第一行为三个整数n,m(3 <= m,n <= 10),P(1 <= P <= 100)
如果能逃离迷宫,则输出一行体力消耗最小的路径,输出格式见样例所示;如果不能逃离迷宫,则输出"Can not escape!"。 测试数据保证答案唯一
4 4 10 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
data = [int(i) for i in input().strip().split(' ')] n,m,p = data[0],data[1],data[2] res= [] for i in range(n): res.append([int(i) for i in input().strip().split(' ')]) #print(res) lujing = [] def helper(i,j,p,lujing): if p < 0: return False if i < 0&nbs***bsp;j >= m&nbs***bsp;i >= n&nbs***bsp;j < 0: return False if res[i][j] == 0: return False if p <= 0 and (i != 0 and j!= m-1): return False lujing += [[i,j]] if i == 0 and j == m-1 and p >=0: return True res[i][j] = 0 result = helper(i,j+1,p-1,lujing)&nbs***bsp;helper(i-1,j,p-3,lujing)&nbs***bsp;helper(i+1,j,p,lujing)&nbs***bsp; helper(i,j-1,p-1,lujing) res[i][j] = 1 return result if helper(0,0,p,lujing) == True: res_str= '' for i,r in enumerate(lujing): res_str += '['+str(r[0])+','+str(r[1])+']'+',' print(res_str[:-1]) else: print('Can not escape!')
nmp = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) n = nmp[0] m = nmp[1] p = nmp[2] nmli = [] for i in range(n): nmli.append(list(map(int, input().strip().split()))) def dfs(nmli, route, p): # 地图,路径,剩余体力 x = route[-1][0] # 当前位置 y = route[-1][1] if p >= 0 and x == 0 and y == len(nmli[0]) - 1: # 如果到终点了 return route if p <= 0: # 如果体力值小于等于0 return False result = [0] * (len(nmli) * len(nmli[0]) + 1) if x - 1 >= 0 and nmli[x - 1][y] != 0: # 可以往上走 if [x - 1, y] not in route: # 上没有走过 re = dfs(nmli, route + [[x - 1, y]], p - 3) if re != False and len(re) < len(result): result = re if x + 1 < len(nmli) and nmli[x + 1][y] != 0: # 可以往下走 if [x + 1, y] not in route: # 下没有走过 re = dfs(nmli, route + [[x + 1, y]], p) if re != False and len(re) < len(result): result = re if y + 1 < len(nmli[0]) and nmli[x][y + 1] != 0: # 可以往右走 if [x, y + 1] not in route: # 右没有走过 re = dfs(nmli, route + [[x, y + 1]], p - 1) if re != False and len(re) < len(result): result = re if y - 1 >= 0 and nmli[x][y - 1] != 0: # 可以往左走 if [x, y - 1] not in route: # 左没有走过 re = dfs(nmli, route + [[x, y - 1]], p - 1) if re != False and len(re) < len(result): result = re if len(result) != len(nmli) * len(nmli[0]) + 1: return result else: return False result = dfs(nmli, [[0, 0]], p) if result != False: sout = "" for line in result: sout += '[' sout += str(line[0]) sout += ',' sout += str(line[1]) sout += ']' sout += ',' print(sout[:-1]) else: print("Can not escape!") ''' 4 4 10 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 '''
###############BFS############# n,m,p=map(int,input().split()) board=[] for _ in range(n): tmp=list(map(int,input().split())) board.append(tmp) dirc=[(1,0,0),(0,1,1),(0,-1,1),(-1,0,3)] flag=True q=[(0,0,p)] visit=[[(-1,-1,-1)for _ in range(m)]for _ in range(n)] visit[0][0]=(0,0,p) while q and flag: cur=q.pop(0) x,y,remain=cur[0],cur[1],cur[2] for i in range(4): dx,dy,consume=dirc[i][0],dirc[i][1],dirc[i][2] nx,ny=dx+x,dy+y if 0<=nx<n and 0<=ny<m and remain-consume>visit[nx][ny][2] and board[nx][ny]==1: if nx==0 and ny ==m-1: flag=False visit[0][m-1]=(x,y,remain-consume) break q.append((nx,ny,remain-consume)) visit[nx][ny]=(x,y,remain-consume) if visit[0][m-1][2]==-1: print("Can not escape!") else: res=[[0,m-1]] while res[0]!