The first line of the input gives the positive number of test cases, T (<=1000). Then T test cases follow, each consists of a single line containing three integers A, B and C, separated by single spaces.
For each test case, output in one line "Case #X: true" if A+B>C, or "Case #X: false" otherwise, where X is the case number (starting from 1).
3 1 2 3 2 3 4 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 0
Case #1: false Case #2: true Case #3: false
md!!!只有我是自己实现string型的加减法和大小比较的吗 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int AcompairB(string a, string b){//a大1,b大-1,等0 int al = a.size(); int bl = b.size(); if (a[0] == '-'&&b[0] != '-'){ return -1; } if (a[0] != '-'&&b[0] == '-'){ return 1; } if (a[0] != '-'&&b[0] != '-'){ if (al>bl)return 1; if (al<bl)return -1; if (al == bl){ for (int i = 0; i<al; i++){ if (a[i] - b[i]>0)return 1; if (a[i] - b[i]<0)return -1; } return 0; } } if (a[0] == '-'&&b[0] == '-'){ if (al>bl)return -1; if (al<bl)return 1; if (al == bl){ for (int i = 0; i<al; i++){ if (a[i] - b[i]>0)return -1; if (a[i] - b[i]<0)return 1; } return 0; } } return -10; } string MyAdd(string a, string b){ int cp = AcompairB(a, b); string s1, s2;//s1大 if (cp == 1){ s1 = a; s2 = b; } else if (cp == -1){ s1 = b; s2 = a; } else{ s1 = a; s2 = b; } //都正 int s1Size = s1.size(); int s2Size = s2.size(); int p = 1; int bef = 0; while (p <= s2Size){ int c = s1[s1Size - p] + s2[s2Size - p] + bef - '0' - '0'; bef = 0; if (c>=10){ bef = 1; c -= 10; } s1[s1Size - p] = c + '0'; p++; } while (bef != 0 && p <= s1Size){ int c = s1[s1Size - p] + bef - '0'; bef = 0; if (c>=10){ bef = 1; c -= 10; } s1[s1Size - p] = c + '0'; p++; } if (bef != 0){ s1 = '1' + s1; } return s1; } string myMinus(string a, string b, bool &isNeg){ int cp = AcompairB(a, b); string s1, s2;//s1大 if (cp == 1){ s1 = a; s2 = b; isNeg = false; } else if (cp == -1){ s1 = b; s2 = a; isNeg = true; } else{ return "0"; } int s1Size = s1.size(); int s2Size = s2.size(); int p = 1; int bef = 0; while (p <= s2Size){ int c = s1[s1Size - p] - s2[s2Size - p] + bef /*- '0' - '0'*/;//哇这里不用-'0'前面消去了 bef = 0; if (c<0){ bef = -1; c += 10; } s1[s1Size - p] = c + '0'; p++; } while (bef != 0 && p <= s1Size){ int c = s1[s1Size - p] + bef - '0'; bef = 0; if (c<0){ bef = -1; c += 10; } s1[s1Size - p] = c + '0'; p++; } if (bef != 0){ s1[0] = s1[0] - 1; } int q = 0; while (s1[q] == '0'){ q++; } string res = s1.substr(q); return res; } int main(){ int N; cin >> N; vector<int> res; while (N--){ string A, B, C; cin >> A >> B >> C; string AB; if (A[0] == '-'&&B[0] == '-'){ AB = '-' + MyAdd(A.substr(1), B.substr(1)); } else if (A[0] != '-'&&B[0] != '-'){ AB = MyAdd(A, B); } else if (A[0] != '-'&&B[0] == '-'){ bool isNeg; AB = myMinus(A, B.substr(1), isNeg); if (isNeg)AB = '-' + AB; } else if (A[0] == '-'&&B[0] != '-'){ bool isNeg; AB = myMinus(B, A.substr(1), isNeg); if (isNeg)AB = '-' + AB; } res.push_back(AcompairB(AB, C)); } for (int i = 1; i <= res.size(); i++){ if (res[i-1] == 1){ printf("Case #%d: true\n",i); } else{ printf("Case #%d: false\n", i); } } return 0; }
import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner in =new Scanner(; int n=in.nextInt(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ BigInteger a=in.nextBigInteger(); BigInteger b=in.nextBigInteger(); BigInteger c=in.nextBigInteger(); if(a.add(b).compareTo(c)>0){ System.out.println("Case #"+(i+1)+": true"); }else System.out.println("Case #"+(i+1)+": false"); } } }
