Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (<=20) which is the total number of keys to be inserted. Then N distinct integer keys are given in the next line. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.
For each test case, print ythe root of the resulting AVL tree in one line.
5 88 70 61 96 120
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=25;
int n,key,index=0;
struct node{
int data,height; //data为结点值,height为该结点高
int lchild,rchild;
int getHeight(int root){ //得结点root的高(空结点高为0)
if(root==-1) return 0;
return Node[root].height;
int getBalanceFactor(int root){ //得root的平衡因子(左子树高减右子树高)
return getHeight(Node[root].lchild)-getHeight(Node[root].rchild);
void updateHeight(int root){ //更新root的高(左右子树中更高者的高加1)
void L(int &root){ //左旋转
int temp=Node[root].rchild;
void R(int &root){ //右旋转
int temp=Node[root].lchild;
void insert(int &root,int key){ //将值为key的点插入AVL中
if(root==-1){ //到达空结点(即插入位置)
Node[index].height=1; //结点初始高为1(插入的为叶结点)
root=index++; //修改当前root
if(key<Node[root].data){ //比当前root值小,插入root的左子树
updateHeight(root); //更新树高
if(getBalanceFactor(root)==2){ //以root为根的子树不平衡
if(getBalanceFactor(Node[root].lchild)==1) //LL型(右单旋转)
else if(getBalanceFactor(Node[root].lchild)==-1){//LR型(左右双旋转)
insert(Node[root].rchild,key); //比当前root值大或相等,插入root右子树
if(getBalanceFactor(Node[root].rchild)==-1) //RR型(左单旋转)
else if(getBalanceFactor(Node[root].rchild)==1){ //RL型(右左双旋转)
int main(){
int root=-1; //定义头结点(初始化根)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ //建树
return 0;
#include <iostream> #define LH 1 // 左子树高 #define EH 0 // 等高 #define RH -1// 右子树高 using namespace std; struct AVLTreeNode { int m_nValue; // 值 int m_nBf; // 平衡因子 AVLTreeNode* m_pLeft; // 左孩子 AVLTreeNode* m_pRight; // 右孩子 }; // 平衡操作 void RightRotation(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot); void LeftRotation(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot); void LeftBanlance(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot); void RightBanlance(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot); // 常规操作 bool InsertAVL(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot, int value, bool &taller); int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); // 建树 AVLTreeNode* pRoot = NULL; bool taller = false; int value, N; cin >> N; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { cin >> value; InsertAVL(pRoot, value, taller); } cout << pRoot->m_nValue << endl; return 0; } // 新结点插入成功,则返回true // taller反映树是否长高 bool InsertAVL(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot, int value, bool &taller) { if(!pRoot) // 走到NULL处插入新节点 { pRoot = new AVLTreeNode(); pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pRoot->m_nValue = value; pRoot->m_pLeft = pRoot->m_pRight = NULL; taller = true; } else { if(value == pRoot->m_nValue) // 走到此步,说明要插入的节点已存在,返回false { taller = false; return false; } if(value < pRoot->m_nValue) //继续在pRoot的左子树中搜索插入位置 { if(!InsertAVL(pRoot->m_pLeft, value, taller)) // 插入失败 return false; if(taller) // 已插入pRoot的左子树,且左子树长高 { switch(pRoot->m_nBf) { case LH: // 原本左侧就高,还插在了左侧,作左部平衡 LeftBanlance(pRoot); taller = false; // 平衡处理后树高不变 break; case EH: // 原本等高,插在左侧,树增高 pRoot->m_nBf = LH; taller = true; break; case RH: // 原本右侧高,插在左侧,树高不变 pRoot->m_nBf = EH; taller = false; break; } } } else //继续在pRoot的右子树中搜索插入位置 { if(!InsertAVL(pRoot->m_pRight, value, taller)) // 插入失败 return false; if(taller) // 已插入pRoot的右子树,且右子树长高 { switch(pRoot->m_nBf) { case LH: // 原本左侧高,插在右侧,树高不变 pRoot->m_nBf = EH; taller = false; break; case EH: // 原本等高,插在右侧,树增高 pRoot->m_nBf = RH; taller = true; break; case RH: // 原本右侧就高,还插在了右侧,作右部平衡 RightBanlance(pRoot); taller = false; break; } } } } return true; } // 左旋,以pRoot为根节点的树进行左旋处理,并调整好了父子链接 void LeftRotation(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot) { // pRoot现为左上失衡节点, pRight为pRoot的右子结点, pRoot、pRight进行左旋转 AVLTreeNode* pRight = pRoot->m_pRight; pRoot->m_pRight = pRight->m_pLeft; pRight->m_pLeft = pRoot; pRoot = pRight; } // 右旋,以pRoot为根节点的树进行右旋处理,并调整好了父子链接 void RightRotation(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot) { // pRoot现为失衡节点, pLeft为pRoot的左子结点, pLeft、pRoot进行右旋转 AVLTreeNode* pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft; pRoot->m_pLeft = pLeft->m_pRight; pLeft->m_pRight = pRoot; pRoot = pLeft; } // 左部失重平衡处理,处理LL、LR //以pRoot为根节点的树进行左平衡旋转处理 void LeftBanlance(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot) { AVLTreeNode* pLeft, *pLeftRight; pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft; switch(pLeft->m_nBf) { case LH: // LL型 pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pLeft->m_nBf = EH; RightRotation(pRoot); break; case RH: // LR型 pLeftRight = pLeft->m_pRight; switch(pLeftRight->m_nBf) { case LH: pRoot->m_nBf = RH; pLeft->m_nBf = EH; break; case EH: pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pLeft->m_nBf = EH; break; case RH: pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pLeft->m_nBf = LH; break; } pLeftRight->m_nBf = EH; LeftRotation(pRoot->m_pLeft); //这里pRoot->m_pLeft不能写成pLeft,否则关系没调整 RightRotation(pRoot); break; } } // 右部失重平衡处理,处理RL、RR //以pRoot为根节点的树进行右平衡旋转处理 void RightBanlance(AVLTreeNode*& pRoot) { AVLTreeNode* pRight, *pRightLeft; pRight = pRoot->m_pRight; switch(pRight->m_nBf) { case RH: // RR型 pRoot->m_nBf = pRight->m_nBf = EH; LeftRotation(pRoot); break; case LH: // RL型 pRightLeft = pRight->m_pLeft; switch(pRightLeft->m_nBf) { case LH: pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pRight->m_nBf = RH; break; case EH: pRoot->m_nBf = EH; pRight->m_nBf = EH; break; case RH: pRoot->m_nBf = LH; pRight->m_nBf = EH; break; } pRightLeft->m_nBf = EH; RightRotation(pRoot->m_pRight); //这里pRoot->m_pRight不能写成pRight,否则关系没调整 LeftRotation(pRoot); break; } }
Sologala @github https://github.com/Sologala/PAT_OJ
PAT_oj No.1066_Root_of_AVL_Tree
当插入完成之后函数返回之前可以检查当前节点 是否满足平衡的定义。如果不满足就旋转,旋转的具体可以去查阅一下资料,注意旋转也变动了部分节点的高,所以在旋转之后需要更新一下他们的高度。 这样函数每一层返回之后就将整个树调整好了。
/* Sologala [@github](/profile/211017) https://github.com/Sologala/PAT_OJ PAT_oj No.1066 Root of AVL Tree */using namespace std; struct node{ int data,h=1; node* left=NULL,*right=NULL; }; int getheight(node* r){ return r==NULL?0:r->h; } int calBalance_factor(node* r){ return r==NULL?0:getheight(r->left)-getheight(r->right); } void R(node* &r){ node* temp =r->left; r->left =temp->right; temp->right =r; //更新两个变动节点的高 r->h =1+max(getheight(r->left),getheight(r->right)); temp->h =1+max(getheight(temp->left),getheight(temp->right)); r =temp; } void L(node* &r){ node* temp =r->right; r->right =temp->left; temp->left =r; //更新两个变动节点的高 r->h =1+max(getheight(r->left),getheight(r->right)); temp->h =1+max(getheight(temp->left),getheight(temp->right)); r =temp; } int insert(node* &r,int num){ if(!r){ r=new node(); r->data =num; } else{ int child_h; if(num>=r->data) child_h=insert(r->right,num); else child_h=insert(r->left,num); if(child_h+1>r->h){ r->h =child_h+1; } } //check if curNode is unBalanced int bal_fac =calBalance_factor(r); if(bal_fac==2){//L int child_bal_fac =calBalance_factor(r->left); if(child_bal_fac==1){//LL R(r); } else if(child_bal_fac==-1){//LR L(r->left); R(r); } } else if(bal_fac==-2){//R int child_bal_fac =calBalance_factor(r->right); if(child_bal_fac==1){//RL R(r->right); L(r); } else if(child_bal_fac==-1){//RR L(r); } } return r->h; } int main(){ int