给出两个字符串 s 和 t,要求在 s 中找出最短的包含 t 中所有字符的连续子串。
要求:进阶:空间复杂度 , 时间复杂度
如果 s 中没有包含 t 中所有字符的子串,返回空字符串 “”;
如果 s 中没有包含 t 中所有字符的子串,返回空字符串 “”;
# # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param S string字符串 # @param T string字符串 # @return string字符串 # class Solution: def exist_add(self, s: str, T: dict) -> dict: """ 判断当前字符是否在哈希表中 """ val = T.get(s) if val is not None: T[s] += 1 return T def less_zero(self, obj) -> bool: """ 判断当前哈希表中是否有小于零的数 """ for ele in obj: if ele < 0: return True return False def minWindow(self , S: str, T: str) -> str: # 创建哈希表,用于检查T中数据是否存在 tab_hash = {} for key in T: if tab_hash.get(key) is None: tab_hash[key] = -1 else: tab_hash[key] -= 1 # 窗口(通过双指针实现)遍历找寻最短的字串 res = '' # 用于保留最短的子串 left = 0 # 左指针 right = 0 # 右指针 tab_hash = self.exist_add(S[0], tab_hash) while True: # 判断当前窗口是否包含所有T if not self.less_zero(tab_hash.values()): # 包含所有,移动左指针,直到不包含所有 val_left = S[left] val_s = tab_hash.get(val_left) left += 1 if val_s is not None: # 左指针数据存在T中 tab_hash[val_left] -= 1 if self.less_zero(tab_hash.values()): # 不包含所有 min_str = S[left - 1:right + 1] if res == '': res = min_str elif len(min_str) < len(res): res = min_str if left >= len(S): break continue # 不移动右指针 # 不包含所有,继续移动右指针 right += 1 if right >= len(S): break tab_hash = self.exist_add(S[right], tab_hash) return res
# # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param S string字符串 # @param T string字符串 # @return string字符串 # import collections class Solution: def minWindow(self , S: str, T: str) -> str: ret = '' if len(S) < len(T): return '' if len(S) == len(T): if S == T: return S else: return '' # write code here left, right = 0, 0 minlen = 999999 need = dict(collections.Counter(T)) window = dict() match = 0 while right < len(S): c1 = S[right] if need.get(c1): window.setdefault(c1, 0) window[c1] += 1 if window[c1] == need[c1]: match += 1 right += 1 while match == len(need): if right - left < minlen: minlen = right - left print(minlen) ret = S[left:right] c2 = S[left] if need.get(c2): window.setdefault(c2, 0) window[c2] -= 1 if window[c2] < need[c2]: match -= 1 left += 1 return ret
import collections class Solution: def com_dic(self,dict1: dict, dict2: dict): for key in dict2: if dict2[key] > dict1.get(key, 0): return False return True def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str: set_s = set(s) set_t = set(t) len_s = len(s) len_t = len(t) if len_s < len_t: return "" if not set_t.issubset(set_s): return "" i = 0 result = [] t_c = dict(collections.Counter(t)) for j in range(len_s): while ( set_t.issubset(s[i : j + 1]) and len_t <= len(s[i : j + 1]) and i <= j and Solution.com_dic(self,dict(collections.Counter(s[i : j + 1])), t_c) ): result.append(s[i : j + 1]) i += 1 result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: len(x)) return "" if len(result) == 0 else result[0]
# # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param S string字符串 # @param T string字符串 # @return string字符串 # class Solution: def minWindow(self , S: str, T: str) -> str: m, M = -1, len(S) left, right = 0, 0 sdict, tdict = {}, {} for i in T: if i in tdict.keys(): tdict[i] = tdict[i] + 1 else: tdict[i] = 1 while right < len(S): if S[right] in tdict.keys(): if S[right] in sdict.keys(): sdict[S[right]] = sdict[S[right]] + 1 else: sdict[S[right]] = 1 else: right = right + 1 continue right = right + 1 flag = False for i in tdict.keys(): if i in sdict.keys(): if tdict[i] > sdict[i]: flag = True else: flag = True if flag: continue while left < right: if M-m > right - left: m, M = left, right tmp = S[left] left = left + 1 if tmp in sdict.keys(): if sdict[tmp] > 1: sdict[tmp] = sdict[tmp] - 1 if sdict[tmp] < tdict[tmp]: break else: sdict.pop(tmp) break if m == -1: return '' ret = S[m:M] return ret