(r_pop.left) return queue_l == [] and queue_r == []
import java.util.Stack; /* public class TreeNode { int val = 0; TreeNode left = null; TreeNode right = null; public TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; } } */ public class Solution { boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot == null) return true; Stack<TreeNode> s1 = new Stack<>(); Stack<TreeNode> s2 = new Stack<>(); TreeNode t1 = pRoot; TreeNode t2 = pRoot; while((t1!=null && t2 != null) ||(!s1.isEmpty() && !s2.isEmpty())){ while(t1!=null){ s1.push(t1); t1 = t1.left; } while(t2!=null){ s2.push(t2); t2 = t2.right; } TreeNode temp1 = s1.pop(); TreeNode temp2 = s2.pop(); if(temp1.val!=temp2.val) return false; t1 = temp1.right; t2 = temp2.left; } if(!s1.isEmpty() || !s2.isEmpty()){ return false; } return true; } }
public class Solution { boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { // 空树也是对称的 if(pRoot == null) return true; return helper(pRoot.left, pRoot.right); } private boolean helper(TreeNode pRootL, TreeNode pRootR){ // 一直对比到最下面一层,还没有返回说明是对称的二叉树 if(pRootL == null && pRootR == null) return true; // 如果对比的过程中出现一边为空,另一边不为空的情况,说明不是对称的二叉树 else if(pRootL == null || pRootR == null) return false; // 否则向下去对比:pRootL和pRootR所指向的数值必须相同,同时, // pRootL和pRootR向下走的时候,需要往相反的方向走 else return pRootL.val == pRootR.val && helper(pRootL.left, pRootR.right) && helper(pRootL.right, pRootR.left); } }
{5,5,5,5,#,#,5,5,#,5} 期望输出:false {5,5,5,5,#,#,5,5,#,#,5} 期望输出:true
/* struct TreeNode { int val; struct TreeNode *left; struct TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) { } }; */ class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(pRoot == nullptr) return true; else return isSymmetrical(pRoot -> left, pRoot -> right); } bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) { if(left == nullptr && right == nullptr) { return true; } if(left == nullptr || right == nullptr || left -> val != right -> val) { return false; } return isSymmetrical(left -> left, right -> right) && isSymmetrical(left -> right, right -> left); } };
public class Solution { boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot) { if(pRoot == null) { return true; } return check(pRoot.left, pRoot.right); } public boolean check(TreeNode L, TreeNode R) { if(L == null && R == null) { return true; } if(L == null || R == null) { return false; } if(L.val != R.val) { return false; } return check(L.left, R.right) && check(L.right, R.left); } }