cnt; scanf("%d",&cnt); node* ROOT; for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){ int num; scanf("%d",&num); insert(ROOT,num); } printf("%d\n",ROOT->data); return 0; }#include <cstdio>#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct Node{ int val,height; Node *left,*right; }; Node* newNode(int v) { Node* node = new Node; node->val = v; node->height = 1; node->left = node->right = NULL; return node; } int getHeight(Node *node) { if(node == NULL) return 0; else return node->height; } int getBalance(Node *node) { return getHeight(node->left) - getHeight(node->right); } void updateHeight(Node* node) { node->height = max(getHeight(node->left), getHeight(node->right)) + 1; } void L(Node* &node) { Node *t = node->right; node->right = t->left; t->left = node; updateHeight(node); updateHeight(t); node = t; } void R(Node* &node) { Node* t = node->left; node->left = t->right; t->right = node; updateHeight(node); updateHeight(t); node = t; } void insert(Node* &root, int v) { if(root == NULL) { root = newNode(v); return; } if(v < root->val){ insert(root->left, v); updateHeight(root); if(getBalance(root)==2) { if(getBalance(root->left)==1) R(root); else if(getBalance(root->left)==-1){ L(root->left); R(root); } } }else{ insert(root->right, v); updateHeight(root); if(getBalance(root)==-2) { if(getBalance(root->right)==-1) L(root); else if(getBalance(root->right)==1) { R(root->right); L(root); } } } } int main() { int n; Node *s = NULL; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int v; cin>>v; insert(s,v); } cout<<s->val<<endl; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node { int data,height; node* lchild,*rchild; }; node* newnode(int v){ node* Node=new node; Node->data=v; Node->height=1; Node->lchild=Node->rchild=NULL; return Node; } int geth(node* root) { if(root==NULL) return 0; return root->height; } int getBF(node* root) { return geth(root->lchild)-geth(root->rchild); } void uph(node* root) { root->height=max(geth(root->lchild),geth(root->rchild))+1; } void L(node* & root) { node* temp=root->rchild; root->rchild=temp->lchild; temp->lchild=root; uph(root); uph(temp); root=temp; } void R(node* & root) { node* temp=root->lchild; root->lchild=temp->rchild; temp->rchild=root; uph(root); uph(temp); root=temp; } void Insert(node* & root,int v){ if(root==NULL){ root=newnode(v); return ; } if(root->data>v){ Insert(root->lchild,v); uph(root); if(getBF(root)==2){ if(getBF(root->lchild)==1){ R(root); }else{ L(root->lchild); R(root); } } }else{ Insert(root->rchild,v); uph(root); if(getBF(root)==-2){ if(getBF(root->rchild)==-1){ L(root); }else{ R(root->rchild); L(root); } } } } int main(){ int n,x; scanf("%d",&n); node* root=NULL; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d",&x); Insert(root,x); } printf("%d\n",root->data); return 0; }
#include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; typedef long long ll; const int N = 1e5 + 5; struct Node { int val; Node* left; Node* right; int ldep, rdep; Node(int val, Node* left, Node* right, int ldep, int rdep) { this->val = val; this->left = left; this->right = right; this->ldep = ldep; this->rdep = rdep; } }; int n; Node* root; Node* create_node(int x) { return new Node(x, nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0); } Node* roatate_left(Node* cur) { Node* right = cur->right; cur->right = right->left; right->left = cur; cur->rdep = right->ldep; right->ldep = max(cur->ldep, right->ldep) + 1; return right; } Node* rotate_right(Node* cur) { Node* left = cur->left; cur->left = left->right; left->right = cur; cur->ldep = left->rdep; left->rdep = max(cur->rdep, left->rdep) + 1; return left; } Node* rotate_left_right(Node* cur) { cur->left = roatate_left(cur->left); return rotate_right(cur); } Node* rotate_right_left(Node* cur) { cur->right = rotate_right(cur->right); return roatate_left(cur); } Node* insert(Node* cur, int x) { if (cur == nullptr) return create_node(x); if (x < cur->val) { cur->left = insert(cur->left, x); cur->ldep = max(cur->left->ldep, cur->left->rdep) + 1; // 当前点为失衡点 if (cur->ldep - cur->rdep >= 2) { // 向左儿子的左子树插入导致失衡 if (cur->left != nullptr && cur->left->ldep > cur->left->rdep) return rotate_right(cur); else return rotate_left_right(cur); // 向左儿子的右子树插入导致失衡 } else return cur; } else { cur->right = insert(cur->right, x); cur->rdep = max(cur->right->ldep, cur->right->rdep) + 1; // 当前点为失衡点 if (cur->rdep - cur->ldep >= 2) { // 向右儿子的左子树插入导致失衡 if (cur->right != nullptr && cur->right->ldep > cur->right->rdep) return rotate_right_left(cur); else return roatate_left(cur); // 向右儿子的右子树插入导致失衡 } else return cur; } } Node* insert(int x) { if (root == nullptr) return root = create_node(x); else return root = insert(root, x); } void print_avl(Node* cur) { if (cur == nullptr) return; print_avl(cur->left); cout << cur->val << ' '; print_avl(cur->right); } void debug() { cout << "avl的中序遍历为:\n"; print_avl(root); } int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); #endif cin >> n; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int x; cin >> x; insert(x); } // debug(); cout << root->val << endl; return 0; }
AVL树的名字来源于它的发明作者G.M. Adelson-Velsky 和 E.M. Landis。AVL树是最先发明的自平衡二叉查找树(Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree,简称平衡二叉树)。
平衡因子:将二叉树上节点的左子树高度减去右子树高度的值称为该节点的平衡因子BF(Balance Factor)。
节点50的左子树高度为3,右子树高度为2,BF= 3-2 = 1;
节点45的左子树高度为2,右子树高度为1,BF= 2-1 = 1;
节点46的左子树高度为0,右子树高度为0,BF= 0-0 = 0;
节点65的左子树高度为0,右子树高度为1,BF= 0-1 = -1;
在图三中,左边二叉树的节点45的BF = 1,插入节点43后,节点45的BF = 2。节点45是距离插入点43最近的BF不在[-1,1]范围内的节点,因此以节点45为根的子树为最小不平衡子树。(这正好对应了递归的后序返回操作
关于对前驱和后继的一些寻找方法,请看我的另一篇博客:面试题 04.06. 后继者
struct node { int val; int depth; node *lchild; node *rchild; node() : val(0), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} node(int x) : val(x), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} };
class AVLTree { /*date part*/ node *head; int length; public: /*construct and destruct part*/ AVLTree() : head(nullptr), length(0) {} AVLTree(int x) : head(new node(x)), length(1) {} ~AVLTree() { destroy(head); } public: /*iterator part*/ class iterator {//封装迭代器:内部类--只能调用外部类的静态函数 node *head; node *root; public: iterator(node *head, node *root) : head(head), root(root) {} iterator &operator++(); bool operator==(const iterator &x); bool operator!=(const iterator &x); iterator operator++(int); iterator &operator--(); iterator operator--(int); int operator*(); }; private: /*static member function*/ /*Rotate Part*/ static node *rotateRight(node *root); static node *rotateLeft(node *root); static node *rotateLeftRight(node *root); static node *rotateRightLeft(node *root); /*Destruct*/ static void destroy(node *root); /*Getter*/ static node *getNext(node *root, node *p); static node *getPre(node *root, node *p); static node *getMinNode(node *root); static node *getMaxNode(node *root); static int get_depth(node *root); static void update_depth(node *root); /*Insert&Remove*/ static node *Insert(int x, node *root, int &size); static node *remove(int x, node *root, int &size); /*print_order*/ static void inorder(node *root); public: /*public interface*/ /*clear&empty*/ void clear(); bool isEmpty(); /*find*/ bool find(int x); /*insert&remove*/ void insert(int x); void remove(int x); /*size*/ int size(); /*begin&end*/ iterator begin(); iterator end(); /*print*/ void inorder_print(); };
static int get_depth(node *root) {//得到深度 if (root == nullptr) return 0; return root->depth; }
