function LCS( s1 , s2 ) { if (s1.length > s2.length) [s1, s2] = [s2, s1]; const dp = new Array(s2.length + 1).fill(''); for (let i = 1; i <= s1.length; i++) { let pre = ''; for (let j = 1; j <= s2.length; j++) { const tmp = dp[j]; if (s1[i - 1] === s2[j - 1]) dp[j] = pre + s2[j - 1]; else dp[j] = dp[j].length > dp[j - 1].length ? dp[j] : dp[j - 1]; pre = tmp; } } const res = dp[s2.length]; return res === '' ? '-1' : res; }
class Solution { public: /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ string LCS(string s1, string s2) { // write code here string ans = ""; int len1 = s1.size(), len2 = s2.size(); vector<vector<int> > dp(len1, vector<int>(len2, 0)); for(int i=0; i<len1; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<len2; ++j) { if(i == 0 || j == 0) dp[i][j] = s1[i] == s2[j] ? 1 : 0; else { dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1]); if(s1[i] == s2[j]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1; } } } } int row = len1-1; int col = len2-1; while(col >=0 && col >=0 ) { if(row-1 >= 0 && col-1 >= 0 && dp[row-1][col-1] == dp[row][col]+1){ ans+=s1[row]; col--; row--; }else if(row-1>=0 && dp[row-1][col] == dp[row][col]){ row--; }else if(col-1>=0 && dp[row][col-1] == dp[row][col]) { col--; }else { // 到达边界,退出 break; } } return ans; } };
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { int n1=s1.length(),n2=s2.length(); String[][]dp=new String[n1+1][n2+1];//表示当处理到s1的第i个元素和s2的第j个元素时公共子序列的长度 for(int i=0;i<=n1;i++){ for(int j=0;j<=n2;j++){ if(i==0||j==0) dp[i][j]=""; else if(s1.charAt(i-1)==s2.charAt(j-1)){//如果相同的话 // dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-1]+1; dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-1]+s1.charAt(i-1); } else { // dp[i][j]=Math.max(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j-1]); dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j].length()>dp[i][j-1].length()?dp[i-1][j]:dp[i][j-1]; } } } if(dp[n1][n2]=="") return "-1"; return dp[n1][n2]; } }
class Solution { public: string LCS(string s1, string s2) { // write code here string dp[s1.size()+1][s2.size()+1]; for(int i=0;i<=s1.size();i++) dp[i][0] = ""; for(int i=0;i<=s2.size();i++) dp[0][i] = ""; for(int i=1;i<=s1.size();i++){ for(int j=1;j<=s2.size();j++){ if(s1[i-1]==s2[j-1]) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]+s1[i-1]; else{ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j].size()>dp[i][j-1].size()?dp[i-1][j]:dp[i][j-1]; } } } return dp[s1.size()][s2.size()]==""?"-1":dp[s1.size()][s2.size()]; } };
class Solution { public: /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ string LCS(string s1, string s2) { int len1 = s1.length() + 1; int len2 = s2.length() + 1; string res = ""; vector<vector<int> > dp(len1, vector<int>(len2, 0)); for (int i = 1; i < len1; ++i) for (int j = 1; j < len2; ++j) if (s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; } else dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]); int i = len1 - 1, j = len2 - 1; while (dp[i][j]) { if (dp[i-1][j] == dp[i][j-1] && dp[i][j] > dp[i-1][j-1]) { res += s1[i - 1]; --i; --j; } else if (dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]) --i; else --j; } reverse(res.begin(), res.end()); return res; } };
for (auto i : dp) { for (auto j : i) cout << j << ' '; cout << endl; } /* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 【5】 5 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 */
dp[i-1][j] == dp[i][j-1] && dp[i][j] > dp[i-1][j-1] //前者表示不是取子序列较长者,而是当前位置字符相等 //后者是为了区别有多个公共序列等长,注意分析dp数组中括起来的部分
else if (dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]) --i;
else if (dp[i - 1][j] >= dp[i][j - 1]) --i;答案是:123456
class Solution: def LCS(self , s1 , s2 ): # write code here m, n = len(s1), len(s2) dp = [[''] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1)] for i in range(1, m + 1): for j in range(1, n + 1): if s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]: dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + s1[i - 1] else: if len(dp[i - 1][j])>len(dp[i][j - 1]): dp[i][j] =dp[i - 1][j] else: dp[i][j] =dp[i][j - 1] if dp[m][n]=='': return -1 else: return dp[m][n]
class Solution(object): def longestCommonSubsequence(self, text1, text2): """ :type text1: str :type text2: str :rtype: int """ m, n = len(text1), len(text2) dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1)] for i in range(1, m + 1): for j in range(1, n + 1): if text1[i - 1] == text2[j - 1]: dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 else: dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]) return dp[m][n]