=[0,0]: prex,prey=res[0][0],res[0][1] x,y=visit[prex][prey][0],visit[prex][prey][1] res=[[x,y]]+res a=str(res) a=a.replace(' ','') print(a[1:-1]) ''' ###############DFS+剪枝############# res=[-1,'$'] visit=[[-1]*m for _ in range(n)] def dfs(x,y,remain,tmp): visit[x][y]=remain if x==0 and y ==m-1: if res[0]<remain: res[0]=remain res[1]=tmp+'['+str(x)+','+str(y)+']' return for i in range(4): dx,dy,consume=dirc[i][0],dirc[i][1],dirc[i][2] nx,ny=dx+x,dy+y if 0<=nx<n and 0<=ny<m and remain-consume>visit[nx][ny] and board[nx][ny]==1: dfs(nx,ny,remain-consume,tmp+'['+str(x)+','+str(y)+']'+',') dfs(0,0,p,'') if res[0]==-1: print("Can not escape!") else: print(res[1]) '''
'''引用@rober 大佬的框架改写如下'''n,m,p = [int(x) for x in input().split()] def dfs(grid,visited,path,i,j,p): path.append([i,j]) if i == 0 and j == m - 1: return visited[i][j] = True if i-1>=0 and grid[i-1][j] and visited[i-1][j]==0 and p>=0: dfs(grid,visited,path,i-1,j,p) if j-1>=0 and grid[i][j-1] and visited[i][j-1]==0 and p-1>=0: dfs(grid,visited,path,i,j-1,p-1) if j+1=0: dfs(grid,visited,path,i,j+1,p-1) if i+1=0: dfs(grid,visited,path,i+1,j,p-3) if path[-1][0]==0 and path[-1][1]==m-1: return path.pop() grid = [] for i in range(n): grid.append([int(x) for x in input().split()]) visited = [[False for i in range(m)] for i in range(n)] path = [] dfs(grid,visited,path,0,0,p) if path and path[-1][0]==0 and path[-1][1]==m-1: res = '' for i in path: res += '['+str(i[0])+','+str(i[1])+']'+',' print(res[:-1]) else: print('Can not escape!')
n, m, p = map(int, input().split()) obstacles = [] res = ['[0,0]'] for _ in range(n): obstacles.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) cur_r, cur_c = 0, 0 while p > 0: if cur_r == 0 and cur_c == m - 1: break move = False #right while p > 0 and cur_c < m - 1 and obstacles[cur_r][cur_c+1] == 1: cur_c += 1 p -= 1 res.append('[%d,%d]'%(cur_r,cur_c)) move = True if move: continue #up while p > 0 and cur_r > 0 and obstacles[cur_r-1][cur_c] == 1: cur_r -= 1 p -= 3 res.append('[%d,%d]'%(cur_r,cur_c)) move = True if move: continue #down while p > 0 and cur_r < n - 1 and obstacles[cur_r+1][cur_c] == 1: if obstacles[cur_r][cur_c+1] == 1: break cur_r += 1 res.append('[%d,%d]'%(cur_r,cur_c)) move = True if move: continue #left while p > 0 and cur_c > 0 and obstacles[cur_r][cur_c-1] == 1: cur_c -= 1 p -= 1 res.append('[%d,%d]'%(cur_r,cur_c)) move = True if move: continue if p >= 0 and (cur_r == 0 and cur_c == m - 1): print(','.join(res)) else: print("Can not escape!")
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- def isValid(matrix,n,m,p,x,y,visited): isvisit=(x*m+y in visited) #是否访问 isvalid=(0<=x<n and 0<=y<m) and matrix[x][y]==1#是否通路 hasp=(p>=0)#是否有剩余能量值 return not isvisit and isvalid and hasp #是否可走 def getPath(matrix, n, m, p, x, y, visited, path): if (x, y) == (0, m - 1): return True else: nextpos=[(x,y+1,p-1),(x-1,y,p-3),(x,y-1,p-1),(x+1,y,p)] #向右,向上,向左,向下 (贪心思想,尽可能以最小的消耗靠近终点--右上角 for nextx,nexty,nextp in nextpos: if isValid(matrix,n,m,nextp,nextx,nexty,visited): path.append([nextx,nexty]) visited.add(nextx * m + nexty) if getPath(matrix, n, m, nextp,nextx,nexty, visited, path): return True path.pop(-1) visited.remove(nextx * m + nexty) return False if __name__ == "__main__": n, m, p = map(int, raw_input().split(' ')) matrix = [] for i in range(n): matrix.append(map(int, raw_input().split(' '))) visited = set() path = [[0, 0]] if getPath(matrix, n, m, p, 0, 0, visited, path): print ','.join(map(str, path)).replace(' ', '') else: print "Can not escape!"
