要求:空间复杂度 ,时间复杂度
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { if (head == null || head.next == null) { return head; } ListNode dummyHead = new ListNode(0); dummyHead.next = head; ListNode slow = dummyHead; ListNode fast = dummyHead; while (fast != null && fast.next != null) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } ListNode list2 = slow.next; slow.next = null; ListNode left = sortInList(dummyHead.next); ListNode right = sortInList(list2); return merge(left, right); } private ListNode merge(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) { ListNode dummyHead = new ListNode(0); ListNode p = dummyHead; while (list1 != null && list2 != null) { if (list1.val < list2.val) { p.next = list1; list1 = list1.next; } else { p.next = list2; list2 = list2.next; } p = p.next; } p.next = list1 == null ? list2 : list1; return dummyHead.next; } }
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * public ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * } * } */ public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { List<ListNode> splitSortedNodeList = splitSortedNodeList(head); return mergeKNodeList(splitSortedNodeList); } // 把这个无序链表拆成若干个有序的链表 List<ListNode> splitSortedNodeList(ListNode head) { List<ListNode> list = new LinkedList<>(); ListNode curr = head; while (curr != null) { ListNode innerHead = curr; list.add(innerHead); while (null != innerHead) { ListNode innerHeadNext = innerHead.next; if (null == innerHeadNext) { curr = null; break; } if (innerHead.val > innerHeadNext.val) { curr = innerHeadNext; innerHead.next = null; break; } innerHead = innerHead.next; } } // 打印看一下拆成若干个有序的链表的结果 list.forEach(t -> { ListNode x = t; while (x != null) { System.out.print(x.val + " "); x = x.next; } System.out.println(""); }); return list; } // K个链表合并 ListNode mergeKNodeList(List<ListNode> list) { return divideMergeNodeList( list, 0, list.size() - 1 ); } // 归并合并 ListNode divideMergeNodeList(List<ListNode> list, int left, int right) { if (left > right) { return null; } if (left == right) { return list.get(left); } int mid = (left + right) / 2; return merge2NodeList( divideMergeNodeList(list, left, mid), divideMergeNodeList(list, mid + 1, right) ); } // 合并2个链表 ListNode merge2NodeList(ListNode pHead1, ListNode pHead2) { ListNode tmp = new ListNode(-1); ListNode curr = tmp; while (pHead1 != null || pHead2 != null) { if (null == pHead1) { curr.next = pHead2; break; } else if (null == pHead2) { curr.next = pHead1; break; } else if (pHead1.val < pHead2.val) { curr.next = pHead1; pHead1 = pHead1.next; } else { curr.next = pHead2; pHead2 = pHead2.next; } curr = curr.next; } return tmp.next; } }
public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { return sort5(head); } public void print(ListNode head){ while (head != null){ System.out.print(head.val); System.out.print(","); head = head.next; } System.out.println(); } public void print(ArrayList<ListNode> list){ for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ System.out.print(list.get(i).val); System.out.print(","); } System.out.println(); } // 转数组,自排序 public ListNode sort5(ListNode head){ ArrayList<ListNode> list = new ArrayList<>(); while(head != null){ list.add(head); head = head.next; } Collections.sort(list,(s1,s2) -> s1.val-s2.val); ListNode const_node = new ListNode(999); ListNode pre = const_node; for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ pre.next = list.get(i); pre = pre.next; } pre.next = null; return const_node.next; } //转数组 public ListNode sort4(ListNode head){ print(head); ArrayList<ListNode> list = new ArrayList<>(); while(head != null){ list.add(head); head = head.next; } print(list); sort4_1(list,0,list.size()-1); ListNode const_node = new ListNode(999); ListNode pre = const_node; for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ pre.next = list.get(i); pre = pre.next; } pre.next = null; return const_node.next; } public void sort4_1(ArrayList<ListNode> list,int s,int e){ if(s == e) return; int m = (s+e)/2; sort4_1(list,s,m); sort4_1(list,m+1,e); int m_tmp = m; ListNode node1,node2; while(s <= m_tmp && m+1 <= e){ System.out.println(s); System.out.println(m); System.out.println(e); node1 = list.get(s); node2 = list.get(m+1); if(node1.val > node2.val){ list.remove(m+1); list.add(s,node2); s++; m++; m_tmp++; }else{ s++; } print(list); } System.out.println("==="); } // 递归 public ListNode sort3(ListNode