class Solution { public: string LCS(string s1, string s2) { int sz1 = s1.size(); int sz2 = s2.size(); string res; // 动态规划获取dp矩阵 vector<vector<int>> dp(sz1 + 1, vector<int>(sz2 + 1)); for (int i = 1; i <= sz1; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= sz2; ++j) if (s1[i-1] == s2[j-1]) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1; else dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1]); // 取得左上角的字符 int trace = dp[sz1][sz2]; int i = sz1, j = sz2; while (trace) { if (dp[i-1][j] == trace) --i; else if (dp[i][j-1] == trace) --j; else { res.push_back(s1[i-1]); --trace; --i; --j; } } // 双指针翻转字符串 int sz = res.size(); for (int k = 0; k < sz / 2; ++k) { auto temp = res[sz - 1 - k]; res[sz - 1 - k] = res[k]; res[k] = temp; } return res.empty() ? "-1" : res; } };
class Solution: def LCS(self , s1: str, s2: str) -> str: if s1 is None or s2 is None: return '-1' len1 = len(s1) len2 = len(s2) dp = [[''] * (len2 + 1) for i in range(len1 + 1)] for i in range(1, len1+1): for j in range(1, len2+1): if s1[i-1] == s2[j-1]: dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + s1[i -1] else: dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-1] if len(dp[i][j-1]) > len(dp[i-1][j]) else dp[i-1][j] return dp[-1][-1] if dp[-1][-1] != '' else '-1'
class Solution { public: /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ string LCS(string s1, string s2) { // write code here int m = s1.length(); int n = s2.length(); if (m == 0 || n == 0) return "-1"; vector<vector<string>> dp(2, vector<string>(n + 1, "")); int row = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { row = 1 - row; for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) dp[row][j] = dp[1- row][j - 1] + s1[i - 1]; else { if (dp[row][j - 1].length() >= dp[1- row][j].length()) dp[row][j] = dp[row][j - 1]; else dp[row][j] = dp[1 - row][j]; } } } return dp[row][n] == "" ? "-1" : dp[row][n]; } };
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { // write code here int m = s1.length(), n = s2.length(); int[][] dp = new int[m + 1][n + 1]; for (int i = 1; i < m + 1; i ++) { for (int j = 1; j < n + 1; j ++) { if (s1.charAt(i - 1) == s2.charAt(j - 1)) { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; } else if (dp[i][j - 1] > dp[i - 1][j]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1]; } else { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]; } } } if (dp[m][n] == 0) return "-1"; int length = dp[m][n]; StringBuffer lcs = new StringBuffer();; while (true) { if (s1.charAt(m - 1) == s2.charAt(n - 1)) { lcs.insert(0, s1.charAt(m - 1)); length -- ; if (length <= 0) break; m --; n--; } else if (dp[m - 1][n] > dp[m][n - 1]) { m --; } else { n --; } } return lcs.toString(); } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { // write code here int length1 = s1.length(); int length2 = s2.length(); StringBuffer[][] dp = new StringBuffer[length1 + 1][length2 + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= length1; i++) { dp[i][0] = new StringBuffer(); } for (int i = 0; i <= length2; i++) { dp[0][i] = new StringBuffer(); } for (int i = 1; i <= length1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= length2; j++) { if (s1.charAt(i - 1) == s2.charAt(j - 1)) { dp[i][j] = new StringBuffer(dp[i - 1][j - 1]); dp[i][j].append(s1.charAt(i - 1)); } else { dp[i][j] = new StringBuffer(dp[i - 1][j].length() > dp[i][j - 1].length() ? dp[i - 1][j] : dp[i][j - 1]); } } if (i > 1) { for (int j = 0; j <= length2; j++) { dp[i - 2][j] = null; // 清除内存 } } } if (dp[length1][length2].length() == 0) { dp[length1][length2].append(-1); } return dp[length1][length2].toString(); } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { // write code here int m = s1.length(), n = s2.length(); int[][] dp = new int[m][n]; StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); //动态规划找到最长公共子序列 for(int i = 0; i < m;i++){ for(int j = 0; j < n;j++){ if(i==0 || j==0){ dp[i][j] = 0; } else{ if(s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j)) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1; else dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j-1]); } } } int i = m-1, j = n-1; while(i >= 0 && j >= 0){ if(s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j)){ res.append(s1.charAt(i)); i--; j--; } if(i>0 && j>0 && s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(j)){ if(dp[i-1][j] > dp[i][j-1]) i--; else j--; //dp[i-1][j] < dp[i][j-1]时,j--; //dp[i-1][j] = dp[i][j-1]时,i--或j--,这里统一为j--; } //行或列到达边界 if(i==0)j--; if(j==0)i--; } if(res.toString().equals("") || res==null)return "-1"; return res.reverse().toString(); } }
