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Compareand contrast the techni


Compareand contrast the techniques of caching disk blocks locally,on a client system,and remotely,on a server.

Caching locally can reduce network traffic substantially as the local *** can possibly handle a significant number of the remote accesses.This can reduce the amount of network traffic and lessen the load on the server.However, to maintain consistency,local updates to disk blocks must be updated on theserver using eithera write-through or delayed-write policy.A strategy must also be prov rided that allows the client to determine if its ***d data is stale and needstobe updated. Caching locally provides is obviously more complicated than having a client request all data from the server.But if access patters indicate heavy writes to the data,the mechanisms for handling inconsistent data may increase network traffic and sener load.
发表于 2018-03-25 10:13:47 回复(0)