n,m,P=list(map(int,input().split())) migong=[list(map(int,input().split())) for i in range(n)] x0,y0=0,0 power_matrix = [[None for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]# 体力矩阵,记录到达该点剩余的体力。初始是-1。 power_matrix[x0][y0] = [0,0,P]#保存到达[x, y]的前一个点和到达[x, y]剩余的p current_points=[[x0,y0]] # 第一轮所在的探索点(多个) flag=True while current_points and flag: x,y=current_points.pop(0) for step in [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]]: x_,y_=x+step[0],y+step[1] if x_ < 0 or x_ >= n or y_ < 0 or y_ >= m: # 检查是否越界 continue if migong[x_][y_] ==0 or power_matrix[x_][y_] is not None: # 检查该点是否可以通行,或者已经达到过 continue else: if step==[-1,0]:#向上爬消耗3体力 newP=power_matrix[x][y][2]-3 elif step==[1,0]:#向下爬不消耗体力 newP=power_matrix[x][y][2] else:#水平移动消耗1体力 newP=power_matrix[x][y][2]-1 power_matrix[x_][y_]=[x,y,newP] current_points.append([x_, y_]) # 该点添加到下一轮探索点里。 if [x_,y_]==[0,m-1]:#遍历到0,m-1点就可以停止了 flag=False break if power_matrix[0][m-1][2]<0: print('Can not escape!') else: res=[] x,y=0,m-1 while [x,y]!=[0,0]: res.append([x,y]) [x,y]=power_matrix[x][y][0],power_matrix[x][y][1] res.append([0,0]) print(','.join(['[{},{}]'.format(x[0],x[1]) for x in res[::-1]]))
n, m, p = [int(x) for x in input().split()] mat0 = [] for _ in range(n): mat0.append([int(x) for x in input().split()]) mat1 = [[None for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)] mat1[0][0] = [0, 0, p] # mat1保存到达[x, y]的前一个点和到达[x, y]剩余的p route = [[0, 0]] steps = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]] flag = True #其实遍历到0,m-1点就可以停止了 while route and flag: x0, y0 = route.pop(0) for step in steps: x1, y1 = x0 + step[0], y0 + step[1] if 0 <= x1 < n and 0 <= y1 < m and mat0[x1][y1] and mat1[x1][y1] is None: if step[0] == -1: new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2] - 3 elif step[0] == 0: new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2] - 1 else: new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2] mat1[x1][y1] = [x0, y0, new_p] route.append([x1, y1]) if x1==0 and y1==m-1: flag = False break if mat1[0][m-1][2] < 0: print('Can not escape!') else: res = [] x, y = 0, m-1 while [x, y] != [0, 0]: res.append([x, y]) x, y = mat1[x][y][0], mat1[x][y][1] res.append([0, 0]) print(','.join(['[{},{}]'.format(x[0], x[1]) for x in res[::-1]]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
n, m, p = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
mat0 = []
for _ in range(n):
mat0.append([int(x) for x in input().split()])
mat1 = [[None for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
mat1[0][0] = [0, 0, p] # mat1保存到达[x, y]的前一个点和到达[x, y]剩余的p
route = [[0, 0]]
steps = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]
while route:
x0, y0 = route.pop(0)
for step in steps:
x1, y1 = x0 + step[0], y0 + step[1]
if 0 <= x1 < n and 0 <= y1 < m and mat0[x1][y1] and mat1[x1][y1] is None:
if step[0] == -1:
new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2] - 3
elif step[0] == 0:
new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2] - 1
new_p = mat1[x0][y0][2]
mat1[x1][y1] = [x0, y0, new_p]
route.append([x1, y1])
if mat1[0][m-1][2] < 0:
print('Can not escape!')
res = []
x, y = 0, m-1
while [x, y] != [0, 0]:
res.append([x, y])
x, y = mat1[x][y][0], mat1[x][y][1]
res.append([0, 0])
print(','.join(['[{},{}]'.format(x[0], x[1]) for x in res[::-1]]))
import sys m,n,p=map(int,raw_input().split()) a=[] for i in range(m): a.append(map(int,raw_input().split())) v=[[0 for i in range(n)]for j in range(m)]#visit d=[[0,1],[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0]]#direction c=[1,3,1,0]#cost q=[] s=[]#step s.append([0,0])#begin at (0,0) v[0][0]=1#(0,0)has been visited i,j=s[-1]#init position k=0 flag=False while k<4:#BFS x=i+d[k][0] y=j+d[k][1] if x>=0 and y>=0 and x<m and y<n and a[x][y]==1 and v[x][y]==0: s.append([x,y]) v[x][y]=1 q.append(c[k]) p-=q[-1] i=x j=y k=-1 if p<0: flag=True break if x==0 and y==n-1: break if k==3: s.pop() p+=q[-1] q.pop() i=s[-1][0] j=s[-1][1] k=-1 k+=1 if flag: print 'Can not escape!' else: for k in range(len(s)-1): print '[%d,%d],'%(s[k][0],s[k][1]), sys.stdout.softspace=0 print '[%d,%d]'%(s[len(s)-1][0],s[len(s)-1][1])