static void update_depth(node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; root->depth = std::max(get_depth(root->lchild), get_depth(root->rchild)) + 1; }
static node* getMaxNode(node* root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; while (root->rchild != nullptr) root = root->rchild; return root; }
static node* getMinNode(node* root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; while (root->lchild != nullptr) root = root->lchild; return root; }
static node* getNext(node* root, node* p) { //得到p节点的后继结点 if (root == nullptr || p == nullptr) return nullptr; if (p->val >= root->val) { return getNext(root->rchild, p); } else { node* left = getNext(root->lchild, p); return left ? left : root; } }
static node* getPre(node* root, node* p) { //得到p节点的前驱结点 if (root == nullptr || p == nullptr)return nullptr; if (p->val <= root->val) { return getPre(root->lchild, p); } else { node* right = getPre(root->rchild, p); return right ? right : root; } }
static node *rotateLeft(node *root) { node *son = root->rchild; root->rchild = son->lchild; son->lchild = root; update_depth(root); update_depth(son); return son; }
static node *rotateRight(node *root) {//右旋 node *son = root->lchild; root->lchild = son->rchild; son->rchild = root; update_depth(root);//更新深度(右旋只会对这两结点产生影响 update_depth(son); return son; }
static node *rotateLeftRight(node *root) { root->lchild = rotateLeft(root->lchild); return rotateRight(root); }
static node *rotateRightLeft(node *root) { root->rchild = rotateRight(root->rchild); return rotateLeft(root); }
//需要是否兼容相等的元素,可通过对 x<root->val 或 x>root->val 这两个中的一个取等号即可 static node *Insert(int x, node *root, int& size) { //所有的deep的更新都在后序遍历后 if (root == nullptr) { root = new node(x); size++;//创建结点后size++ } else if (x < root->val) { root->lchild = Insert(x, root->lchild, size); //由于在更新该root结点之前,当平衡度未达到该要求之前肯定以及是进行了update_depth操作 if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == 2) root = x < root->lchild->val ? rotateRight(root) : rotateLeftRight(root); } else if (x > root->val) { root->rchild = Insert(x, root->rchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == -2) root = x > root->rchild->val ? rotateLeft(root) : rotateRightLeft(root); } update_depth(root); return root; }
static node *remove(int x, node *root, int& size) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; if (x == root->val) { /*左右子树均不为空---用中序的前驱或者后继来进行替换*/ if (root->lchild != nullptr && root->rchild != nullptr) { /*根据左右子树的深度来选择删除替换哪边的*/ if (get_depth(root->lchild) > get_depth(root->rchild)) { node* t = getMaxNode(root->lchild); root->val = t->val; root->lchild = remove(t->val, root->lchild, size); } else { node* t = getMinNode(root->rchild); root->val = t->val; root->rchild = remove(t->val, root->rchild, size); } } /*左右子树至少有一个为空的情况,直接往下走一步即可*/ else { node* tmp = root->lchild == nullptr ? root->rchild : nullptr; if (tmp != nullptr) { *root = *tmp; delete tmp; } else { delete root; root = nullptr; } //删除时size-- size--; } } else if (x < root->val) { root->lchild = remove(x, root->lchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == -2) root = get_depth(root->rchild->lchild) > get_depth(root->rchild->rchild) ? rotateRightLeft(root) : rotateLeft(root); } else { root->rchild = remove(x, root->rchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == 2) root = get_depth(root->lchild->rchild) > get_depth(root->lchild->lchild) ? rotateLeftRight(root) : rotateRight(root); } return root; }
bool find(int x) { //查找直接迭代方式即可 node *f = head; while (f != nullptr) { if (x == f->val) return true; else if (x < f->val) f = f->lchild; else f = f->rchild; } return false; }
static void inorder(node *root) { if (root != nullptr) { inorder(root->lchild); printf("%d ", root->val); inorder(root->rchild); } }
static void destroy(node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; destroy(root->lchild); destroy(root->rchild); delete root; root = nullptr; }
/*iterator part*/ class iterator { //封装迭代器 node* head; node* root; public: iterator(node* head, node* root): head(head), root(root) {} iterator& operator++() { //直接把root加为当前的后继结点 root = getNext(head, root); return *this; } bool operator==(const iterator& x) { return this->root == x.root; } bool operator!=(const iterator& x) { return this->root != x.root; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator t = *this; root = getNext(head, root); return t; } iterator& operator--() { //直接把root赋值为前驱结点 root = getPre(head, root); return *this; } iterator operator--(int) { iterator t = *this; root = getPre(head, root); return t; } node& operator*() { //解引用的重载 return *root; } };
iterator begin() { node* min = getMinNode(head); return iterator(head, min); } iterator end() { //end表示结束标记 return iterator(head, nullptr); }
// // Created by Alone on 2021/10/12. // #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cassert> #ifndef MY_TINY_STL_AVLTREE_H #define MY_TINY_STL_AVLTREE_H namespace L_B__ { struct node { int val; int depth; node *lchild; node *rchild; node() : val(0), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} node(int x) : val(x), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} }; class AVLTree { /*date part*/ node *head; int length; public: /*construct and destruct part*/ AVLTree() : head(nullptr), length(0) {} AVLTree(int x) : head(new node(x)), length(1) {} ~AVLTree() { destroy(head); } public: /*iterator part*/ class iterator {//封装迭代器:内部类--只能调用外部类的静态函数 node *head; node *root; public: iterator(node *head, node *root) : head(head), root(root) {} iterator &operator++(); bool operator==(const iterator &x); bool operator!=(const iterator &x); iterator operator++(int); iterator &operator--(); iterator operator--(int); int operator*(); }; private: /*static member function*/ /*Rotate Part*/ static node *rotateRight(node *root); static node *rotateLeft(node *root); static node *rotateLeftRight(node *root); static node *rotateRightLeft(node *root); /*Destruct*/ static void destroy(node *root); /*Getter*/ static node *getNext(node *root, node *p); static node *getPre(node *root, node *p); static node *getMinNode(node *root); static node *getMaxNode(node *root); static int get_depth(node *root); static void update_depth(node *root); /*Insert&Remove*/ static node *Insert(int x, node *root, int &size); static node *remove(int x, node *root, int &size); /*print_order*/ static void inorder(node *root); public: /*public interface*/ /*clear&empty*/ void clear(); bool isEmpty(); /*find*/ bool find(int x); /*insert&remove*/ void insert(int x); void remove(int x); /*size*/ int size(); /*begin&end*/ iterator begin(); iterator end(); /*print*/ void inorder_print(); }; } #endif //MY_TINY_STL_AVLTREE_H
