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Discuss how the asymmetric enc

Discuss how the asymmetric encryption algorithm can be used to achieve the following goals.

a.Authentication: receiver knows that only the sender could have generated the message.
b.Secrecy: only the receiver can decrypt the message.
c.Authentication and secrecy: only the receiver can decrypt the
message,and the receiver knows that only the sender could
have generated the message.

Let Kse be the public key of the sender,Kre be the public key of the receiver,Ksd be the private key of the sender,and Kse be the private key of the receiver.Authentication is performed by having the sender send a message that is encoded using Ksd.Secrecy is ensured by having the sender encode the message using Kre.Both authentication and secrecy is guaranteed by performing double encryption using both Ksd and Kre.
发表于 2018-03-25 10:18:29 回复(0)