//long double水过,注意scanf如何输入的。 //当然cin就不用管了,另外python和java自带大数就更不用说了。(编程语言带来的差异呀。。。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; long double A,B,C; int T,kase; int main(){ scanf("%d",&T); while(T--){ scanf("%Lf %Lf %Lf",&A,&B,&C); if(A+B>C) printf("Case #%d: true\n",++kase); else printf("Case #%d: false\n",++kase); } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<ctype.h> using namespace std; struct bigint{ int digit[1001],tag; void read(){ int i,j; char c; while(!isdigit(c=getchar())&&c!='-'); if(c=='-'){ this->tag=1; c=getchar(); } else this->tag=0;//看符号 while(c=='0')c=getchar();//去零 for(i=1000;isdigit(c);c=getchar()){ this->digit[--i]=c-'0'; } for(j=0;j<1000-i;j++){ this->digit[j]=this->digit[j+i]; } if(!j)this->tag=0; while(j<1001)this->digit[j++]=0;//把数字写完,填好0 } bigint operator+(bigint&m){ int a[1001],b[1001],c[1001],i,j; bigint n; if(this->tag){ for(i=0;i<1001&&!this->digit[i];i++)a[i]=0; if(i<1001){ a[i]=10-this->digit[i]; while(++i<1001)a[i]=9-this->digit[i]; } } else{ for(i=0;i<1001;i++)a[i]=this->digit[i]; } if(m.tag){ for(i=0;i<1001&&!m.digit[i];i++)b[i]=0; if(i<1001){ b[i]=10-m.digit[i]; while(++i<1001)b[i]=9-m.digit[i]; } } else{ for(i=0;i<1001;i++)b[i]=m.digit[i]; } for(i=j=0;i<1001;i++){ c[i]=a[i]+b[i]+j; if(c[i]>9){ c[i]-=10; j=1; } else j=0; } if(!c[1000]){ n.tag=0; for(i=0;i<1001;i++)n.digit[i]=c[i]; } else{ n.tag=1; for(i=0;!c[i];i++)n.digit[i]=0; n.digit[i]=10-c[i]; while(++i<1001)n.digit[i]=9-c[i]; } return n; } bool operator>(bigint&m){ int i; if(this->tag!=m.tag)return this->tag<m.tag; for(i=1000;i>=0&&this->digit[i]==m.digit[i];i--); if(i<0)return false; return this->tag?this->digit[i]<m.digit[i]:this->digit[i]>m.digit[i]; } }; int N; bigint A,B,C,sum; int main() { cin>>N; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){;;; sum=A+B; cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": "; if(sum>C)cout<<"true\n"; else cout<<"false\n"; } }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int T; cin>>T; for(int i=1;i<=T;i++) { long long a,b,c,ans; bool flag = false; cin>>a>>b>>c; ans = a + b; if(a<0 && b<0 && ans>=0) flag = false; else if(a>0 && b>0 && ans<=0) flag = true; else flag = (ans > c); cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": "<<(flag?"true":"false")<<endl; } return 0; }
import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; int n=in.nextInt(); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ BigInteger bi1=new BigInteger(; BigInteger bi2=new BigInteger(; BigInteger bi3=new BigInteger(; System.out.print("Case #"+i+": "); if(bi1.add(bi2).compareTo(bi3)>0){ System.out.println("true"); }else{ System.out.println("false"); } } } }
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int n = in.nextInt(); for(int i = 1;i<=n;i++){ String a =; String b =; String c =; String result = add(a, b); if(result.charAt(0)=='-'&&c.charAt(0)=='-') System.out.printf("Case #%d: %b\n",i, compareNegative(result, c)); else if(result.charAt(0)=='-') System.out.printf("Case #%d: false\n",i); else if(c.charAt(0)=='-') System.out.printf("Case #%d: true\n",i); else System.out.printf("Case #%d: %b\n",i, result.length()==c.length()? result.compareTo(c)>0: result.length()>c.length()); } } private static String add(String a,String b){ int aStart = 0; int bStart = 0; if(a.charAt(0)=='-'&&b.charAt(0)=='-'){ aStart = 1; bStart = 1; }else if(a.charAt(0)=='-') return sub(b, a.substring(1)); else if(b.charAt(0)=='-') return sub(a, b.substring(1)); char[] result = new char[Math.max(a.length()-aStart, b.length()-bStart)+1]; int i = a.length()-1; int j = b.length()-1; int k = result.length-1; int f = 0;//进位 while(i>=aStart||j>=bStart){ int aval = i >= aStart ? a.charAt(i--) - '0' : 0; int bval = j >= bStart ? b.charAt(j--) - '0' : 0; int sum = f + aval + bval; f = sum/10; sum %= 10; result[k--] = (char)(sum+'0'); } if(f!