输入: [1,3,null,null,2]
1 / 3 \ 2
输出: [3,1,null,null,2]
3 / 1 \ 2
*/ import java.util.*;
public class Solution {
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) {
TreeNode cur = root;
TreeNode mostRight;
TreeNode firstStrange=null;
TreeNode firstStrange_next = new TreeNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
TreeNode pre=new TreeNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
while (cur!=null) {
if (cur.left!=null) {
mostRight = cur.left;
while(mostRight.right!=null&&mostRight.right!=cur) {
if (mostRight.right==null) {
cur = cur.left;
else {
mostRight.right = null;
if (pre.val>cur.val) {
if (firstStrange==null) {
else {
int term = firstStrange.val;
firstStrange.val = cur.val;
cur.val = term;
pre = cur;
cur =cur.right;
int term = firstStrange.val;
firstStrange.val = firstStrange_next.val;
firstStrange_next.val = term;
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { if(root==null) return; TreeNode cur=root,m1=null,m2=null,last=null; while(cur!=null) { TreeNode pre=cur.left; if(pre!=null) { while(pre.right!=null&&pre.right!=cur) pre=pre.right; if(pre.right==null) { pre.right=cur; cur=cur.left; continue; } else pre.right=null; } if(last==null) last=cur; else { if(m1==null&&last.val>cur.val) { m1=last; m2=cur; } else if(m1!=null&&last.val>cur.val) m2=cur; last=cur; } cur=cur.right; } int t=m1.val; m1.val=m2.val; m2.val=t; }
//满足空间复杂度为常数 //思路:设定两个指针用来指向两处错误处和一个pre指针指向中序遍历的前一个结点。 public class Solution { TreeNode pre,mistake1,mistake2; public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { inTraversal(root); mistake1.val=mistake2.val^mistake1.val^(mistake2.val=mistake1.val); } public void inTraversal(TreeNode root){ if(root==null) return ; inTraversal(root.left); if(pre!=null&&pre.val>root.val){ if(mistake1==null){ mistake1=pre; mistake2=root; }else mistake2=root; } pre=root; inTraversal(root.right); } }
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>(); inorder(root, list); TreeNode first = null, second = null; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i ++) { if(list.get(i).val > list.get(i + 1).val) { first = list.get(i); break; } } for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > 0; i --) { if(list.get(i).val < list.get(i - 1).val) { second = list.get(i); break; } } first.val = second.val ^ first.val ^ (second.val = first.val); } public static void inorder(TreeNode root, List<TreeNode> list) { if(root != null) { inorder(root.left, list); list.add(root); inorder(root.right, list); } } }
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { TreeNode pre = null; TreeNode first = null, second = null; // Morris Traversal TreeNode temp = null; while(root!=null){ if(root.left!=null){ // connect threading for root temp = root.left; while(temp.right!=null && temp.right != root) temp = temp.right; // the threading already exists if(temp.right!=null){ if(pre!=null && pre.val > root.val){ if(first==null){first = pre;second = root;} else{second = root;} } pre = root; temp.right = null; root = root.right; }else{ // construct the threading temp.right = root; root = root.left; } }else{ if(pre!=null && pre.val > root.val){ if(first==null){first = pre;second = root;} else{second = root;} } pre = root; root = root.right; } } // swap two node values; if(first!= null && second != null){ int t = first.val; first.val = second.val; second.val = t; } }
public class Solution { TreeNode firstElement = TreeNode firstElement = null; TreeNode secondElement = TreeNode secondElement = null; // The reason for this initialization is to avoid null pointer exception in the first comparison when prevElement has not been initialized TreeNode prevElement = new TreeNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE); public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) { // In order traversal to find the two elements traverse(root); // Swap the values of the two nodes int temp = firstElement.val; firstElement. firstElement.val = secondElement.val; secondElement. secondElement.val = temp; } } private void traverse(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) return; traverse(root.left); traverse(root.left); // Start of "do some business", // If first element has not been found, assign it to prevElement (refer to 6 in the example above) if (firstElement == null && prevElement.val >= root.val) { firstElement = prevElement; } firstElement = prevElement; } // If first element is found, assign the second element to the root (refer to 2 in the example above) if (firstElement != null && prevElement.val >= root.val) { secondElement = root; } prevElement = root; secondElement = root; } prevElement = root; // End of "do some business" traverse(root.right); }