// // Created by Alone on 2021/10/12. // #include "AVLTree.h" /*Rotate*/ L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::rotateRight(L_B__::node *root) {//右旋 node *son = root->lchild; root->lchild = son->rchild; son->rchild = root; update_depth(root);//更新深度(右旋只会对这两结点产生影响 update_depth(son); return son; } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::rotateLeft(L_B__::node *root) { node *son = root->rchild; root->rchild = son->lchild; son->lchild = root; update_depth(root); update_depth(son); return son; } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::rotateLeftRight(L_B__::node *root) { root->lchild = rotateLeft(root->lchild); return rotateRight(root); } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::rotateRightLeft(L_B__::node *root) { root->rchild = rotateRight(root->rchild); return rotateLeft(root); } /*Destruct*/ void L_B__::AVLTree::destroy(L_B__::node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; destroy(root->lchild); destroy(root->rchild); delete root; root = nullptr; } /*Getter*/ L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::getNext(L_B__::node *root, L_B__::node *p) { if (root == nullptr || p == nullptr) return nullptr; if (p->val >= root->val) { return getNext(root->rchild, p); } else { node *left = getNext(root->lchild, p); return left ? left : root; } } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::getPre(L_B__::node *root, L_B__::node *p) { if (root == nullptr || p == nullptr)return nullptr; if (p->val <= root->val) { return getPre(root->lchild, p); } else { node *right = getPre(root->rchild, p); return right ? right : root; } } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::getMinNode(L_B__::node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; while (root->lchild != nullptr) root = root->lchild; return root; } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::getMaxNode(L_B__::node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; while (root->rchild != nullptr) root = root->rchild; return root; } int L_B__::AVLTree::get_depth(L_B__::node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return 0; return root->depth; } void L_B__::AVLTree::update_depth(L_B__::node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; root->depth = std::max(get_depth(root->lchild), get_depth(root->rchild)) + 1; } /*Insert&remove*/ L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::Insert(int x, L_B__::node *root, int &size) { if (root == nullptr) { root = new node(x); size++;//创建结点后size++ } else if (x < root->val) { root->lchild = Insert(x, root->lchild, size); //由于在更新该root结点之前,当平衡度未达到该要求之前肯定以及是进行了update_depth操作 if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == 2) root = x < root->lchild->val ? rotateRight(root) : rotateLeftRight(root); } else if (x > root->val) { root->rchild = Insert(x, root->rchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == -2) root = x > root->rchild->val ? rotateLeft(root) : rotateRightLeft(root); } update_depth(root); return root; } L_B__::node *L_B__::AVLTree::remove(int x, L_B__::node *root, int &size) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; if (x == root->val) { /*左右子树均不为空---用中序的前驱或者后继来进行替换*/ if (root->lchild != nullptr && root->rchild != nullptr) { /*根据左右子树的深度来选择删除替换哪边的*/ if (get_depth(root->lchild) > get_depth(root->rchild)) { node *t = getMaxNode(root->lchild); root->val = t->val; root->lchild = remove(t->val, root->lchild, size); } else { node *t = getMinNode(root->rchild); root->val = t->val; root->rchild = remove(t->val, root->rchild, size); } } /*左右子树至少有一个为空的情况,直接往下走一步即可*/ else { node *tmp = root->lchild == nullptr ? root->rchild : nullptr; if (tmp != nullptr) { *root = *tmp; delete tmp; } else { delete root; root = nullptr; } //删除时size-- size--; } } else if (x < root->val) { root->lchild = remove(x, root->lchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == -2) root = get_depth(root->rchild->lchild) > get_depth(root->rchild->rchild) ? rotateRightLeft(root) : rotateLeft(root); } else { root->rchild = remove(x, root->rchild, size); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == 2) root = get_depth(root->lchild->rchild) > get_depth(root->lchild->lchild) ? rotateLeftRight(root) : rotateRight(root); } return root; } /*print part*/ void L_B__::AVLTree::inorder(L_B__::node *root) { if (root != nullptr) { inorder(root->lchild); printf("%d ", root->val); inorder(root->rchild); } } /*clear&isEmpty*/ void L_B__::AVLTree::clear() { destroy(head); } bool L_B__::AVLTree::isEmpty() { return head == nullptr; } /*find*/ bool L_B__::AVLTree::find(int x) { //查找直接迭代方式即可 node *f = head; while (f != nullptr) { if (x == f->val) return true; else if (x < f->val) f = f->lchild; else f = f->rchild; } return false; } /*insert&remove*/ void L_B__::AVLTree::insert(int x) { head = Insert(x, head, length); } void L_B__::AVLTree::remove(int x) { assert(length != 0); head = remove(x, head, length); } int L_B__::AVLTree::size() { return length; } /*begin&end*/ L_B__::AVLTree::iterator L_B__::AVLTree::begin() { node *min = getMinNode(head); return iterator(head, min); } L_B__::AVLTree::iterator L_B__::AVLTree::end() { return iterator(head, nullptr); } /*print*/ void L_B__::AVLTree::inorder_print() { printf("Inorder:# "); inorder(head); } /*iterator implement*/ bool L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator==(const L_B__::AVLTree::iterator &x) { return this->root == x.root; } bool L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator!=(const L_B__::AVLTree::iterator &x) { return this->root != x.root; } L_B__::AVLTree::iterator L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator++(int) { iterator t = *this; root = getNext(head, root); return t; } L_B__::AVLTree::iterator &L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator--() { root = getPre(head, root); return *this; } L_B__::AVLTree::iterator L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator--(int) { iterator t = *this; root = getPre(head, root); return t; } int L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator*() { return root->val; } L_B__::AVLTree::iterator &L_B__::AVLTree::iterator::operator++() { root = getNext(head, root); return *this; }
int main() { using namespace std; AVLTree x; set<int>Q; printf("插入测试\n"); auto start = clock(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) { x.insert(i%10000000); } std::cout<<"AVLTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; start = clock(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) { Q.insert(i%10000000); } std::cout<<"RBTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; printf("迭代测试\n"); start = clock(); for(auto it = x.begin();it!=x.end();++it){ continue; } std::cout<<"AVLTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; start = clock(); for(auto it = Q.begin();it!=Q.end();++it){ continue; } std::cout<<"RBTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; printf("查找测试\n"); start = clock(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) { x.find(i); } std::cout<<"AVLTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; start = clock(); for(int i = 0;i<100000000;++i){ Q.count(i); } std::cout<<"RBTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<std::endl; printf("删除测试\n"); start = clock(); for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++){ x.remove(i); } std::cout<<"AVLTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<"length"<<x.size()<<std::endl; start = clock(); for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++){ Q.erase(i); } std::cout<<"RBTree"<<clock()-start<<"ms"<<"length"<<Q.size()<<std::endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> struct node { int val; int depth; node *lchild; node *rchild; node() : val(0), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} node(int x) : val(x), lchild(nullptr), rchild(nullptr) {} }; class AVLTree { /*date part*/ node *head; int size; public: /*construct and destruct part*/ AVLTree() : head(nullptr),size(0) {} AVLTree(int x) : head(new node(x)),size(1) {} ~AVLTree() { destroy(head); } private: /*static function part*/ static node *rotateRight(node *root) {//右旋 node *son = root->lchild; root->lchild = son->rchild; son->rchild = root; update_depth(root);//更新深度(右旋只会对这两结点产生影响 update_depth(son); return son; } static node *rotateLeft(node *root) { node *son = root->rchild; root->rchild = son->lchild; son->lchild = root; update_depth(root); update_depth(son); return son; } static node *rotateLeftRight(node *root) { root->lchild = rotateLeft(root->lchild); return rotateRight(root); } static node *rotateRightLeft(node *root) { root->rchild = rotateRight(root->rchild); return rotateLeft(root); } static void destroy(node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; destroy(root->lchild); destroy(root->rchild); delete root; root = nullptr; } static node* getMinNode(node* root){ if(root== nullptr) return nullptr; while(root->lchild!