head){ if(head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode slow = head; ListNode fast = head.next; while(fast != null && fast.next != null){ slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } ListNode node2 = sort3(slow.next); slow.next = null; ListNode node1 = sort3(head); return sort3_merge(node1,node2); } public ListNode sort3_merge(ListNode node1,ListNode node2){ ListNode const_node = new ListNode(99); ListNode pre = const_node; while(node1 != null && node2 != null){ if(node1.val < node2.val){ pre.next = node1; node1 = node1.next; }else{ pre.next = node2; node2 = node2.next; } pre = pre.next; } if(node1 != null) pre.next = node1; if(node2 != null) pre.next = node2; return const_node.next; } // 插入排序 public ListNode sort2 (ListNode head) { if(head == null) return head; ListNode const_node = new ListNode(999); const_node.next = head; ListNode node1 = head; while(node1!= null && node1.next != null){ ListNode node2 = const_node; boolean is_insert = false; if(node1.next.val >= node1.val){ node1 = node1.next; continue; } while(node2.next != node1.next){ if(node1.next.val < node2.next.val){ ListNode tmp = node1.next; node1.next = node1.next.next; tmp.next = node2.next; node2.next = tmp; node1 = node1; is_insert = true; break; } node2 = node2.next; } System.out.println(node1.val); print(head); if(!is_insert) node1 = node1.next; } return const_node.next; } // 冒泡排序 public ListNode sort1 (ListNode head) { if(head == null) return head; ListNode const_node = new ListNode(999); const_node.next = head; ListNode pre_node = const_node.next; ListNode next_node = pre_node.next; while(pre_node.next != null){ if(next_node.val < pre_node.val){ int tmp = next_node.val; next_node.val = pre_node.val; pre_node.val = tmp; } next_node = next_node.next; if(next_node == null){ pre_node = pre_node.next; next_node = pre_node.next; } } return const_node.next; }
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * public ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * } * } */ public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { // write code here // 借助小根堆实现 - 注意别忘了自定义类的排序需要写比较器 // 算法时间复杂度O(NlogN),额外空间复杂度O(N) // 1.先排除null和单值 if(head == null || head.next == null) { // 无需排序 return head; } // 2.遍历链表,依次将结点入堆 PriorityQueue<ListNode> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>((o1, o2) -> o1.val - o2.val); ListNode cur = head; while (cur != null) { // 堆的插入 - offer minHeap.offer(cur); System.out.println("结点入堆:" + cur.val); cur = cur.next; } // 3.依次出堆,尾插法建立result链表 ListNode result = null; ListNode tail = result; while(!minHeap.isEmpty()) { // 依次弹出堆中所有结点,使用尾插法将它们连接起来 // 堆的弹出 - poll ListNode rootNode = minHeap.poll(); System.out.println("结点出堆:" + rootNode.val); rootNode.next = null; if (tail == null) { // 尾插第一个元素 result = rootNode; tail = result; } else { tail.next = rootNode; tail = rootNode; } } // 4.返回结果链表的头结点result return result; } }
最小堆排序,时间复杂度为 nlogn public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { Queue<Integer> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(); ListNode index = head; while(index != null){ queue.add(index.val); index = index.next; } ListNode node = new ListNode(-1); index = node; while(!queue.isEmpty()){ index.next = new ListNode(queue.poll()); index = index.next; } return node.next; }
public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { // write code here PriorityQueue<ListNode> queue=new PriorityQueue<ListNode>(new Comparator<ListNode>(){ @Override public int compare(ListNode l1 ,ListNode l2){ return l2.val-l1.val; } });; while(head!=null){ queue.add(head); head=head.next; } ListNode pre=new ListNode(0); while(!queue.isEmpty()){ ListNode node=queue.poll(); node.next=pre.next; pre.next=node; } return pre.next; }
public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { // write code here ArrayList<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<Integer>(); nums.add(head.val); while(head.next != null){ head = head.next; nums.add(head.val); } Collections.sort(nums); ListNode newHead = new ListNode(-1); ListNode temp = newHead; for(int i=0; i< nums.size(); i++){ ListNode num = new ListNode(nums.get(i)); temp.next = num; temp = temp.next; } return newHead.next; }
