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BOOK ( Bookid , Title , Publis


BOOK ( Bookid , Title , Publishername )

BOOK_AUTHORS ( Bookid , Authorname )

PUBLISHER ( Publishername , Address , Phone )

BOOK_COPIES ( Bookid , Branchid , No_Of_Copies )

LIBRARY_BRANCH ( Branchid , Branchname , Address )

BOOK_LOANS ( Bookid , Branchid , Cardno , DataOut , Duedata )

BORROWER ( Cardno , Name , Address , Phone )

a) Write appropriate SQL DDL statements for declaring the BOOK_AUTHORS relation.

b) Give an expressions in relational algebra to express the following queries :

Q1: Retrieve the name of all borrowers who do not have any books checked out.

Q2: For each book that is loaned out from the “sharpstown” branch and whose DueDate is today , retrieve the book title , the borrower’s name , and the borrower’s address .

c) Give an expressions in SQL to express the following queries :

Q1: How many copies of the book titled The Lost Tribe are owned by the library branch whose name is “sharpstown” ?

Q2: For each library branch , retrieve the branch name and that the total number of books loaned out rom that branch .

Q3: Retrieve the name , address , and number of books checked out for all borrowers who have more than five books checked out .

Q4: For each book authored ( or co-authored ) by “ Stephen King “ , retrieve the title and the number of copies owned by the library branch whose name is “ central ” .

d) Record the fact that the manager didn’t maintain information about the book named “ T&G ” ,i.e. remove information about “ T&G ” .