=0) result[k--] = (char)(f+'0'); if(aStart==1&&bStart==1) return "-"+new String(result,k+1,result.length-k-1); return new String(result,k+1,result.length-k-1); } private static String sub(String a,String b){ // a - b boolean flag = false; if(a.length()<b.length() || (a.length()==b.length()&&a.compareTo(b)<0)){ String temp = b; b = a; a = temp; flag = true; } char[] result = new char[a.length()]; char[] ach = a.toCharArray(); char[] bch = b.toCharArray(); int f = 0; int i = a.length()-1; int j = b.length()-1; int k = result.length-1; while(i>=0){ int aval = getInt(ach[i--]); int bval = j >= 0 ? getInt(bch[j--]) : 0; int sub = aval; int l = i;//前一位 while(sub<bval){ int before = getInt(ach[l]);//向前借数 if(before>0){ sub += 10; ach[l] = getChar(before-1); } l--; } result[k--] = getChar(sub-bval); } if(flag) return "-"+getResult(result,k+1); return getResult(result,k+1); } private static String getResult(char[] s,int start){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean flag = true; for(int i = start;i<s.length;i++){ if(flag&&s[i]=='0') continue; flag = false; sb.append(s[i]); } return sb.length()==0?"0":sb.toString(); } private static boolean compareNegative(String a,String b) { if(a.length()>b.length()) return false; if(a.length()<b.length()) return true; int i = 1; for(;i<a.length();i++){ if(a.charAt(i)!=b.charAt(i)) return a.charAt(i) - b.charAt(i)<0; } return false; } private static int getInt(char c){ return c-'0'; } private static char getChar(int a){ return (char)(a+'0'); } }
using System; class Prob{ public static void Main(String[] args){ int T=int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int Case=0; while(T-->0){ string[] tk=Console.ReadLine().Split(new char[]{' '}); Decimal a=Decimal.Parse(tk[0]); Decimal b=Decimal.Parse(tk[1]); Decimal c=Decimal.Parse(tk[2]); Console.Write("Case #"+(++Case)+": "); Console.WriteLine(a+b>c?"true":"false"); } } }
#include<iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { int T ; cin >> T ; for( int i = 1; i <= T; ++i ) { long double a, b, c, ans ; cin >> a >> b >> c ; cout << "Case #"<< i <<": " << (a+b>c ? "true" : "false") << endl ; } return 0 ; }
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #define LOCAL using namespace std ; const long long mid = 2 << 62 ; int main() { #ifdef LOCAL #define cin fin ifstream fin("F:\\input.txt") ; #endif int T ; cin >> T ; for( int i = 1; i <= T; ++i ) { long long a, b, c, ans ; bool flag = true ; //ture:a+b > c; false: a+b <= c cin >> a >> b >> c ; ans = a + b ; if( a < 0 && b < 0 && ans >= 0) { flag = false ; }//Overflow, a+b<c else if( a > 0 && b > 0 && ans <= 0 ) { flag = true ; } //Overflow, a+b>c else flag = ( ans > c ) ; cout << "Case #"<< i <<": " << (flag ? "true" : "false") << endl ; } return 0 ; }
a + b >= 0 ;
ans = a + b ; ans >= 0 ;似乎是因为只有赋值以后才能正确判断a+b是否溢出。 第一种写法如果放在解法二的溢出判断里面,无法通过pat官网的后面两组测试数据。而第二种写法能正确通过所有测试数据。 至于其中原因,我不得而知。 各位如果有谁知道麻烦告诉我!
