while True: try: s = input() temp_long = 0 max_long = 0 c = [] d = '' # 求最长子串的长度 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i].isdigit(): temp_long+=1 else: c.append(temp_long) temp_long = 0 c.append(temp_long) max_long = max(c) # 求最长子串 temp_long = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i].isdigit(): temp_long += 1 if temp_long == max_long: d += s[i-max_long+1:i+1] else: temp_long = 0 print(f"{d},{max_long}") except: break有点麻烦了
def func(s:str): res = [] n = 0 # 记录最长子串的长度值 longer_detect = False # 检测到更长的子串时,开启开关 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i-n:i+1].isdigit(): # 下标i+1控制待检测子串总比最大长度值n加了1格 res = [] # 有更长的子串时,之前res记录的子串都清空 n += 1 longer_detect = True elif longer_detect: # 检测最长数字子串后遇到字母,把刚才的子串加入res res.append(s[i-n:i]) longer_detect = False elif s[i-n:i].isdigit(): # 以上只将更长的子串加入res,这里处理子串长度和n相同 res.append(s[i-n:i]) if s[-n:].isdigit(): # 若末尾最后还有一个n长度纯数字子串,加入res res.append(s[-n:]) print(''.join(res)+','+str(n)) while True: try: s = input() func(s) except: break
def length(s: str): num_len = 0 num_key = '' num_dict = {} for i in range(len(s)): if s[i].isdigit(): num_len += 1 num_key = num_key + s[i] else: if num_len >= 1: try: num_dict[num_len] += num_key except: num_dict[num_len] = '' num_dict[num_len] += num_key num_len = 0 num_key = '' if (i == len(s)-1) and s[i].isdigit(): try: num_dict[num_len] += num_key except: num_dict[num_len] = '' num_dict[num_len] += num_key return num_dict while True: try: def_dict = length(input()) max_len = max(def_dict.keys()) print(def_dict[max_len] + ',' + str(max_len)) except: break
for line in sys.stdin: a = line.strip() b=[str(i) for i in range(10)] l=[''] max=0 for i in a: if i not in b and l[-1]!="": if len(l[-1])>max: max=len(l[-1]) l.append("") elif i in b: l[-1]+=i if len(l[-1])>max: max=len(l[-1]) s='' for i in l: if len(i)==max: s+=i print(s+','+str(max))
def fun(str): dic = {} lef = 0 right = 0 while lef < len(s): if s[lef].isdigit() == True: right = lef + 1 while s[right].isdigit(): right += 1 # a = s[right] 用来看right到哪里了,后续超过下标一直报错 # 如果把这行代码放在上面就没有这个风险了,因为判断语句能使用 if right < len(s): continue else: break str = s[lef:right] dic[str] = len(str) lef = right else: lef += 1 right = lef max = sorted(dic.values())[-1] max_key = "" for key, val in dic.items(): if val == max: max_key = max_key + key print(max_key, end=",") print(val) while True: try: s = input() fun(s) except: break
while True: try: s = input() # s = "abcd12345ed125ss123058789" n = len(s) ans = [] left = 0 right = 0 flag = 0 max_len = 0 while right < n: while right<n and not s[right].isnumeric(): right += 1 flag = 1 left = right while right< n and s[right].isnumeric(): right += 1 if right - left >= max_len: ans.append((left, right)) max_len = right - left flag = 0 left = right if flag: ans.append((left, n)) for left,right in ans: if right-left==max_len: print(s[left : right],end="") print(f",{max_len}") except: break
while True: try: ret = [] s = input() for i in range(len(s) + 1): for j in range(i): _s = s[j:i] if _s.isdigit(): ret.append(_s) max_num = max([len(i) for i in ret]) new_s = "".join(list(map(lambda x: x if len(x) == max_num else "", ret))) print(f"{new_s},{max_num}") except Exception as e: break
import sys while True: try: ss = input() dic = {} max_len = 0 left, right = 0, 0 while right < len(ss): if not ss[left].isdigit(): left += 1 right = left else: while right < len(ss) and ss[right].isdigit(): right += 1 sub = ss[left:right] length = right - left if length not in dic: dic[length] = sub else: dic[length] += sub max_len = max(length, max_len) left = right if max_len != 0: print(str(dic[max_len])+','+str(max_len)) except: break
while True: try: s = input() s1 = '' for i in s: if i.isalpha(): s1 += ' ' else: s1 += i l = list(s1.split()) len_l = [] for i in l: len_l.append(len(i)) for i in l: if len(i) == max(len_l): print(i,end='') print(',',end='') print(max(len_l)) except: break
number = "0123456789" for line in sys.stdin: a= line.split("\n")[0] i,j = 0,0 max_length = 0 temp = [] while i <len(a) and j < len(a): if a[i] in number: j = i while j < len(a) and a[j] in number: j += 1 max_length = max(max_length,j-i) temp.append(a[i:j]) i = j else: i += 1 res = '' for i in temp: if len(i) == max_length: res += i print(str(res) + "," + str(max_length))