public static String LCS (String s1, String s2) { int length1 = s1.length(); int length2 = s2.length(); int[][] dp = new int[length1+1][length2+1]; char[][] dp2 = new char[length1+1][length2+1]; for (int i = 1; i <= length1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= length2; j++) { if(s1.charAt(i-1)==s2.charAt(j-1)){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]+1; dp2[i][j] = s1.charAt(i-1); }else{ dp[i][j]=Math.max(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j-1]); } } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int a = length1; int b = length2; for (int i =dp[length1][length2]; i >0 ; i--) { boolean flag = false; for (int j = a; j >=1 ; j--) { for (int k = b; k >=1; k--) { if(dp[j][k]==i && dp2[j][k]!=0 ){ sb.append(dp2[j][k]); a = j; b = k; flag = true; break; } } if(flag){ break; } } } return sb.reverse().toString(); }
//状态压缩,动态规划 class Solution { public: /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ string LCS(string s1, string s2) { int m = s1.size(); int n= s2.size(); //实际只用到 要求位置的 上(dp[i-1][j]) ,左上(dp[i-1][j-1]), 左(dp[i][j-1]) 这三个值 用2行状态压缩; //只用1行的话 前向后遍历先更新 左 会覆盖 左上 的值 。。 // 还有一个用的2行 0行1行来回滚动 绕晕了。。。 这里就 更新一行还好理解一点 vector<vector<string>>dp(2,vector<string>(n+1)); for(int i= 1;i<=m;i++) { for(int j= 1;j<=n;j++) { if(s1[i-1]==s2[j-1]) dp[1][j]=dp[0][j-1] + s1[i-1]; //只更新dp第2行 ,包括 左 的值 else dp[1][j]=dp[0][j].size() > dp[1][j-1].size()?dp[0][j]:dp[1][j-1]; } for(int k=0;k<=n;k++) dp[0][k]=dp[1][k]; // 把1行的值赋值给dp的0行 来保存 上 ,左上 这两个位置 } return dp[1][n]==""?"-1":dp[1][n]; } };
class Solution { public: /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ string LCS(string s1, string s2) { // 时间复杂度O(MN),空间复杂度O(MN) vector<vector<int>> dp(s1.size() + 1, vector<int>(s2.size() + 1, 0)); vector<vector<int>> path(s1.size() + 1, vector<int>(s2.size() + 1, 0)); for (int i = 1; i <= s1.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 1; j <= s2.size(); ++j) { if (s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1; path[i][j] = 1; } else if (dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]; path[i][j] = 2; } else { dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1]; path[i][j] = 3; } } } string res = getStr(s1, s2, s1.size(), s2.size(), path); return res.empty() ? "-1" : res; } string getStr(string &s1, string &s2, int i, int j, vector<vector<int>> &path) { string res; if (i == 0 || j == 0) return res; if (path[i][j] == 1) { res += getStr(s1, s2, i - 1, j - 1, path); res += s1[i - 1]; } else if (path[i][j] == 2) { res += getStr(s1, s2, i - 1, j, path); } else if (path[i][j] == 3) { res += getStr(s1, s2, i, j - 1, path); } return res; } };
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { if (s1==null||s2==null||s1.length()==0||s2.length()==0){ return "-1"; } int m=s1.length(); int n=s2.length(); //dp[a][b],a in [0,m], b in [0,n],定义为s1长度为a的前缀子串,s2长度为b的前缀子串,两个前缀子串的最大公共子序列 String[][]dp=new String[m+1][n+1]; for (int i=0;i<m+1; ++i){ dp[i][0] = ""; } for (int j=0;j<n+1; ++j){ dp[0][j] = ""; } for (int i=1; i<m+1; ++i){ for (int j=1; j<n+1; ++j){ if (s1.charAt(i-1) == s2.charAt(j-1)){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + s1.substring(i-1,i); }else { dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j].length() > dp[i][j-1].length() ? dp[i-1][j] : dp[i][j-1]; } } } String res = dp[m][n]; return res.isEmpty() ? "-1" : res; } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { // write code here int len1 = s1.length(); int len2 = s2.length(); String[][] dp = new String[len1+1][len2+1]; //初始化 for(int i = 0;i <= len2;i++){ dp[0][i] = ""; } for(int i = 0; i <= len1; i++){ dp[i][0] = ""; } for(int i = 1; i <= len1; i++){ for(int j = 1;j <= len2; j++){ if(s1.charAt(i - 1) == s2.charAt( j - 1)){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + s1.charAt(i-1); }else{ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j].length() > dp[i][j-1].length()? dp[i-1][j]: dp[i][j-1]; } } } return dp[len1][len2] == "" ? "-1" : dp[len1][len2]; } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * longest common subsequence * @param s1 string字符串 the string * @param s2 string字符串 the string * @return string字符串 */ public String LCS (String s1, String s2) { // write code here int l1=s1.length(); int l2=s2.length(); String[][] dp=new String[l1+1][l2+1]; for(int i=0;i<=l1;i++){ dp[i][0]=""; } for (int i=0;i<=l2;i++){ dp[0][i]=""; } for(int i=1;i<=l1;i++){ for (int j=1;j<=l2;j++){ if(s1.charAt(i-1)==s2.charAt(j-1)){ dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j-1]+s1.charAt(i-1); }else { dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][j].length()>dp[i][j-1].length()?dp[i-1][j]:dp[i][j-1]; } } } return dp[l1][l2]==""?"-1":dp[l1][l2]; } }