#include <cstdio> using namespace std; long long a, b, c; bool solve(long long n1, long long n2, long long n3){ if(n1 > 0 && n2 >0){ if(n3 < 0) return true; else return n1 > n3 - n2; } if(n1 < 0 && n2 < 0){ if(n3 >= 0) return false; else return n1 > n3 - n2; } else return n1 + n2 > n3; } int main(){ int n; scanf("%d", &n); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){ bool flag; scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &a, &b, &c); flag = solve(a, b, c); if(flag) printf("Case #%d: true\n", i); else printf("Case #%d: false\n", i); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int t; cin >> t; long long a, b, c; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &a, &b, &c); long long sum = a + b; // 避免UB和IB,可以在任何平台和编译器上正确运行 bool overflowed = ((b > 0 && a > INT64_MAX - b) || (b < 0 && a < INT64_MIN - b)); if (overflowed && a > 0) printf("Case #%d: true\n", i + 1); else if (overflowed && a < 0) printf("Case #%d: false\n", i + 1); else if (sum > c) printf("Case #%d: true\n", i + 1); else printf("Case #%d: false\n", i + 1); } return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; while(cin>>n) { for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { long long a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; if(a>0&&b>0) { if(a+b<0) { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": true"<<endl; } else if(a+b>c) { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": true"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": false"<<endl; } } else if(a<0&&b<0) { if(a+b>=0) { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": false"<<endl; } else if(a+b>c) { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": true"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": false"<<endl; } } else if(a+b>c) { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": true"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Case #"<<i<<": false"<<endl; } } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<string.h> #include<queue> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { int N; cin >> N; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { //if (N != 63) { // continue; //} long long a, b, c; long long a1, b1, c1; long long a2, b2, c2; cin >> a >> b >> c; a1 = a / 100000000, a2 = a % 100000000; b1 = b / 100000000, b2 = b % 100000000; c1 = c / 100000000, c2 = c % 100000000; if (a1+b1>c1) { cout << "Case #" << i + 1 << ": true" << endl; } else if(a1 + b1 < c1) { /*if (i == 48&&N!=63) { cout << "警告:" << a << "#" << b << "#" << c << endl; }*/ cout << "Case #" << i + 1 << ": false" << endl; } else { if (a2 + b2 > c2) { cout << "Case #" << i + 1 << ": true" << endl; } else if (a2 + b2 < c2) { /*if (i == 48&&N!=63) { cout << "警告:" << a << "#" << b << "#" << c << endl; }*/ cout << "Case #" << i + 1 << ": false" << endl; } else { cout << "Case #" << i + 1 << ": false" << endl; } } } return 0; }
bool f; //是否是负数的标记 char *nums; //存储非符号的大数各个位 int length; //nums的数据长度 int capacity; //nums的可用容量
//缺省构造函数 BigInteger() : length(0), capacity(1), f(false) { nums = new char[capacity]; } //用于转化普通字符串的构造函数 BigInteger(const char *n) : length(strlen(n)), f(false) { int start = 0; if (n[0] == '-') { f = true; start++; } while (start<length&&n[start] == '0')start++; capacity = length * 10; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(n + start, n + length, nums); length = length - start; } //拷贝构造函数 BigInteger(BigInteger &a) { capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); } //移动构造函数:这里调用了等于号,根据a的类型来决定用哪个等于号 BigInteger(BigInteger &&a) :length(0){ *this = a; } //析构函数 ~BigInteger() { delete[] nums; }
//调用std的swap实现对基本数据的交换 static void Swap(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { std::swap(a.length, b.length); std::swap(a.capacity, b.capacity); std::swap(a.f, b.f); std::swap(a.nums, b.nums); }
//不看符号比较nums的大小:表示a是否比b大 static bool compare(const BigInteger &a,const BigInteger &b) { //比较纯nums大小(不看符号 int n1 = a.length; int n2 = b.length; if (n1 != n2)return n1 > n2; //返回a和b哪个大,true则位a大 int i = 0; while (i < n1 && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; //a b一样长的情况下,比较两个的值 if (i == n1) return false; return a.nums[i] > b.nums[i]; }
//表示a和b是否相等 bool isEqual(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { if (a.f != b.f || (a.length != b.length))return false; int i = 0; while (i < a.length && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; return i == a.length && a.f == b.f; }
