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Why doesn't D(kₐ,N)(E (kₑ,N)(m

Why doesn't D(kₐ,N)(E (kₑ,N)(m)) provide authentication of the sender?
To what uses can such an encryption be put?

D(kₐ,N)(E (kₑ,N)(m))means that the message is encrypted using the public key and then decrypted using the private key.This scheme is not sufficient to guarantee authentication since any entity can obtain the public keys and therefore could hav e fabricated the message.However,the only entity that can decrypt the message is the entity that owns the private key," hich guarantees that the message is a secret message from the sender to the entity owning the private key;no other entity can decrypt the contents of the message.

发表于 2018-03-25 10:18:24 回复(0)