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * public ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * } * } */ public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { if(head==null) return null; ListNode p = head; List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); while(p!=null){ list.add(p.val); p=p.next; } p=head; Collections.sort(list); int[] arr= list.stream().mapToInt(Integer::valueOf).toArray(); for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ p.val=arr[i]; p=p.next; } return head; } }
public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ int count = 0; public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { // write code here return diviveAndMerge(head); } public ListNode diviveAndMerge(ListNode head) { // 链表为空或只有一个元素时返回 if (head == null || head.next == null) return head; // 中点的前序节点,即左侧节点 ListNode left = head; // 中心节点 ListNode mid = head.next; // 右侧节点 ListNode rigth = head.next.next; while (rigth != null && rigth.next != null) { left = left.next; mid = mid.next; // 右侧节点速度是左侧节点的2倍 rigth = rigth.next.next; } // 将链表从left与mid之间断开,切分成head和mid两部分 left.next = null; // 递的过程不断将集合化为两半 ListNode node1 = diviveAndMerge(head); ListNode node2 = diviveAndMerge(mid); // 归的过程将两个链表合并,返回值为合并后的头节点 return mergeTwoListNode(node1, node2); } // 合并两个链表 public ListNode mergeTwoListNode(ListNode pHead1, ListNode pHead2) { ListNode dummy = new ListNode(-1); ListNode cur = dummy; while (pHead1 != null && pHead2 != null) { if (pHead1.val <= pHead2.val) { cur.next = pHead1; pHead1 = pHead1.next; } else { cur.next = pHead2; pHead2 = pHead2.next; } cur = cur.next; } cur.next = pHead1 != null ? pHead1 : pHead2; return dummy.next; }
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * public ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * } * } */ public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { if(head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode dummy1 = new ListNode(-1); ListNode dummy2 = new ListNode(-1); ListNode target = head, p = head.next; ListNode p1 = dummy1, p2 = dummy2; while (p != null) { if (p.val < target.val) { p1.next = p; p1 = p1.next; p = p.next; p1.next = null; } else { p2.next = p; p2 = p2.next; p = p.next; p2.next = null; } } p1.next = target; p1 = p1.next; p1.next = null; ListNode leftParted = sortInList(dummy1.next); ListNode rightParted = sortInList(dummy2.next); ListNode temp = leftParted; while (temp.next != null) temp = temp.next; temp.next = target; target.next = rightParted; return leftParted; } }
public ListNode sortInList(ListNode head) { //把一个链表从中间拆成两个链表 if(head==null||head.next==null) return head; ListNode fast=head; ListNode slow=head; ListNode slowPre=null;//注意这里是null,而不是new ListNode(0) //找链表中点 while(fast.next!=null&&fast.next.next!=null){ fast=fast.next.next; slow=slow.next; slowPre=slow;//第一次的时候就已经是head.next,slow直接跳跃了head } //根据fast,确定中点 ***z注意这个左右中点的区分 ListNode nextHead; nextHead=slow.next; slow.next=null; //合并两个有序链表 //各自排序 ListNode node1=sortInList(head); ListNode node2=sortInList(nextHead); ListNode dummy=new ListNode(0); ListNode cur=dummy; //合并 while(node1!=null&&node2!=null){ if(node1.val<node2.val){ cur.next=node1; node1=node1.next; cur=cur.next; }else{ cur.next=node2; node2=node2.next; cur=cur.next; } } while(node1!=null){ cur.next=node1; node1=node1.next; cur=cur.next; } while(node2!=null){ cur.next=node2; node2=node2.next; cur=cur.next; } return dummy.next; }
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * } */ public class Solution { /** * * @param head ListNode类 the head node * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { if (head == null || head.next == null) { return head; } ListNode fast = head.next, slow = head; while (fast != null && fast.next != null) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } ListNode tmp = slow.next; slow.next = null; ListNode left = sortInList(head); ListNode right = sortInList(tmp); ListNode dummyHead = new ListNode(-1); ListNode curr = dummyHead; while (left != null && right != null) { if (left.val < right.val) { curr.next = left; left = left.next; } else { curr.next = right; right = right.next; } curr = curr.next; } curr.next = left != null ? left : right; return dummyHead.next; } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public ListNode sortInList (ListNode head) { ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ListNode p = head; while (p != null) { al.add(p.val); p = p.next; } p = head; Collections.sort(al); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { p.val = al.get(i); p = p.next; } return head; } }