static BigInteger add(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { //不看符号的加法 a.reverse();//尾端对齐 b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int up = 0; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta + tb + up; t.push_back(base % 10 + '0'); up = base / 10; } if (up) t.push_back(up + '0'); t.reverse();//返回原位 a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; }
static BigInteger minus(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { a.reverse(); b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta - tb; if (base < 0) { base += 10; a[i + 1]--; } t.push_back(base + '0'); } t.reverse(); a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; }
char &operator[](int i) { return nums[i]; }
BigInteger &operator=(BigInteger&& a) { //Swap&Copy方式实现右值赋值重载 Swap(*this, a); return *this; }
BigInteger &operator=(const BigInteger &a) {//深拷贝 if (length != 0)//如果不是初始化调用的 = ,则肯定需要先把原来的内存delete掉 delete[]nums; capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); return *this; }
bool operator<(const BigInteger &a) const { if (f && !a.f) { //其中一个为负数,则那个是更小的 return true; } else if (!f && a.f) return false; if (f) { //两者都为负数的情况,左边的值要更大则为true return compare(*this, a); }//两者均为正数,则值更小的在左边为true return compare(a, *this); }
BigInteger operator+(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况,直接相加,再改符号 res = add(*this, a); flag = true; } else if (a.f && !f) {//左正右负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //看负数对应的nums是否比正数大 flag = true; res = minus(a, *this); } else { flag = false; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (!a.f && f) { if (compare(*this, a)) { //与上一个相同 flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } else { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } } else { //同时为正数就是最简单的加法 flag = false; res = add(*this, a); } res.f = flag; return res; }
,而被处理为 -0
。BigInteger operator-(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况--左边-右边==(不看符号)右边-(不看符号)左边 if (compare(a, *this)) { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } else { if (isEqual(*this, a)) flag = false; else flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (a.f && !f) { //左边为正,右边为负--左边-右边==左边+右边 flag = false; res = add(a, *this); } else if (!a.f && f) { //右边为正,左边为负--左边-右边==两边为负的加法 flag = true; res = add(a, *this); } else { //同时为正数--左边-右边==左边-右边(分类讨论正负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //右边>左边,符号为负 res = minus(a, *this); flag = true; } else { //右边<左边,符号为正 res = minus(*this, a); flag = false; } } res.f = flag; return res; }
int getCap() { return capacity; } int getLength() { return length; } bool isNegative() { return f; } bool isEmpty() { return length == 0; }
void push_back(char x) { if (length >= capacity) {//扩容操作 capacity *= 2; char *t = nums; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(t, t + length, nums); delete[]t; } nums[length++] = x; } void reverse() {//反转操作 int l = 0, r = length - 1; while (l < r) { std::swap(nums[l], nums[r]); l++; r--; } }
无关紧要的 read()
输入接口 和 print()
void print() { if (f) printf("-"); nums[length] = '\0'; int i = 0; while (nums[i] == '0')i++; printf("%s", nums + i); } void read() {//利用getchar()给对象赋上数据 char c = getchar(); if (c == '-') { f = true; c = getchar(); } while (c == '0') c = getchar();//将前导0消耗掉 while (c != '\n') { push_back(c);//不断的调用push_back即可 c = getchar(); } }
// // Created by Alone on 2021/10/7. // #ifndef MY_TINY_STL_BIGINTEGER_H #define MY_TINY_STL_BIGINTEGER_H #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> class BigInteger { bool f; char *nums; int length; int capacity; public: //构造函数 BigInteger() : length(0), capacity(1), f(false) { //缺省构造函数 nums = new char[capacity]; } BigInteger(const char *n); BigInteger(const BigInteger &a); BigInteger(BigInteger &&a); ~BigInteger() { //析构函数 delete[] nums; } public: //静态函数 static void Swap(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b); static bool compare(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b); bool isEqual(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b); static BigInteger add(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b); static BigInteger minus(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b); public: //运算符重载 char &operator[](int i) { return nums[i]; } BigInteger &operator=(BigInteger &&a) { //Swap&Copy方式实现右值赋值重载 Swap(*this, a); return *this; } BigInteger &operator=(const BigInteger &a); bool operator<(const BigInteger &a) const; BigInteger operator+(BigInteger &a); BigInteger operator-(BigInteger &a); public: //对象的基本成员函数 int getCap() { return capacity; } int getLength() { return length; } bool isNegative() { return f; } bool isEmpty() { return length == 0; } void reverse(); void push_back(char x); void print(); void read(); }; #endif //MY_TINY_STL_BIGINTEGER_H
