在股市的交易日中,假设最多可进行两次买卖(即买和卖的次数均小于等于 2 ),规则是必须一笔成交后进行另一笔(即买-卖-买-卖的顺序进行)。给出一天中的股票变化序列,请写一个程序计算一天可以获得的最大收益。请采用时间复杂度低的方法实现。
给定价格序列 prices 及它的长度 n ,请返回最大收益。
数据范围: ,
在股市的交易日中,假设最多可进行两次买卖(即买和卖的次数均小于等于 2 ),规则是必须一笔成交后进行另一笔(即买-卖-买-卖的顺序进行)。给出一天中的股票变化序列,请写一个程序计算一天可以获得的最大收益。请采用时间复杂度低的方法实现。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class Stock: def data(self,i,j,prices): min_num=float("inf") max_num=0 x=i while x!=j: if prices[x]<min_num: min_num=prices[x] elif prices[x]-min_num>max_num: max_num=prices[x]-min_num x+=1 return max_num def maxProfit(self, prices, n): # write code here max_n=0 for i in range(n): num1=self.data(0,i,prices) num2=self.data(i,n,prices) if num2+num1>max_n: max_n=num2+num1 return max_n 参考大佬的思路
class Stock: def maxProfit(self, prices, n): buy1,sell1,buy2,sell2=[],[],[],[]#分别保存每次交易后的最大收益 for i in range(n): buy1.append(0-prices[i]) if i>0: sell1.append(max(buy1[:i])+prices[i]) if i>1: buy2.append(max(sell1[:i])-prices[i]) if i>2: sell2.append(max(buy2[:i])+prices[i]) return max(max(sell1),max(sell2))
class Stock:
def maxProfit(self, prices, n):
if not prices: return 0
left, right = [], []
minLeft, cur = prices[0], 0
for i, v in enumerate(prices):
cur = max(v - minLeft, cur)
minLeft = min(minLeft, v)
maxRight, cur = prices[-1], 0
for i, v in enumerate(prices[::-1]):
cur = max(maxRight - v, cur)
right.insert(0, cur)
maxRight = max(maxRight, v)
return max(map(lambda c: left[c] + right[c], range(len(prices))))
class Stock:
def maxProfit(self, prices, n):
buy1, buy2, sell1, sell2 = -999999999, -9999999999, 0, 0
for x in prices:
sell2 = max(sell2, buy2 + x)
buy2 = max(buy2, sell1 - x)
sell1 = max(sell1, buy1 + x)
buy1 = max(buy1, -x)
return sell2
class Stock: def maxProfit(self, prices, n): if n<2: return 0 # left[k]=price[:k+1]'s max pj-pi(j>i) # right[k]=price[k:]'s max pj-pi(j>i) left = [0 for i in range(n)] for k in range(1,n): #compute left[k] tmp = prices[k]-min(prices[:k]) left[k] = max(tmp, left[k-1]) right = [0 for i in range(n)] for k in range(n-2,-1,-1): #compute right[k] tmp = max(prices[k+1:])-prices[k] right[k] = max(tmp, right[k+1]) # find the best place to split price and get max r[k] = left[k]+right[k+1] best = 0 for i in range(n-1): best = max(left[i]+right[i+1], best) return best