= nullptr) root = root->lchild; return root; } static node* getMaxNode(node* root){ if(root== nullptr) return nullptr; while(root->rchild!= nullptr) root = root->rchild; return root; } static int get_depth(node *root) {//得到深度 if (root == nullptr) return 0; return root->depth; } static void update_depth(node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return; root->depth = std::max(get_depth(root->lchild), get_depth(root->rchild)) + 1; } static node *Insert(int x, node *root) {//所有的deep的更新都在后序遍历后 if (root == nullptr) { root = new node(x); } else if (x <= root->val) { root->lchild = Insert(x, root->lchild); //由于在更新该root结点之前,当平衡度未达到该要求之前肯定以及是进行了update_depth操作 if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == 2) root = x <= root->lchild->val ? rotateRight(root) : rotateLeftRight(root); } else if (x > root->val) { root->rchild = Insert(x, root->rchild); if (get_depth(root->lchild) - get_depth(root->rchild) == -2) root = x >= root->rchild->val ? rotateLeft(root) : rotateRightLeft(root); } update_depth(root); return root; } static node *remove(int x, node *root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; if (x == root->val) { /*左右子树均不为空---用中序的前驱或者后继来进行替换*/ if (root->lchild != nullptr && root->rchild != nullptr) { /*根据左右子树的深度来选择删除替换哪边的*/ if(get_depth(root->lchild)>get_depth(root->rchild)){ node* t = getMaxNode(root->lchild); root->val = t->val; root->lchild = remove(t->val,root->lchild); }else{ node* t = getMinNode(root->rchild); root->val = t->val; root->rchild = remove(t->val,root->rchild); } } /*左右子树至少有一个为空的情况,直接往下走一步即可*/ else{ node* tmp = root->lchild== nullptr?root->rchild: nullptr; if(tmp!= nullptr){ *root = *tmp; delete tmp; } else{ delete root; root = nullptr; } } } else if (x < root->val) { root->lchild = remove(x, root->lchild); if(get_depth(root->lchild)-get_depth(root->rchild)==-2) root = get_depth(root->rchild->lchild)>get_depth(root->rchild->rchild)?rotateRightLeft(root): rotateLeft(root); } else { root->rchild = remove(x, root->rchild); if(get_depth(root->lchild)-get_depth(root->rchild)==2) root = get_depth(root->lchild->rchild)>get_depth(root->lchild->lchild)?rotateLeftRight(root): rotateRight(root); } return root; } static void inorder(node *root) { if (root != nullptr) { inorder(root->lchild); printf("%d ", root->val); inorder(root->rchild); } } public: /*public function part*/ void insert(int x) { //递归方式插入,方便后续处理 head = Insert(x, head); size++; } void remove(int x){ assert(size!=0); head = remove(x,head); size--; } void clear() { destroy(head); } bool isEmpty() { return head == nullptr; } bool find(int x) { //查找直接迭代方式即可 node *f = head; while (f != nullptr) { if (x == f->val) return true; else if (x < f->val) f = f->lchild; else f = f->rchild; } return false; } void inorder_print() { printf("Inorder:# "); inorder(head); } node* get_head(){ return head; } }; int main() { AVLTree x; int n;std::cin>>n; while(n--){ int t; std::cin>>t; x.insert(t); } printf("%d",x.get_head()->val); return 0; }
//思路:模拟平衡二叉树 构建 //对于AVL(二叉平衡树)的构建 #include<iostream> (720)#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> (895)#include<algorithm> #define MAX_SIZE 1000 (2562)#define EH 0 #define LH -1 (2563)#define RH 1 using namespace std; struct Node{ int value; int blance; Node* left,* right; }; Node * Head =NULL; Node* CreateNode(int value){ Node * temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); temp->value = value; temp->blance = EH; temp->left=temp->right = NULL; return temp; } int GetHeight(Node *root){ if(root == NULL){ return 0; } int l,r; l=GetHeight(root->left); r=GetHeight(root->right); return max(l,r)+1; } bool CheckBlance(Node *&root){ int left,right; left = GetHeight(root->left); right = GetHeight(root->right); if(left>right) root->blance = LH; else if(left<right) root->blance = RH; else root->blance = EH; if(abs(left-right)>=2) return true; else return false; } void TurnLeft(Node *&root){ // cout<<"TurnLeft "<<root->value<<endl; Node *RightRoot = root->right; // cout<<"Left Head : "<<RightRoot->value<<endl; root->right = RightRoot->left; RightRoot->left = root; CheckBlance(root); CheckBlance(RightRoot); root=RightRoot; } void TurnRight(Node *&root){ // cout<<"TurnRight "<<root->value<<endl; Node* LeftRoot = root->left; root->left = LeftRoot->right; LeftRoot->right = root; CheckBlance(root); CheckBlance(LeftRoot); root = LeftRoot; } void BlanceLeft(Node *&root){ // cout<<"BlanceLeft "<<root->value<<endl; Node* LeftRoot = root->left; if(LeftRoot->blance==RH){ // cout<<"before"<<root->left->value<<endl; TurnLeft(root->left); // cout<<"after "<<LeftRoot->value<<endl; TurnRight(root); }else{ TurnRight(root); } } void BlanceRight(Node * &root){ // cout<<"BlanceRight "<<root->value<<endl; Node* RightRoot = root->right; if(RightRoot->blance==LH){ TurnRight(root->right); // cout<<"value : "<<root->right->value<<endl; TurnLeft(root); }else{ // cout<<"TurnLeft"<<endl; TurnLeft(root); } } bool InsertNode(Node*& root,int value){ if(root == NULL){ Node *now = CreateNode(value); root = now; return true; } if(value==root->value){ return false; }else if(value<root->value){ InsertNode(root->left,value); if(CheckBlance(root)){ BlanceLeft(root); } }else{ InsertNode(root->right,value); if(CheckBlance(root)) BlanceRight(root); } } int main(){ int M; cin>>M; for(int i=0;i<M;i++){ int t; cin>>t; InsertNode(Head,t); // cout<<"HEAD = "<<Head->value<<endl; } if(!Head){ cout<<"error"<<endl; }else{ cout<<Head->value; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> (720)#include<queue> #include<cstdio> (802)#include<malloc.h> using namespace std; struct AVL { int val; AVL* left; AVL* right; int height;//1,0,-1 AVL() :val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL), height(0) {} }; int getHeight(AVL* node) { if (node == nullptr) return 0; return max(getHeight(node->left), getHeight(node->right)) + 1; } AVL* LL(AVL * node) { AVL* result = node->left; node->left = result->right; result->right = node; node->height = getHeight(node->left) - getHeight(node->right); result->height = getHeight(result->left) - getHeight(result->right); return result; } AVL* RR(AVL * node) { AVL* result = node->right; node->right = result->left; result->left = node; node->height = getHeight(node->left) - getHeight(node->right); result->height = getHeight(result->left) - getHeight(result->right); return