// // Created by Alone on 2021/10/7. // #include "BigInteger.h" //@构造函数实现 BigInteger::BigInteger(const char *n) : length(strlen(n)), f(false) { //用于初始值的构造函数 int start = 0; if (n[0] == '-') { f = true; start++; } while (start < length && n[start] == '0')start++; capacity = length * 10; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(n + start, n + length, nums); length = length - start; } BigInteger::BigInteger(const BigInteger &a) { //拷贝构造函数 capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); } BigInteger::BigInteger(BigInteger &&a) : length(0) { //移动构造函数 *this = a; } //@静态函数实现 void BigInteger::Swap(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { std::swap(a.length, b.length); std::swap(a.capacity, b.capacity); std::swap(a.f, b.f); std::swap(a.nums, b.nums); } bool BigInteger::compare(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b) { int n1 = a.length; int n2 = b.length; if (n1 != n2)return n1 > n2; //返回a和b哪个大,true则位a大 int i = 0; while (i < n1 && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; //a b一样长的情况下,比较两个的值 if (i == n1) return false; return a.nums[i] > b.nums[i]; } bool BigInteger::isEqual(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { if (a.f != b.f || (a.length != b.length))return false; int i = 0; while (i < a.length && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; return i == a.length && a.f == b.f; } BigInteger BigInteger::add(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { a.reverse();//尾端对齐 b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int up = 0; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta + tb + up; t.push_back(base % 10 + '0'); up = base / 10; } if (up) t.push_back(up + '0'); t.reverse();//返回原位 a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; } BigInteger BigInteger::minus(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { a.reverse(); b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta - tb; if (base < 0) { base += 10; a[i + 1]--; } t.push_back(base + '0'); } t.reverse(); a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; } //@运算符重载实现 BigInteger &BigInteger::operator=(const BigInteger &a) { if (length != 0)//如果不是初始化调用的 = ,则肯定需要先把原来的内存delete掉 delete[]nums; capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); return *this; } BigInteger BigInteger::operator+(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况,直接相加,再改符号 res = add(*this, a); flag = true; } else if (a.f && !f) {//左正右负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //看负数对应的nums是否比正数大 flag = true; res = minus(a, *this); } else { flag = false; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (!a.f && f) { if (compare(*this, a)) { //与上一个相同 flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } else { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } } else { //同时为正数就是最简单的加法 flag = false; res = add(*this, a); } res.f = flag; return res; } BigInteger BigInteger::operator-(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况--左边-右边==(不看符号)右边-(不看符号)左边 if (compare(a, *this)) { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } else { if (isEqual(*this, a)) flag = false; else flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (a.f && !f) { //左边为正,右边为负--左边-右边==左边+右边 flag = false; res = add(a, *this); } else if (!a.f && f) { //右边为正,左边为负--左边-右边==两边为负的加法 flag = true; res = add(a, *this); } else { //同时为正数--左边-右边==左边-右边(分类讨论正负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //右边>左边,符号为负 res = minus(a, *this); flag = true; } else { //右边<左边,符号为正 res = minus(*this, a); flag = false; } } res.f = flag; return res; } bool BigInteger::operator<(const BigInteger &a) const { if (f && !a.f) { //其中一个为负数,则那个是更小的 return true; } else if (!f && a.f) return false; if (f) { //两者都为负数的情况,左边的值要更大则为true return compare(*this, a); }//两者均为正数,则值更小的在左边为true return compare(a, *this); } //@基本成员函数 void BigInteger::reverse() { int l = 0, r = length - 1; while (l < r) { std::swap(nums[l], nums[r]); l++; r--; } } void BigInteger::push_back(char x) { if (length >= capacity) { capacity *= 2; char *t = nums; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(t, t + length, nums); delete[]t; } nums[length++] = x; } void BigInteger::print() { if (f) printf("-"); nums[length] = '\0'; int i = 0; while (nums[i] == '0')i++; printf("%s", nums + i); } void BigInteger::read() { char c = getchar(); if (c == '-') { f = true; c = getchar(); } while (c == '0') c = getchar();//将前导0消耗掉 while (c != '\n') { push_back(c);//不断的调用push_back即可 c = getchar(); } }
