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Consider the following process

Consider the following process for generating binaries. A compiler is used to generate the object code for individual modules, and a linkage editor is used to combine multiple object modules into a single program binary. How does the linkage editor change the binding of instructions and data to memory addresses? What information needs to be passed from the compiler to the linkage editor to facilitate the memory binding tasks of the linkage editor?
The linkage editor has to replace unresolved symbolic addresses with the actual addresses associated with the variables in the final program binary. In order to perform this, the modules should keep track of instructions that refer to unresolved symbols. During linking, each module is assigned a sequence of addresses in the overall program binary and when this has been performed, unresolved references to symbols exported by this binary could be patched in other modules since every other module would contain the list of instructions that need to be patched.
发表于 2018-03-23 22:07:11 回复(0)