result; } AVL* LR(AVL * node) {//左子树的右子树上插入了新节点导致不平衡 node->left = RR(node->left); AVL* result = LL(node); //可以画图,从图中看出,最终结果只会有三个节点的高度改变 return result; } AVL* RL(AVL * node) {//右子树的左子树上插入了新节点导致不平衡 node->right = LL(node->right); AVL* result = RR(node); return result; } AVL* insert(AVL * root, int x) { if (root == NULL) { root = new AVL(); root->val = x; } else if (root->val > x) { root->left=insert(root->left, x); root->height = getHeight(root->left) - getHeight(root->right); if (root->height == 2) {//不平衡 if (root->left->height == 1) { return LL(root); } else if (root->left->height == -1) {//没有root->left->height==0这种情况 return LR(root); } } } else { root->right=insert(root->right, x); root->height = getHeight(root->left) - getHeight(root->right); if (root->height == -2) {//不平衡 if (root->right->height == -1) { return RR(root); } else if (root->right->height == 1) {//没有root->left->height==0这种情况 return RL(root); } } } return root; } int main() { //freopen("C:\\Users\\47\\Desktop\\1.txt", "r", stdin); AVL* root = NULL; int n, x; cin >> n; while (n--) { cin >> x; root = insert(root, x); } printf("%d", root->val); }
#include<iostream> struct node{ int data,b; node*child[2]; }; int N,i; node*T=NULL; void rotate(node*&p,int j)//j=0顺时针,j=1逆时针 { node*q; q=p->child[j]; p->child[j]=q->child[1-j]; q->child[1-j]=p; p=q; } int Insert(node*&p)//返回值表示插入后深度是否增加 { if(!p){ p=new node; p->data=i; p->b=0; p->child[0]=p->child[1]=NULL; return 1; } int j=(i>p->data); if(Insert(p->child[j])){//子树深度增加 if(p->b!=j*(-2)+1)return p->b+=j*(-2)+1;//不失衡 else if(p->child[j]->b==j*(-2)+1){//左-左、右-右失衡 p->b=p->child[j]->b=0; rotate(p,j); } else{//左-右、右-左失衡 rotate(p->child[j],1-j); rotate(p,j); p->child[0]->b=(p->b-1)/(-2); p->child[1]->b=(p->b+1)/(-2); p->b=0; } } return 0; } int main() { std::cin>>N; while(N--){ std::cin>>i; Insert(T); } std::cout<<T->data; }
#include <iostream> #define maxn 100 using namespace std; int index=0; struct node { int value,bf; int Lchild,Rchild; } nodes[maxn]; /*int getheight(int root) { if(root==-1)return 0; return nodes[root].height; }*/ /*void updateheight(int root) { nodes[root].height=max(getheight(nodes[root].Lchild),getheight(nodes[root].Rchild))+1; }*/ void R_rotate(int &root) { int temp=nodes[root].Lchild; nodes[root].Lchild=nodes[temp].Rchild; nodes[temp].Rchild=root; //updateheight(root); //updateheight(temp); root=temp; } void L_rotate(int &root) { int temp=nodes[root].Rchild; nodes[root].Rchild=nodes[temp].Lchild; nodes[temp].Lchild=root; // updateheight(root); // updateheight(temp); root=temp; } /*int getbf(int root) { cout<<nodes[root].Lchild<<":"<<getheight(nodes[root].Lchild)<<" "<<nodes[root].Rchild<<":"<<getheight(nodes[root].Rchild)<<endl; return getheight(nodes[root].Lchild)-getheight(nodes[root].Rchild); }*/ void LeftBalance(int &root) { int ld=nodes[root].Lchild; switch(nodes[ld].bf) { case 1://LL nodes[root].bf=0; nodes[ld].bf=0; R_rotate(root); break; case -1://LR int rd = nodes[ld].Rchild; switch(nodes[rd].bf) { case 1: nodes[root].bf=-1;nodes[ld].bf=0;break; case -1:nodes[root].bf=0;nodes[ld].bf=1;break; case 0:nodes[root].bf=0;nodes[ld].bf=0;break; } nodes[rd].bf=0; L_rotate(nodes[root].Lchild); R_rotate(root); } } void RightBalance(int &root) { int rd=nodes[root].Rchild; switch(nodes[rd].bf) { case -1://RR nodes[root].bf=0; nodes[rd].bf=0; L_rotate(root); break; case 1://RL int ld = nodes[rd].Lchild; switch(nodes[ld].bf) { case 1: nodes[root].bf=0;nodes[rd].bf=-1;break; case -1:nodes[root].bf=1;nodes[rd].bf=0;break; case 0:nodes[root].bf=0;nodes[rd].bf=0;break; } nodes[ld].bf=0; R_rotate(nodes[root].Rchild); L_rotate(root); } } void AVLinsert(int &root,int value,bool &taller) { if(root==-1) { nodes[index].value=value; nodes[index].Lchild=-1; nodes[index].Rchild=-1; //nodes[index].height=1; nodes[index].bf=0; root=index++; taller=true; //cout<<"root:"<<root<<" value:"<<value<<endl; return ; } else { if(value<nodes[root].value) { AVLinsert(nodes[root].Lchild,value,taller); //cout<<nodes[root].Lchild<<"taller:"<<taller<<endl; if(taller) { switch(nodes[root].bf){ case 1: LeftBalance(root); taller = false;break; case -1:nodes[root].bf=0; taller=false;break; case 0: nodes[root].bf=1; taller =true;break; } } /*updateheight(root); if(getbf(root)==2) { if(getbf(nodes[root].Lchild)==1)//LL { // cout<<"LL"; R_rotate(root); } else if(getbf(nodes[root].Lchild)==-1)//LR { //cout<<"LR"; L_rotate(nodes[root].Lchild); R_rotate(root); } } */ } else { AVLinsert(nodes[root].Rchild,value,taller); if(taller) { switch(nodes[root].bf){ case 1: nodes[root].bf=0; taller = false;break; case -1:RightBalance(root); taller=false;break; case 0: nodes[root].bf=-1; taller =true;break; } } /*updateheight(root); //cout<<root<<"height:"<<nodes[root].height<<" bf:"<<getbf(root)<<endl; if(getbf(root)==-2) { if(getbf(nodes[root].Rchild)==1)//RL { //cout<<"RL"; R_rotate(nodes[root].Rchild); L_rotate(root); } else if(getbf(nodes[root].Rchild)==-1)//RR { //cout<<"RR"; L_rotate(root); } }*/ } } } int main() { int N; cin>>N; int root=-1; bool taller; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { taller=false; int num; cin>>num; AVLinsert(root,num,taller); } //for(int i=0;i<N;i++) //cout<<nodes[i].Lchild<<" "<<nodes[i].Rchild<<endl; //cout<<root<<" "<<nodes[root].Rchild<<endl; cout<<nodes[root].value; }
# include <cstdio>
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)? (a):(b))
struct node {
int data;
node *p, *lc, *rc;
node *root = NULL;
int N;
int hgt(node* pos) { //节点的高度,空树的高度为-1,单个节点的高度为0,有一个孩子的节点高度为1
if (pos == NULL) return -1;
return max(hgt(pos->lc), hgt(pos->rc)) + 1;
int balFac(node *pos) { //左孩子高度-右孩子高度
int lh, rh;
if (pos->lc == NULL) lh = -1; else lh = hgt(pos->lc);
if (pos->rc == NULL) rh = -1; else rh = hgt(pos->rc);
return lh - rh;
void insertAsRoot(int n) { //插入 root
root = new node;
root->data = n;
root->lc = NULL;
root->rc = NULL;
root->p = NULL;
node *insertAsLc(node *pos, int n) { //插入到pos的左孩子
node *newnode = new node;
newnode->data = n;
newnode->lc = NULL;
newnode->rc = NULL;
newnode->p = pos;
pos->lc = newnode;
return newnode;
node *insertAsRc(node *pos, int n) { //插入到pos的右孩子
node *newnode = new node;
newnode->data = n;
newnode->lc = NULL;
newnode->rc = NULL;
newnode->p = pos;
pos->rc = newnode;
return newnode;
void leftRotate(node *pos) {
node *b = pos->rc, *c = pos->rc->rc, *d = pos->rc->lc, *e = pos->lc;
if (pos->p) {
if (pos->p->lc == pos) { //是左孩子
pos->p->lc = b;
else if (pos->p->rc == pos) { //是右孩子
pos->p->rc = b;
else {
root = b;
b->p = pos->p;
pos->rc = d; if (d) d->p = pos;
b->lc = pos; pos->p = b;
void rightRotate(node *pos) {
node *b = pos->lc, *c = pos->lc->lc, *d = pos->lc->rc, *e = pos->rc;
if (pos->p) {
if (pos->p->lc == pos) { //是左孩子
pos->p->lc = b;
else if (pos->p->rc == pos) { //是右孩子
pos->p->rc = b;
else { //转的是root
root = b;
b->p = pos->p;
pos->lc = d; if(d) d->p = pos;
pos->p = b; b->rc = pos;
void insert(int n) {
if (root == NULL) { //空的
else { //树非空
node *x = root, *prev = NULL;
while (x) {
if (n < x->data) {
prev = x; x = x->lc;
else {
prev = x; x = x->rc;
if (n < prev->data) x = insertAsLc(prev, n); else x = insertAsRc(prev, n); //插入节点
x = x->p->p; //爷爷可能开始不平衡
while (x) { //找最先失衡的祖先
if (balFac(x) >= 2 || balFac(x) <= -2) {
if (balFac(x) == -2 && balFac(x->rc) == -1) {
else if (balFac(x) == 2 && balFac(x->lc) == 1) {