#include "bits/stdc++.h" class BigInteger { bool f; char *nums; int length; int capacity; public://构造函数 BigInteger() : length(0), capacity(1), f(false) { //缺省构造函数 nums = new char[capacity]; } BigInteger(const char *n) : length(strlen(n)), f(false) { //用于初始值的构造函数 int start = 0; if (n[0] == '-') { f = true; start++; } while (start < length && n[start] == '0')start++; capacity = length * 10; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(n + start, n + length, nums); length = length - start; } BigInteger(const BigInteger &a) { //拷贝构造函数 capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); } BigInteger(BigInteger &&a) : length(0) { //移动构造函数 *this = a; } ~BigInteger() { //析构函数 delete[] nums; } public://静态成员函数 static void Swap(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { std::swap(a.length, b.length); std::swap(a.capacity, b.capacity); std::swap(a.f, b.f); std::swap(a.nums, b.nums); } static bool compare(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b) { //比较纯nums大小(不看符号 int n1 = a.length; int n2 = b.length; if (n1 != n2)return n1 > n2; //返回a和b哪个大,true则位a大 int i = 0; while (i < n1 && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; //a b一样长的情况下,比较两个的值 if (i == n1) return false; return a.nums[i] > b.nums[i]; } bool isEqual(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { if (a.f != b.f || (a.length != b.length))return false; int i = 0; while (i < a.length && a.nums[i] == b.nums[i])i++; return i == a.length && a.f == b.f; } static BigInteger add(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { //不看符号的加法 a.reverse();//尾端对齐 b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int up = 0; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta + tb + up; t.push_back(base % 10 + '0'); up = base / 10; } if (up) t.push_back(up + '0'); t.reverse();//返回原位 a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; } static BigInteger minus(BigInteger &a, BigInteger &b) { //不看符号的减法,默认了a的长度或者大小是比***的(所以外界不要乱调用 a.reverse(); b.reverse(); BigInteger t; int len = a.length > b.length ? a.length : b.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ta = i < a.length ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int tb = i < b.length ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int base = ta - tb; if (base < 0) { base += 10; a[i + 1]--; } t.push_back(base + '0'); } t.reverse(); a.reverse(); b.reverse(); return t; } public://成员函数和重载运算符 char &operator[](int i) { return nums[i]; } BigInteger &operator=(BigInteger &&a) { //Swap&Copy方式实现右值赋值重载 Swap(*this, a); return *this; } BigInteger &operator=(const BigInteger &a) {//深拷贝 if (length != 0)//如果不是初始化调用的 = ,则肯定需要先把原来的内存delete掉 delete[]nums; capacity = a.capacity; length = a.length; f = a.f; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(a.nums, a.nums + length, nums); return *this; } int getCap() { return capacity; } int getLength() { return length; } bool isNegative() { return f; } bool isEmpty() { return length == 0; } void reverse() { int l = 0, r = length - 1; while (l < r) { std::swap(nums[l], nums[r]); l++; r--; } } void push_back(char x) { if (length >= capacity) { capacity *= 2; char *t = nums; nums = new char[capacity]; std::copy(t, t + length, nums); delete[]t; } nums[length++] = x; } bool operator<(const BigInteger &a) const { if (f && !a.f) { //其中一个为负数,则那个是更小的 return true; } else if (!f && a.f) return false; if (f) { //两者都为负数的情况,左边的值要更大则为true return compare(*this, a); }//两者均为正数,则值更小的在左边为true return compare(a, *this); } BigInteger operator+(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况,直接相加,再改符号 res = add(*this, a); flag = true; } else if (a.f && !f) {//左正右负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //看负数对应的nums是否比正数大 flag = true; res = minus(a, *this); } else { flag = false; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (!a.f && f) { if (compare(*this, a)) { //与上一个相同 flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } else { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } } else { //同时为正数就是最简单的加法 flag = false; res = add(*this, a); } res.f = flag; return res; } BigInteger operator-(BigInteger &a) { BigInteger res; bool flag; if (a.f && f) { //同为负数情况--左边-右边==(不看符号)右边-(不看符号)左边 if (compare(a, *this)) { flag = false; res = minus(a, *this); } else { if (isEqual(*this, a)) flag = false; else flag = true; res = minus(*this, a); } } else if (a.f && !f) { //左边为正,右边为负--左边-右边==左边+右边 flag = false; res = add(a, *this); } else if (!a.f && f) { //右边为正,左边为负--左边-右边==两边为负的加法 flag = true; res = add(a, *this); } else { //同时为正数--左边-右边==左边-右边(分类讨论正负 if (compare(a, *this)) { //右边>左边,符号为负 res = minus(a, *this); flag = true; } else { //右边<左边,符号为正 res = minus(*this, a); flag = false; } } res.f = flag; return res; } void print() { if (f) printf("-"); nums[length] = '\0'; int i = 0; while (nums[i] == '0')i++; printf("%s", nums + i); } void read() {//利用getchar()给对象赋上数据 char c = getchar(); if (c == '-') { f = true; c = getchar(); } while (c=='\n'||c == '0'||c == ' ') c = getchar();//将前导0消耗掉和空格 while (c != '\n'&&c != ' '&& c != '\t') { push_back(c);//不断的调用push_back即可 c = getchar(); } } }; int main() { using namespace std; int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { char a[100], b[100], c[100]; printf("Case #%d: ", i); cin >> a >> b >> c; BigInteger a1(a), b2(b), c2(c); BigInteger t = c2 - b2; if (t < a1) cout << "true\n"; else cout << "false\n"; } return 0; }
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> int main() { int n, l[2][3], a[3], b[30], i, j, c, len; char s[3][30]; scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { scanf("%s%s%s", s[0], s[1], s[2]); printf("Case #%d: ", i); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { l[0][j] = l[1][j] = strlen(s[j]); } if (s[0][0] == '-') a[0] = -1, l[1][0]--; else a[0] = 1; if (s[1][0] == '-') a[1] = -1, l[1][1]--; else a[1] = 1; if (s[2][0] == '-') a[2] = 1, l[1][2]--; else a[2] = -1; c = 0; len = l[1][0] > l[1][1] ? l[1][0] : l[1][1]; len = len > l[1][2] ? len : l[1][2]; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { b[j] = c; if (j < l[1][0]) b[j] += a[0] * (s[0][l[0][0] - 1 - j] - '0'); if (j < l[1][1]) b[j] += a[1] * (s[1][l[0][1] - 1 - j] - '0'); if (j < l[1][2]) b[j] += a[2] * (s[2][l[0][2] - 1 - j] - '0'); c = (b[j] + 30) / 10 - 3; b[j] -= c * 10; } if (c > 0) printf("true\n"); else if (c < 0) printf("false\n"); else { for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (b[j] != 0) break; } if (j == len) printf("false\n"); else printf("true\n"); } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> using namespace std; string add(string a,string b) { string ans; ans.resize(a.size() > b.size() ? a.size() : b.size()); int i = a.size()-1; int j = b.size()-1; int k = ans.size() - 1; int cf = 0; while (i>=0&&j>=0) { char tmp = '0' + (a[i] - '0' + b[j] - '0' + cf) % 10; cf = (a[i] - '0' + b[j] - '0' + cf) / 10; ans[k] = tmp; i--; j--; k--; } while (i >= 0) { ans[k] = '0'+(a[i]-'0'+cf)%10; cf = (a[i] - '0'+ cf) / 10; k--; i--; } while (j >= 0) { ans[k] = '0' + (b[j] - '0' + cf) % 10; cf = (b[j] - '0' + cf) / 10; k--; j--; } if (cf == 1) { ans = "1" + ans; } return ans; } string sub(string a,string b) {//保证是大减小 string ans; ans.resize(a.size()); int i = a.size() - 1; int j = b.size() - 1; int k = ans.size() - 1; int cf = 0; while (j >= 0) { if (a[i] - b[j] - cf < 0) { ans[k] = '0'+(a[i] - b[j] - cf+10)%10; cf = 1; } else { ans[k] = '0' + a[i] - b[j] - cf; cf = 0; } i--; j--; k--; } while (i >= 0) { if (a[i]-'0' - cf < 0) { ans[k] = '0' + (a[i]-'0' - cf + 10) % 10; cf = 1; } else { ans[k] =a[i] - cf; cf = 0; } k--; i--; } return ans; } int judge(string a, string b) {//a大b返回1,b大a返回-1,相等返回0 int al = a.size(); int bl = b.size(); if (a[0] == '-'&&b[0] != '-'){ return -1; } else if (a[0] != '-'&&b[0] == '-'){ return 1; } else if (a[0] != '-'&&b[0] != '-'){ if (al>bl)return 1; else if (al<bl)return -1; else{ for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) { if (a[i] - b[i] > 0)return 1; if (a[i] - b[i] < 0)return -1; } } return 0; } else{ if (al>bl)return -1; else if (al<bl)return 1; else{ for (int i = 0; i<al; i++){ if (a[i] - b[i]>0)return -1; if (a[i] - b[i]<0)return 1; } } return 0; } return -10; } int main() {//1 -20202220 202002 1 int numofCase; string A, B, C, ans; cin >> numofCase; for (int i = 1; i <= numofCase; i++) { cin >> A >> B >> C; printf("Case #%d: ", i); if (A[0] != '-' && B[0] != '-') { ans = add(A, B); } else if (A[0] == '-' && B[0] == '-') { B.erase(0, 1); A.erase(0, 1); ans = "-" + add(A, B); } else if (A[0] != '-' && B[0] == '-') { B.erase(0, 1); int tmp = judge(A, B);//比较a,b的绝对值大小 if (tmp == 1 || tmp == 0) { ans = sub(A, B); } else { ans = "-" + sub(B, A); } } else if (A[0] == '-' && B[0] != '-') { A.erase(0, 1); int tmp = judge(A, B); if (tmp == 1) { ans = "-" + sub(A, B); } else { ans = sub(B, A); } } if (judge(ans, C) == 1) { printf("true\n"); } else { printf("false\n"); } } }
//PAT通过测试代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int main(){ int t,flag; LL a,b,c,res; scanf("%d",&t); for(int i = 1; i <= t; i++){ scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&a,&b,&c); res = a+b; if(a>0&&b>0&&res<=0) flag = 1; else if(a<0&&b<0&&res>=0) flag = 0; else flag = (a+b > c?1:0); printf("Case #%d: ",i),flag?printf("true\n"):printf("false\n"); } return 0; }