else if (balFac(x) == -2 && balFac(x->rc) == 1) {
else if(balFac(x) == 2 && balFac(x->lc) == -1) {
x = x->p;
int main() {
scanf("%d", &N);
int t;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
scanf("%d", &t);
printf("%d", root->data);
return 0;
//AVL树的插入实现。 //插入涉及四种旋转,LL,LR,RR,RL。 //递归插入构建AVL,回溯的时候注意更新节点的高度即可。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn=20+5; int cnt,n; struct node{ int value,height=0; node *lch=0,*rch=0; }A[maxn]; int h(node *rt){ return rt?rt->height:0; } node *LL(node *k2){ node* k1=k2->lch; k2->lch=k1->rch; k1->rch=k2; k2->height=max(h(k2->lch),h(k2->rch))+1; k1->height=max(h(k1->lch),h(k1->rch))+1; return k1; } node *RR(node *k1){ node *k2=k1->rch; k1->rch=k2->lch; k2->lch=k1; k1->height=max(h(k1->lch),h(k1->rch))+1; k2->height=max(h(k2->lch),h(k2->rch))+1; return k2; } node *LR(node *k3){ k3->lch=RR(k3->lch); return LL(k3); } node *RL(node *k1){ k1->rch=LL(k1->rch); return RR(k1); } node *insert(node *rt,int x){ if(!rt){ rt=&A[++cnt]; rt->value=x; rt->height=1; return rt; } if(x<rt->value){ rt->lch=insert(rt->lch,x); if(h(rt->lch)-h(rt->rch)==2){ rt=(x<rt->lch->value)?LL(rt):LR(rt); } }else{ rt->rch=insert(rt->rch,x); if(h(rt->rch)-h(rt->lch)==2){ rt=(x>rt->rch->value)?RR(rt):RL(rt); } } rt->height=max(h(rt->lch),h(rt->rch))+1; return rt; } int main(){ scanf("%d",&n);node *root=0; for(int i=1,x;i<=n;++i){ scanf("%d",&x); root=insert(root,x); } printf("%d\n",root->value); return 0; }
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #define max(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) typedef struct tnode { int val; struct tnode * left; struct tnode * right; } node; //LL:右旋转 node * rotate_right(node * root) { node * lnode = root->left; root->left = lnode->right; lnode->right = root; return lnode; } //RR:左旋转 node * rotate_left(node * root) { node * rnode = root->right; root->right = rnode->left; rnode->left = root; return rnode; } //LR:先左旋转,再右旋转 node * rotate_left_right(node * root) { root->left = rotate_left(root->left); return rotate_right(root); } //RL:先右旋转,再左旋转 node * rotate_right_left(node * root) { root->right = rotate_right(root->right); return rotate_left(root); } //递归求得以root为根节点的树的高度 int get_height(node * root) { if (root == NULL) return 0; return max(get_height(root->left), get_height(root->right)) + 1; } //在以root为根节点的树中插入值为val的节点 node * insert(node * root, int val) { if (root == NULL) { root = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node)); root->val = val; root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; } else if (val < root->val) { root->left = insert(root->left, val); if (get_height(root->left) - get_height(root->right) == 2) { if (val < root->left->val) root = rotate_right(root); else root = rotate_left_right(root); } } else { root->right = insert(root->right, val); if (get_height(root->right) - get_height(root->left) == 2) { if (val > root->right->val) root = rotate_left(root); else root = rotate_right_left(root); } } return root; } int main(void) { int n, val; node * root = NULL; scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d", &val); root = insert(root, val); } printf("%d\n", root->val); return 0; }
//其实就是最基础的AVL树的模拟题 #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct Node{ int val, height; Node *left, *right; }; Node* newnode(int v){ Node* node = new Node; node->val = v; node->height = 1; node->left = node->right = NULL; return node; } int getHeight(Node* node){ if(node == NULL) return 0; else return node->height; } int getBalanceFactor(Node* node){ return getHeight(node->left) - getHeight(node->right); } void updateHeight(Node* node){ node->height = max(getHeight(node->left), getHeight(node->right)) + 1; } void L(Node* &node){ //左旋操作 Node* temp = node->right; node->right = temp->left; temp->left = node; updateHeight(node); updateHeight(temp); node = temp; } void R(Node* &node){ //右旋操作 Node* temp = node->left; node->left = temp->right; temp->right = node; updateHeight(node); updateHeight(temp); node = temp; } void insert(Node* &root, int v){ if(root == NULL){ root = newnode(v); return; } if(v < root->val){ insert(root->left, v); updateHeight(root); if(getBalanceFactor(root) == 2){ if(getBalanceFactor(root->left) == 1) R(root); else if(getBalanceFactor(root->left) == -1){ L(root->left); R(root); } } }else{ insert(root->right, v); updateHeight(root); if(getBalanceFactor(root) == -2){ if(getBalanceFactor(root->right) == -1) L(root); else if(getBalanceFactor(root->right) == 1){ R(root->right); L(root); } } } } int main(){ int n; Node *s = NULL; scanf("%d", &n); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ int v; scanf("%d", &v); insert(s, v); } printf("%d\n", s->val); return 0; }
bool ins_AVLtree(AVLTree *avlt, KeyType k){ AVLTreeNode S,A,FA,p,fp,B,C; //A为记录最后一个平衡因子不为0的结点 //FA为记录最后一个平衡因子不为0的结点的父节点 //p为用来搜索要插入地方的临时结点,之后作为修改平衡因子的中介结点 //fp为p的父节点 //B为需要修改平衡因子的路径的最前面的结点(层数在B之上的结点就不需要改平衡因子了,因为旋转后就平衡了) //同时,B也是做旋转变换所涉及的最上层结点 //C为设计旋转变换三因子的第三个因子 //S为待插入结点 S = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(AVLTreeNode)); S->LChild = NULL; S->RChild = NULL; S->bf = 0; S->key = k; if(*avlt == NULL){ //原树为空树,那S就直接作为根节点就好了,返回 *avlt = S; return true; } A = *avlt; FA = NULL; p = *avlt; fp = NULL; while(p != NULL){ if(p->bf!=0){ //若检测到某结点平衡因子不为0,那么用A和FA记录它与他的父节点 A = p; FA = fp; } fp = p; //fp用来记录搜索的最后一个结点,等价于要插入结点的父结点 if(S->key < p->key) //按条件制定搜索方向 p = p->LChild; else if(S->key > p->key) p = p->RChild; else return false; //若原AVL树中已经存在KEY一样的结点,则插入失败,返回 } if(S->key < fp->key) //确定应该作为其父结点的左孩子还是右孩子 fp->LChild = S; else fp->RChild = S; if(S->key < A->key){ //将B作为旋转三剑客的第二位确定下来,若插入的结点在A的左子树中,那么先变A的平衡因子, B = A->LChild; //为什么A父结点以上的结点平衡因子不变呢?因为一会儿调整完以后其实A以上的平衡因子是相当于没有变的 A->bf = A->bf+1; //那么如果原来所有结点都是平衡的话,那么A就指向根节点,相当于S到根节点路径上所有结点的平衡因子都变了。 } else{ B = A->RChild; A->bf = A->bf-1; } p = B; while(p!=S){ if(S->key < p->key){ // 因为经过刚才的处理后,A已经是最后一个平衡因子不为0的结点了,所以B(包括B)到S之间的 p->bf = 1; //结点的平衡因子原来都是0,所以可以直接改成-1或1 p = p->LChild; } else{ p->bf = -1; p = p->RChild; } } //======================================== if(A->bf==2 && B->bf==1){ //说明这是LL型不平衡 B = A->LChild; A->LChild = B->RChild; B->RChild = A; A->bf = 0; //调整后A的平衡因子是0 B->bf = 0; //因为B原来是左子树深度多1,调整后右子树A的平衡因子是0所以B仅仅是右子树多了1平衡后就成0了 if(FA == NULL) *avlt = B; //如果A是根结点,那么B替代A成为根结点 else if(A == FA->LChild) FA->LChild = B; //调整旋转域与非旋转域之间的关系 else FA->RChild = B; } if(A->bf==-2 && B->bf==-1){ //说明这是RR型不平衡 B = A->RChild; A->RChild = B->LChild; B->LChild = A; A->bf = 0; B->bf = 0; if(FA == NULL) *avlt = B; else if(A == FA->LChild) FA->LChild = B; else FA->RChild = B; } if(A->bf == 2 && B->bf == -1){ //说明这是LR型不平衡 B = A->LChild; C = B->RChild; B->RChild = C->LChild; A->LChild = C->RChild; C->LChild = B; C->RChild = A; if(S->key < C->key){ //说明插入结点在C的左子树边,也就是说C的左子树会比右子树深,所以右子树挂载为A的左子树时会少 A->bf = -1; //分配一个深度,所以A的右子树也就会比左子树多一个深度,所以为-1 B->bf = 0; C->bf = 0; } else if(S->key > C->key){ A->bf = 0; B->bf = 1; C->bf = 0; } else{ A->bf = 0; B->bf = 0; } if(FA == NULL) *avlt = C; else if(A == FA->LChild) FA->LChild = C; else FA->RChild = C; } if(A->bf == -2 && B->bf == 1){ //说明这是RL型不平衡 B = A->RChild; C = B->LChild; B->LChild = C->RChild; A->RChild = C->LChild; C->LChild = A; C->RChild = B; if(S->key < C->key){ B->bf = -1; A->bf = 0; C->bf =0; } else if(S->key > C->key){ A->bf = 1; B->bf = 0; C->bf = 0; } else{ A->bf = 0; B->bf = 0; } if(FA == NULL) *avlt = C; else if(A == FA->LChild) FA->LChild = C; else FA->RChild = C; } }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; typedef struct node{ int bt; int key; struct node* Lchild; struct node* Rchild; }AVLTNode,*AVLTree; void Ins_AVLTree(AVLTree *T,int key){ AVLTNode *S = (AVLTNode *)malloc(sizeof(AVLTNode)); S->key = key; S->bt = 0; S->Lchild = NULL; S->Rchild = NULL; if((*T) == NULL){ *T = S; return; } AVLTNode *p,*fp,*A,*FA,*B,*C; //A是指向最后一个平衡因子不为0的结点,ABC构成旋转三剑客. p = (*T); fp = NULL; A = (*T); FA = NULL; B = NULL; C = NULL; while(p!=NULL){ if(p->bt != 0){ A = p; FA = fp; } fp = p; if(S->key < p->key){ p = p->Lchild; } else if(S->key > p->key){ p = p->Rchild; } else return; } if(S->key < fp->key){ fp->Lchild = S; } else{ fp->Rchild = S; } if(S->key < A->key){ B = A->Lchild; A->bt = A->bt + 1; } else{ B = A->Rchild; A->bt = A->bt - 1; } p = B; while(p!=S){ //修改B开始到S之间结点的平衡因子(因为B开始后的结点之前的平衡因子都是0,所以直接置1或-1即可) if(key < p->key){ p->bt = 1; p = p->Lchild; } else{ p->bt = -1; p = p->Rchild; } } if(A->bt == 2 && B->bt == 1){ //LL旋转 A->Lchild = B->Rchild; B->Rchild = A; B->bt = 0; A->bt = 0; if(FA == NULL) (*T) = B; else if(A == FA->Lchild) FA->Lchild = B; else FA->Rchild = B; } if(A->bt == -2 && B->bt == -1){ //RR旋转 A->Rchild = B->Lchild; B->Lchild = A; B->bt = 0; A->bt = 0; if(FA == NULL) (*T) = B; else if(A == FA->Lchild) FA->Lchild = B; else FA->Rchild = B; } if(A->bt == 2 && B->bt == -1){ //LR旋转 C = B->Rchild; B->Rchild = C->Lchild; A->Lchild = C->Rchild; C->Lchild = B; C->Rchild = A; if(key < C->key){ A->bt = -1; B->bt = 0; C->bt = 0; } else if(key > C->key){ B->bt = 1; A->bt = 0; C->bt = 0; } else{ A->bt = 0; B->bt = 0; } if(FA == NULL) (*T) = C; else if(A == FA->Lchild) FA->Lchild = C; else FA->Rchild = C; } if(A->bt == -2 && B->bt == 1){ //RL旋转 C = B->Lchild; A->Rchild = C->Lchild; B->Lchild = C->Rchild; C->Lchild = A; C->Rchild = B; if(key < C->key){ A->bt = 0; B->bt = -1; C->bt = 0; } else if(key > C->key){ A->bt = 1; B->bt = 0; C->bt = 0; } else{ A->bt = 0; B->bt = 0; C->bt = 0; } if(FA == NULL) (*T) = C; else if(A == FA->Lchild) FA->Lchild = C; else FA->Rchild = C; } return; } void Crt_AVLTree(AVLTree *T,int N){ int key; for(int i=0; i<N; i++){ cin>>key; Ins_AVLTree(T,key); } return; } int main(){ int N; AVLTree T = NULL; cin>>N; Crt_AVLTree(&T,N); cout<<T->key<<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; template<typename value_t> struct node { value_t value; int height; node* left; node* right; node():height(0),left(nullptr),right(nullptr){} }; template<typename value_t, typename comparator = std::less<value_t> > struct tree { using node_t = node<value_t>; comparator cmp_; tree():cmp_(),root(nullptr){} void insert(value_t v) { root = insert_(v, root); } value_t top() { return root->value; } private: node_t* root; int height(node_t* root) { if(root==nullptr) { return -1; }else { return root->height; } } node_t* insert_(value_t v,node_t* root) { if(root==nullptr) { root = new node_t(); root->value = v; return root; } else if(v<root->value) { root->left = insert_(v, root->left); if(height(root->left)-height(root->right)==2) { if(v<root->left->value) { root=singleRotateWithLeft(root); }else { root=doubleRotateWithLeft(root); } } } else if(v>root->value) { root->right = insert_(v, root->right); if (height(root->right) - height(root->left) == 2) { if (v > root->right->value) { root=singleRotateWithRight(root); } else { root=doubleRotateWithRight(root); } } } root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right))+1; return root; } node_t* singleRotateWithLeft(node_t* k2) { auto k1 = k2->left; k2->left = k1->right; k1->right = k2; k2->height = max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right))+1; k1->height = max(height(k1->left), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } node_t* singleRotateWithRight(node_t* k2) { auto k1 = k2->right; k2->right = k1->left; k1->left = k2; k2->height = max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right)) + 1; k1->height = max(height(k1->right), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } node_t* doubleRotateWithLeft(node_t* k2) { auto k1 = k2->left; auto k3 = k1->right; k2->left = k3->right; k1->right = k3->left; k3->right = k2; k3->left = k1; k2->height = max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right)) + 1; k1->height = max(height(k1->left), height(k1->right)) + 1; k3->height = max(k1->height, k2->height) + 1; return k3; } node_t* doubleRotateWithRight(node_t* k2) { auto k1 = k2->right; auto k3 = k1->left; k2->right = k3->left; k1->left = k3->right; k3->left = k2; k3->right = k1; k2->height = max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right)) + 1; k1->height = max(height(k1->left), height(k1->right)) + 1; k3->height = max(k1->height, k3->height) + 1; return k3; } }; int main() { tree<int> t; int n; std::cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n;i++) { int num; std::cin >> num; t.insert(num); } std::cout << t.top(); return 0; }
using namespace std;
struct Tree {
int val;
int height;
struct Tree *left;
struct Tree *right;
Tree* SingleRotateWithLeft( Tree* k2 );
Tree* SingleRotateWithRight( Tree* k2);
Tree* DoubleRotateWithLeft( Tree* k2 );
Tree* DoubleRotateWithRight( Tree* k2 );
Tree* AVLInsert( Tree* bsearchtree, int num );
int HTree( Tree* bsearchtree );
int Max( int h1, int h2 );
int main ()
Tree* bsearchtree = NULL;
int N, i, num;
cin >> N;
for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
cin >> num;
bsearchtree = AVLInsert(bsearchtree,num);
cout << bsearchtree->val <<endl;
return 0;
Tree* AVLInsert( Tree* bsearchtree, int num )
if( bsearchtree == NULL )
bsearchtree = (Tree*)malloc(sizeof(Tree));
bsearchtree->val = num;
bsearchtree->height = 0;
bsearchtree->left = NULL;
bsearchtree->right = NULL;
else if ( num < bsearchtree->val )
bsearchtree->left = AVLInsert( bsearchtree->left, num );
if( num < bsearchtree->left->val )
bsearchtree = SingleRotateWithLeft(bsearchtree);
bsearchtree = DoubleRotateWithLeft(bsearchtree);
else if ( num > bsearchtree->val )
bsearchtree->right = AVLInsert( bsearchtree->right, num );
if( num > bsearchtree->right->val )
bsearchtree = SingleRotateWithRight(bsearchtree);
bsearchtree = DoubleRotateWithRight(bsearchtree);
bsearchtree->height = Max( HTree(bsearchtree->left), HTree(bsearchtree->right) ) + 1;
return bsearchtree;
int HTree( Tree* bsearchtree )
if( bsearchtree == NULL )
return -1;
return bsearchtree->height;
Tree* SingleRotateWithLeft( Tree* k2 )
Tree* k1;
k1 = k2->left;
k2->left = k1->right;
k1->right = k2;
k2->height = Max( HTree(k2->left), HTree(k2->right) ) + 1;
k1->height = Max( HTree(k1->left), k2->height ) + 1;
return k1; //return the ROOT
Tree* SingleRotateWithRight( Tree* k2)
Tree* k1;
k1 = k2->right;
k2->right = k1->left;
k1->left = k2;
k2->height = Max( HTree(k2->left), HTree(k2->right)) + 1;
k1->height = Max( k2->height, HTree(k1->right)) + 1;
return k1; //return the ROOT
Tree* DoubleRotateWithLeft( Tree* k2 ) //(对左子树作双旋转)对根的左子树先进行单右旋转,在对根进行左单旋转
k2->left = SingleRotateWithRight(k2->left); //先对左子树进行右单旋转
return SingleRotateWithLeft(k2); //return the ROOT //再对根进行左单旋转
Tree* DoubleRotateWithRight( Tree* k2 )
k2->right = SingleRotateWithLeft(k2->right);
return SingleRotateWithRight(k2); //return the ROOT
int Max( int h1, int h2 )
if( h1 > h2 )
return h1;
return h2;